Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 792: Miracle of life

"Oh... you have successfully transferred to a special career ‘Dawn St. Shooter’ and you are free to use the lost dawn of the mysterious device.”

The prompt for successful transfer was dropped, but there was no additional attribute after the transfer. In the game world, don't say hidden professions, that is, after the most common career transfer, there will be no small increase in attributes, and this transfer, but there is no hint of any attribute improvement... No doubt, as Dawn said, this occupation is completely Depending on the lost dawn, instead of relying on the human body, it does not attach attributes to the player. At the same time, because of the occupation that does not depend on itself, this occupation will not have any conflict with the original occupation. It is completely equivalent to an additional occupation.

The transfer was completed, and the seven-color dusk and the lost dawn also belonged to Ye Tianxie. At dusk, he said: "My master, the dusk of the seven colors and the dawn of loss are on you, and may bring you many troubles in the future, but with the help of the master, these annoyances can be easily resolved."

"Remember, even if you are lost in the endless darkness forever, the light of hope will never die. Just like us, even after thousands of years, we will come together in the hunger that we never give up." This is dawn. the sound of.

Even if I am lost in the endless darkness forever, the light of hope will never fade... Ye Tianxie looked at her in amazement and nodded slightly. Although, he did not understand why Dawn said this to him.

"So, goodbye, my master... Finally, please accept our gratitude from life and soul... this will be us, stay in this world... the last trace..."

At dusk and dawn, the two blurred shadows floated together at the same time. Then, their bodies began to slowly fade like clouds of different colors until they disappeared completely. At the moment when they disappeared completely, a little greenish light was dragged by the breeze, with a sporadic light, slowly descending from the sky and descending to the eyes of Ye Tianxie...

Ye Tianji reached out and took it in his hand.

Dusk and dawn have disappeared completely, I don’t know if they are scattered with the wind, or go to the place they want to go, but his feelings tell him that in the future, they will never see them again. They died a long time ago, but they insisted that they die, and they are not willing to let go. They pin their last thoughts in the seven colors of dusk and the lost dawn, waiting for the day of the meeting, finally They waited...

Although they ended up together, this is still a brutal ending. Racial prejudice, the paranoia of the human heart, the cruelty of reality, separates them from each other, and faces the end of death. Even if they die, they will be together for so many years before they can be together...

Inside, suddenly it hurts a bit. Ye Tianxie caressed his chest and smiled. When he was so sentimental, he felt an inexplicable heartache because of a feeling in the game world.

“Hey... Congratulations on completing the three ultimate hidden missions in the World of Destiny in China – the dawn and the dawn, and the reward of ‘the miracle of life’.”

The sound of the ear, let Ye Tianxie smashed.

Ok? Three ultimate hidden missions?

Let the dusk and the dawn reunite, which would be a hidden mission hidden in the lost continent?

This mission was also named the "ultimate hidden mission." And the difficulty of its view... its concealment is still no matter, the dusk of the seven colors is the moat artifact of the city of Tianri, and it is to be taken from the hands of the gods of the heavens. The difficulty is the same as that of the heavens. And the dawn of loss... To get started, you must first return to No. 66666, Novice Village to get one of the pieces, but to get another piece, if you have the ability to get the hand, don’t say it, at the very least, you will force yourself to be The degree of hostility of the entire Star City... The difficulty of this ultimate mission, at a glance, is really difficult to climb to heaven.

But he was unintentionally finished by him.

Difficulty metamorphosis to this level of tasks, how can rewards not be bad? Then this "miracle of life" will be...

The other two ultimate hidden tasks will be?

Peace of mind, he spread his palms and looked at the green thing he had in his hand.

The miracle of life: one of the seven ultimate hidden props in the world of fate. After eating, the value of life is permanently increased by 10,000-200,000.

Ye Tianxie’s hand trembled, and his mouth opened up to the maximum, and he couldn’t close it for a long time.

One of the seven ultimate hidden props?

Permanently increase 10,000 to ... 200,000 lives! ?

I! @#¥%......

The seven ultimate hidden props in the world of destiny, there are already four in his body! !

Praying for glaze can fulfill a desire of man. It is powerful and self-evident.

Causal reincarnation, its attribute introduction, so that Ye Tianxie does not understand what it has in the end, so it has not been daring to use it.

Tianmei Sakura is still in the growing season, and it is still unknown whether it can grow successfully. Its function is nothing more than knowing.

Therefore, these three ultimate props, Ye Tianxie have not been able to intuitively know the function of any of them.

The "miracle of life" in the hands is one of the seven hidden props of the world of destiny. These powerful things, named after the "ultimate hidden props", gathered in his hands, one by one, to him. This "miracle of life", its ability is not as illusory as praying for glaze, no sorrowfulness with no causal reincarnation, no enchantment of the fascinating sensation, but it is intuitively presented in front of his eyes...

