Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 795: "The miracle of the dragons"

Attributes after equipped with the Shura Demon Sword:

Character: evil day

Level: Level 57

Occupation: Magic Wu

Additional occupation: Dawn St. Shooter

Reputation: 102270, money: 856657874 gold coins

Hunger: 30/1079

Base attribute: Strength: 1946, Constitution: 971, Agility: 450, Spirit: 1823

Fixed attributes: lucky: 54; understanding: 21; charm: 42

Health: 34167

Mana value: 84414

Physical attack power: 15888

Magic attack power: 14700

Physical defense: 2571

Hit: 650

Avoidance: 559

Reaction capacity: 9

Perception: 6

Focus: 7

Attack speed: 100

Movement speed: 240

Fire resistance: 90%, water resistance: 90%, wind resistance: 903%, lightning resistance: 90%, soil resistance: 90%, light resistance: 90%, dark resistance Sex: 90% (expressed as 100%).

Look carefully at your current attributes, compared with the memory, life and defense values ​​are greatly reduced, but the physical attack and magic attack ability has to be improved a lot. After all, the Shura Demon Sword is a device of the Holy Spirit, and the additional attack ability is no small feat. At the same time, after the repair of the Shura Demon Sword, his all-magic resistance reached an amazing 90%!

The Shura demon sword is in hand, and regardless of the demon **** and the devil, it is just this demon guard, which is enough to make him a nemesis of all magical professions!

Retrieving the Shura Demon Sword, Ye Tianxie raised his hands and looked at the teeth of the Dragon and the Dragon of the Dragon for a while. After a short silence, he took out an empty magical bead and sent himself to a dark place.

Hidden Dragon.

Perhaps, Long Mo Cliff will know something.

The hidden dragon is dark under the black, without the eyes of the evil dragon, he can't see the slightest trace of the front. He didn't move, he asked to the darkness in front: "Dragon Father, are you there?"

After his voice fell, after a short while, there was a voice in the dark with a startling voice: "How could it be you?"

His question is very meaningful.

"Why don't you have the smell of a dragon soul on your body!" Long Moya walked out of the darkness and stared at him. He thought that someone had inadvertently broke into here. However, when he saw the evil spirits of Ye, his heart was extremely surprised. He is a man with a double dragon soul. His special dragon soul is enough to be noticed by him when he appears. However, from beginning to end, he did not feel any dragon soul from his body.

"Sure enough?" Ye Tianxie whispered and said: "This is also the reason why I came here. My dragon soul career has disappeared. Dragon Father, do you know what is going on?"

In the darkness, a little dim light was shining. Long Mo Cliff frowned and stood in front of Ye Tianxie: "Is it gone?"

"Yes. It seems like it suddenly disappeared. I still don't know why." Ye Tianxie said.

Long Moya was silent. His hand was pressed against Ye Tianxie's chest and felt his strength. After a dozen seconds, he blinked and asked: "Dragon soul is broken... Are you using it?" The dragon soul burst!?"

"Dragon soul burst?" Ye Tianxie was amazed. But I have not waited for him to answer. Long Moya has already shook his head: "No! If you use the Dragon Soul, you can't die now, you can't be so free, your body is completely normal, and the roots are not like signs after the Dragon Soul. But your dragon soul has indeed disappeared... No, it is not disappearing, it is broken."

"Broken? That is broken... Is there any possibility of repair?" Ye Tianxie's heart is chaotic? Broken dragon soul? Why is it broken? What is it because of what is broken?

"Impossible." Long Moya shook his head and said: "The broken dragon soul will be equivalent to breaking a living person into countless paragraphs. Although it still exists, even if it is really stitched together, it will not be restored to the original. You The dragon soul fragments exist in your body in a state of death, but they can only be in a state of death. They will not release the spirit of the dragon soul, and it is even more impossible to recover and give birth to strength..." Long Mo Cliff frowned and said, Best No solution.

Because of this form of fragmentation, it is clearly caused by the dragon soul explosion. When the dragon soul bursts, it will release the huge force of the earth moving, accompanied by its own broken... But if it is the dragon soul explosion, he will not die and he should be disabled. Why, except for the dragon soul, but with nothing. same.

Ok? Is it because of the relationship between the two dragons?

"You answer me, have you used Dragon Soul?" asked Long Mo Cliff. But without waiting for Ye Tianxie to answer, he raised his hand again: "Forget it, don't answer me, I shouldn't ask this, because no one remembers to use the dragon soul after the dragon soul is alive... then you Tell me if you feel that you have forgotten something."

Ye Tianxie's look was fierce and turbulent, and a pair of eyelids contracted slightly.

"You really... use the dragon soul burst." His reaction, let the dragon desert cliff nodded slightly.


