Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 790: Dawn holy shooter

Meng Yuyi walked toward him and gently hugged his body. This was the first time she took the initiative to approach him... In the cold eyes, there was a softness that almost never appeared. She used baby. The voice whispered: "Huang Luo... is dead."

She can be said to be the first person to know that Emperor Luo died. When Emperor Luo died, the curse of the demon under her body disappeared automatically. At that moment, she knew that Huang Luo was dead. Later, she and the blood wheel came to the evil tiger mountain, but saw a scene that shocked them. So, Yu Yuyi found the home of Ye Tianxie desperately... The destruction of the evil tiger mountain, they can think of it and The destruction of Huang Luo is related, but this kind of incredible destruction is not going to happen, even Ye Tianxie involves it.

If it is, she will immediately feel guilty and not hesitate.

"Dead? Is it me... killed him?" Ye Tianxie shook his head... He clearly remembered that his body was burning with the catastrophic inflammation that would ignite in the world of destiny. Then the pain in his body disappeared instantly, and then the memory was blank. And no matter why it suddenly burns the plague of inflammation, in the world of destiny, he will lose consciousness after burning the inflammation of the disaster... Is that the same? Is it that after destroying the inflammation of the catastrophe, and destroying the Emperor Luo after losing consciousness?

"Second brother... Are you awake? Great... Two brothers, you finally woke up."

The left-wing army almost rushed in and rolled in, followed by a calm face of Murong Qiu Shui. Ye Tianxie released the dream feather coat and was surprised: "Break the army, Qiu Shui, how can you..."

"Call..." Zuo Bianjun’s excited hands screamed and said: "Second brother, you know, you have been in a coma for a whole week. The doctor said that except for a little weakness, the body mechanism is normal, but it is not. Woke up, scared, we haven't slept for a few days... You look at the Fifi sister, who is watching you day and night, and his eyes are red like rabbits."

"Your eyes are red like a rabbit! Beauty is a beauty that is not a night for ten days and ten nights." Sufifi dissatisfied.

Ye Tianxie has noticed that Su Feifei’s face is full of exhausted gestures, as well as Chen Xin, Chen Xue... eyes are red.

There was a warmth in his heart.

"Dear brother, Fife, who loves you more than life, Xiaoxi, who is fainted by you because of your sadness, Xiaochen and Xiaochen Xue who sneaked tears for you every day... Oh, by the way For the poor men whose two heartbeats are almost scared to stop, don't do such a dangerous thing in the future." Murong Qiu Shui said quietly.

"What happened?" Ye Tianxie licked his forehead and couldn't remember it.

"I still said, you still said! I dare to ask what happened!!" Sophie rushed up and slammed him. "You...you are secretly doing such a dangerous thing, how can you do this...if you What happened, what do you want us to do! Do you want us to die with sadness!” Sophie Philippe gently slammed, and the scared tears flowed out again in an instant.

"Fifi, I..." Ye Tianxie looked at the faces of several girls, and his heart was awkward. Going to find Huang Luo, this is really the most wrong choice in his life. He miscalculated the strength of Huang Luo and limited his strength to the category of "people". When he was defeated by Huang Luo, he was already dead.

And now the truth... He is not dead, Huang Luo is dead. But the process, he can not remember.

"I'm sorry Fifi... I won't dare next time." Ye Tianxie wiped her tears with her fingers and said softly.

"Next time...you still want to have it next time??" Sophiefi hit him hard.

"...There must be no next time." Ye Tianxie raised his hand and surrendered.

"Second brother, don't you remember the thing at the time?" asked the left-wing army. Ye Tianxie’s expression at this time is clearly confused.

Ye Tianxie continued to work hard for a while and shook his head.

“Call...” Zuo Bianjun sighed and said: “It seems that the doctor is right. He said that you have no problem with your body, but the consciousness seems to be a little confused. After waking up, you may lose all or part of your memory.”

Lost all or part of the memory?

Ye Tianxie frowned slightly, consciousness, immersed in his own memory... Gradually, he vaguely noticed that there were so many blanks in his own brain.

"How come! Heaven will not lose memory, otherwise how can we remember us." Sufifi said dissatisfied.

"I may... I really forgot something." Ye Tianxie shook his head... What is this feeling? Empty, it seems that what is more important than life is lost, what is it?

"Oh... it doesn't matter, the doctor said that even if you really forget something, it doesn't matter. The loss of this form will slowly be remembered as your body recovers. And you see, you have not forgotten us, forgot. It should be just something that is irrelevant." Zuo Bianjun said quickly.

Ye Tianxie’s hand was on his chest and he did not speak.

"It’s such a second brother. At about 4 pm eight days ago, there were two huge explosions in the same way as the evil tiger mountain. The extent of the explosion... You may not believe it, the scope of the explosion is not exaggerated, cover up A few tens of kilometers, but triggered a global shock. Then, we can not contact you in this way, the next day, someone found that you fainted on a mountain road in Suzhou and Hangzhou, brought you back to Jinghua, And look for your place of residence, which was discovered by my people and sent back here. Then you have been in a coma until today." After the left-wing army finished, there was still a lingering fear. At first, I couldn't find the time of Ye Tianxie. He was so scared that he even flew away.

Ye Tianxie pressed his own temple and looked up and said: "Who saved me in Suhang? Why did you send me back to Jinghua?"

"I still want to ask you about this question." Sophie Phillips curled up his lips and sat next to him, saying: "To be honest! How do you know the little demon!"

"Well? Mu Xiao demon?" Ye Tianxie’s brain emerged from the concealed mysterious girl she met on the plane. She was surprised: "Is she sent me back?"

If it is her, then it is very likely... because she was flying on the same plane from Jinghua to Suhang, knowing that his home is here, will send him back - this is a wonderful The fate?

"Yes~~ ah~! Not only sent you to Jinghua, but after knowing your place of residence, I still insisted on sending you back personally... After I sent it, I was not willing to leave. Quickly, how do you know her? "Sophie Philip said sour. It’s okay to say that the two of them don’t matter.

"I met on the plane of Suzhou and Hangzhou." Ye Tianxie answered honestly.

"and then?"

"And then... is it gone?"


"Really." Ye Tianxie said innocently. "However, is this little demon a star? Is she famous?"

When he said this, he was quiet when the house was full, and everyone’s eyes became strange.

All China, I don’t know the name of the little demon, I am afraid that Ye Tianxie is alone.

Although she is still young, she debuts very late, but her reputation is so great that she is not afraid of the evil world in the world of destiny.

The left-handed army did not trace the cold sweat on the forehead and said: "Second brother, you usually... well, you should not listen to music. This question is not important. The doctor said that you should pay more attention to rest after waking up. Don't exercise vigorously. Second brother, you still have to take a break. Seeing that you are awake, I and the fourth can rest assured."

Ye Tianxie moved his body, and there is indeed a heavy feeling that makes him unfit. He nodded and said, "Well, I really need to sleep for a while... Fifi, want to drink porridge."

"I won't be holding us to do dangerous things in the future!" Sufifi said with her lips and squeezed her eyebrows.

"……Got it."

"I don't want to hook up the little sister outside without permission."

"Yes Yes……"

"But... if you can really lie into the demon, I will reward you."

Just left the room, the left-breaking army and Murong Qiu Shui are both awkward.

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