Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 799: Change your body

From weak to strong, anyone will be gratified, from strong to weak, but difficult to accept, Ye Tianxie is even more so. He now knows very well that although he is still an invincible player in the game, but this kind of power is all supported by his equipment... Shura Demon Sword, a lost emperor of the mainland does not dare Think of the device of the holy sacred, the dusk of the seven colors, the dawn of the lost, the scorpion of the Suzaku, the black scorpion, the wing of the Akane... The sacred instrument of the gods is only a dozen pieces across the continent, and he owns five pieces! Anyone who has these equipments will be an unparalleled player.

And now what is the difference between him removing the equipment and a normal player?

At the beginning, even if he had an ordinary equipment, he could freely come in seven and seven out of the army and want his life. Still have to look at himself and disagree.

The stone giant still did not burst out with the hair. They are a pile of stones, the roots are not real life, and it is impossible for them to hide something.

"Oh, my big brother is really amazing, such a big monster, it will be down all at once... Come on, here is the time to go, hurry up."

Under the repeated cry of Yu, Ye Tianxie went over. I saw my hand on the old wall with a little light, in front of me, a 2x2 area of ​​the wall, suddenly disappeared there, in front, there was a downward old stairs.

"Haha, I didn't remember correctly. Big brother, let's go down quickly. Maybe there is something very fun below."

After I finished speaking, I have already drifted down.

"Have you been to this place before?" Ye Tianxie carefully walked down the stairs and asked.

"No! How can you come to such a dark place?" He shook his head immediately. The more you walk down, the darker the space, but the white cloud is still white, and the little feet she has been shaking, the white and the like, like the innocent jade, swaying between the swings. Ye Tianxie had some dazzling eyes, and he couldn’t help but want to hold it for a few times.

"Then how do you know that there is a door here, and open the door?" Ye Tianxu asked.

"Because you know."


This downward staircase was unexpectedly long. After walking for nearly a minute, the original dark world suddenly began to show faint light. The light gradually became stronger as he walked down. This is undoubtedly the underground space. There should be no light, then this sudden light will be?

Continue to go down for a while, the light is already strong enough to see the extent of things within ten meters. And the stairs finally came to an end, and in front, it was a flat land.

"Oh, it’s already here."

At first glance, this is a narrow passage, with a strong almost dazzling white light at the corner in front of it.

"here is?"

"I don't know, it seems that the goddess of life was disturbed by others when she was afraid of rest, so there is a place... Let's go ahead and see, there is a white light, maybe there is something good."

When I finished, I immediately flew in the excitement. Ye Tianxie also had to keep up.


Just about to turn around the corner, suddenly suddenly "Yah", suddenly retracted the body, and then "嗖" drifted back to Ye Tianxie, nervously said: "Big brother, front, front So terrible thing..."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ye Tianxie's footsteps are light, sticking to the wall and looking forward to the front at the edge of the wall. At first glance, his eyes were stimulated by the shackles, so that he could not help but close his eyes and his body retracted.

He finally knows the source of these light... This is not natural light, nor is it something that shines, it comes from a creature!

It seems like a cockroach, like an eagle, a hawk, a sturdy body, an eagle's head, a huge body, crouching there, covering a range of twenty meters. Regardless of its size or the pressure of the released beast, it is necessary to completely surpass the Holy Feather of the Flower Dream. And its body turned out to be white and released a strong white light. The light here is actually from its body.

Ye Tianxie and his own eyes recovered, and once again looked at it. After a long period of adaptation, he could finally look directly at such light and quickly released a "study technique."

? ? ? ? :? ? ? ?

The detection technique is not only limited in distance, but also can only detect information that is not higher than its ten-level monster. At this time, the white bird that is full of whiteness is quietly crouching there, no matter whether it releases the pressure of the pressure or the strong light emitted from the whole body, it shows that it is definitely not death, but is sleeping. status.