Add 10,000 to 200,000 lives! !

Moreover, plus the life increase of the body of the evil dragon, coupled with the double life increase of the black dragonfly... the maximum can increase his health by 400,000! ! Can resist the high-level fairy, even the attack of the beast of the heavens without death! !

It is the ultimate prop of the world of destiny... What is the instrument of God, adding up a pile of **** in front of it!

Ye Tianxie was excited, but he did not dare to eat it immediately. 10,000 to 200,000, a considerable gap. If you can increase the life of 200,000, then it is cool, if there is only 10,000, although it is still a scary number, but compared to its attributes, it is completely equivalent. And this change in amplitude is most likely related to the lucky value. The higher the lucky value, the greater the probability of taking a larger increase. The miracle of life - the word miracle, has already explained everything.

Then, your current lucky value is...

Ye Tianxie called out his own property panel and took a random look. Daddy, his eyes suddenly widened, his expression, fixed in an instant, his face, revealing deep incomprehensibility, and stunned.

How could this be……

My profession...and attributes...

Character: evil day

Level: Level 57

Occupation: None

Additional occupation: Dawn St. Shooter

Reputation: 102270, money: 856657874 gold coins

Hunger: 30/1079

Base attribute: Strength: 1079, Constitution: 567, Agility: 392, Spirit: 495

Fixed attributes: lucky: 54; understanding: 21; charm: 42

Health: 25082

Mana value: 56849

Physical attack power: 2359

Magic attack power: 990

Physical defense: 2167

Hit: 592

Avoidance: 501

Reaction capacity: 9

Perception: 6

Focus: 7

Attack speed: 100

Movement speed: 240

Fire resistance: 13%, water resistance: 13%, wind resistance: 13%, lightning resistance: 18%, soil resistance: 33%, light resistance: 13%, dark resistance Sex: 33% (expressed as 100%).


Attachment: The original evil day 57 level attribute:]

Character: evil day

Level: Level 57

Occupation: Anti-Heavenly Dragon, Eudemons, Abyss

Reputation: 102270, money: 856657874 gold coins

Hunger: 30/1887

Base attribute: Strength: 1887, Constitution: 1386, Agility: 1200, Spirit: 1533

Fixed attributes: lucky: 94; understanding: 61; charm: 82

Health: 73784

Mana value: 82176

Physical attack power: 13078

Magic attack power: 3067

Physical defense: 4569

Hit: 1400

Avoidance: 1309

Reaction capacity: 72

Perception: 53

Focus: 42

Attack speed: 100

Movement speed: 240

Fire resistance: 43%, water resistance: 43%, wind resistance: 43%, lightning resistance: 48%, soil resistance: 63%, light resistance: 83%, dark resistance Sex: 103% (expressed as 100%). 】


Looking at his current attributes, Ye Tianxie is completely stunned, and the roots cannot be trusted and cannot be accepted.

His profession... the anti-day evil dragon, the magical beast god, the abyss of the claws, why are all gone! ?

With the disappearance of the three major occupations, his attributes have also declined several times.

How is this going! ? Why is my career disappearing? In the end what happened?

This sudden and huge change made Ye Tianxie stay for a long time. How can he accept this reality?

The four basic attributes declined, and the most important attributes such as life and attacks fell several times. The three fixed attributes of luck, charm, and savvy all fell.

and many more! !

Responsiveness, perception, concentration...

Why are these talents that should not change, even...

All of them have been reduced to less than 10! !

what happened! ! In the end what happened! !

Ye Tianxie was lost.

Is it because of the weakness of your body? No... I used to save Chen Xue with my own blood. At that time, I was weaker than I am now, and I had no influence on the roots of the game world. Now it is...

Wait... If the Eudemons and the far-reaching Claws are gone.

Ye Tianxie's body is a spirit, quickly frowning and calling: "Kaka, ball!!"


"Kaka, the ball, come out!"

One call, no response, two calls, still no response. The last trace of Ye Tianxie’s luck was annihilated. He frowned tightly... What the **** is going on!

The loss of the three professions, accompanied by the loss of the two partners, brought him a feeling of losing all the world of destiny. Because everything he has experienced in this world is caused by the serialization of these three professions... Ye Tianxie is in a shock, incomprehension and heart, and his heart is empty and clear.

"Hey, Beckham."

Two white lights flashed, and he and Beckham appeared on his side. Looking at two lovely partners, he finally got a sigh of relief. At least, he still has 夭夭 and Beckham. He closed his eyes, tried to remember what he was thinking, and his heart shouted silently... Can anyone tell me what happened? ?

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