"You don't need to deny that Dragon Soul is the soul of life and the soul of power of every dragon. Unless you die, the dragon soul will not disappear. The only way to break the dragon soul is to send the dragon. Soul explosion. I have just visited your body, your body is completely human body, soul, and is already an ordinary human soul. Your original body is half man and half dragon, but now, because of the dragon soul Burst, the characteristics of your dragon disappear completely, leaving only the characteristics of the human, but according to common sense, the mother is the dragon, the father is the half-man and the half dragon will be more vulnerable to the bursting of the power when the dragon soul breaks out. Death... Why is the part of your dragon disappearing, and the part of the person is intact. At the same time, only half of the human body and human soul have become a complete human body and human soul... This really makes me wonder. Is it repaired? But it is even more difficult to cast a broken body into a complete human body and human soul than a dead person. I am afraid that it is difficult for the true God to have such ability... What is going on?"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Long Mo Cliff first stated to Ye Tianxie, and then fell into self-contemplation in the whisper. Ye Tianxie's physical changes, so that his knowledge is broad, and he is deeply understanding of the dragon soul, he is deeply puzzled.

I used Dragon Soul?

Forgot what...

The side effects of the dragon soul explosion. It’s a feeling of forgetting, forgetting the most important part of yourself... including everything related to that person...

I have forgotten a lot of things in my memory. There are a lot of blanks in my memory. If these are true, then when did you use the dragon soul? Why do you use the person you forgot, who will be?

He did not doubt the words of Long Mo Cliff because he understood that he really forgot a lot of things. Forget the thoroughness. It’s just that he has forgotten those things. He’s not sure... Maybe in the future, he will gradually find that he has forgotten more than he expected.

what is the problem?

He came to Longmo Cliff to seek an answer, but did not expect that he got a thicker fog.

"The lost memory, is there a way to recover?" Ye Tianxu asked. He understands what is empty in his heart. I must have forgotten what is extremely important.

Long Moya shook his head: "No, at least in my cognition, no dragon who detonates the Dragon Soul can remember what he has forgotten after forgetting the situation. However, you can ask friends around you, things you have forgotten, They should know."

A word from Long Moya will wake up Ye Tianxie. He nodded: "Yes, they will know. After they reminded me, I might remember it. Maybe..." Ye Tianxie lifted up Hands: "Since my dragon soul is broken, why can I also equip the teeth of the dragon and the dragon's teeth."

"Broken, but not disappeared, this is the reason. Just, you can not use the power of the Dragon Soul, although their attributes can still be attached, but their skills, you can not use." Long Mo Cliff replied.

Ye Tianxie nodded. He has previously discovered that the skills attached to the teeth of the Dragon and the Dragon, the blessings of the Light, the absolute light field and the curse of the Dark Lord, the absolute dark field is already inoperable.

"Oh, I understand... Thank you, Father Dragon." Ye Tianxie sighed and said, the heart is extremely depressed. There must be something big happening in oneself, but I don’t know it. This feeling is really not a general grievance.

"There is not a long time, our Dragon God of the Dragon will complete the final transformation of the dragon, officially clearance. At that time, I will take you to see him." Long Moya suddenly said.

"Dragon God?"

"Yes... is the leader of my dragon family today, the sacred dragon **** with the bright dragon god. After this last transformation, he can evolve into a complete dragon of sacred sacred. At the beginning, the dragon stone will be broken when the dragon God is alarmed. He has always been interested in you," said Long Moya.

"...but, I should be different from you." Ye Tianxie said.

"No." Long Moya shook his head. "While you come from a different world, it is not different from us... I can also tell you that our dragons here are chaotic spaces, the origin of all dragons. Including you... ... your first ancestor was born here."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Your own ancestors, in this...game world?

Ye Tianxie is quite a bit crying and laughing.

"At present, the dragon of the dragon, the strongest dragon of my dragon family, has been separated from the dragons for a long time. I don't know where to go. My current dragon of the dragon **** has completed the transformation, and the strength will directly affect the dark dragon of that year. Lost continent The three great sacred beasts, our dragons account for the second. After the dragon gods leave the customs, I will take you to see him... Perhaps, he will have a way to repair your dragon soul!” Long Moya said seriously.

Ye Tianxie sighed and said: "You just said that the broken dragon soul is not repairable?"

Long Moya shakes his head: "Everything is not absolute, just like you, your double dragon soul is an amazing accident. You detonate the dragon soul and your body is in good condition. It is a big accident... Go to see the dragon god. Remember, lost. The dragon soul of the mainland is the birthplace of all the dragon races. There is a technique of returning to life in the human world. The dragon soul... Maybe there is really a way to repair it. If it is someone else, I will definitely not take it to see the dragon god. But what you originally owned is the double dragon soul... I think the whole family will go up and down as much as possible to help you fix it! Because you are...the miracle of the dragon."

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