Ye Tianxie took the black scorpion and picked up a look of unpretentious glasses on his face... This is not ordinary glasses, but the probe glasses he bought from Star Treasure. Called "Star Detector"... When Star Treasure sold him to him, he had the evil dragon's eyes in his body and he didn't need it at all. But the evil dragon's eyes disappeared, and he had to buy a pair at a high price yesterday. In addition to detecting glasses, there are two other pairs of stars, infrared glasses that can see through the dark space, and star sunglasses that can see through the bright environment. Although they are not as strong as a dragon, they can be used instead.

With the detection glasses, Ye Tianxie re-visited this huge bird. The detection effect of the detection glasses is even better than the purpose of the evil dragon to a certain extent. It can detect monsters at a level no higher than level 50, and can see fairly comprehensive information, even weaknesses.

Bright Glory Beast: 100-level ancient gods and mysterious beasts, life: 1100000000, lost in the ranks of the mainland's beasts, lost in the continent, except for the brightest beast of the bright dragon, the language of the people, has a strong communication Spiritual power and the power of light to destroy the heavens and the earth. It was originally the mount and partner of the goddess of life. The goddess of life died in the hand of the demon god. The bright Galois was sent by the goddess of life to save the life and return to the temple of heaven to guard the goddess of life. The last breath of life.

Talent: Endless Light: Unless you die, your body will always release a dazzling light, the light system is 85% resistant, and the light attack effect is increased by 70%.

Skills: Holy Light Storm, Light Killing Wing, Lightning Feather, Visiting Array, Cloud Moon's Curse, Light of the Mirror, Light of Destruction, Cataclysm of the Light, Coming to the Light, Disaster of the Light, Adjudication of Light, Advent Blessing of light

Trick: Twilight, Bright Nine Heavens, Heavenly Curse

God's Prohibition: An Acura from Heaven

Weaknesses: Darkness, darkness is 40% resistant, and it is very susceptible to dark curses.

Ye Tianxie:! ! ! !

Level 100 of the ancient gods and mysterious beasts!

Comprehensive ability, ranking fifth in all the beasts lost in the mainland!

Ye Tianxie retracted his body and his face was turbulent. The Temple of Heaven is really an unusual place. Before the temple door, it guards a beast of the gods and weeping feathers. Under the temple, there is still a **** of mystery! Looking at the lost continent, the beast of the gods is only twelve, and one heavenly temple has two.

"It looks so good, big brother, can you beat it?" He smacked his cheeks with his fingers and whispered in his ear.

"You can beat it before you blame!" Ye Tianxie whispered. When he first extinguished a 60-level **** sacred animal, he was used up, and the catastrophic inflammation was used all over, and in the miraculous explosion of 夭夭 and Beckham, the last dangerous victory, it was almost one If you let him come again, it will not be successful. What's more, now he can't launch the magical and catastrophic inflammation.

This bright Galorian beast is at least ten times stronger than the original Akane!

Don't say that you are the one you are now, that is, you only have to run for the first time.

"Oh oh! Then should we run away immediately?" said wide-eyed. Immediately, her nose was quite a bit, sniffing a few times, and suddenly said: "Oh! I smell it, in front, it seems that there is the taste of the water of life! Will it be the last water of life left by the goddess of life goddess... ...ah? In addition to the water of life, there is another strange smell, it is a strong magic!"

This is naked lure!

Ye Tianxie looked to the front. The place where the bright Galois existed was an empty underground hall, and his relative position was another passage. The breath that 丫丫 said is from there. Ye Tianxie, who used the water of life, certainly knows what it is.

"No talk!" Ye Tianxie said to him.

丫丫 Immediately obediently licking his mouth, a pair of smart eyes screaming at him.

I tried to escape without trying. This is what Ye Tianxie can't do. He set his mind and put his footsteps to the lightest and slowly walked forward.

The body is not as light as it used to be, and Ye Tianxie does not make any sound when he walks as far as possible. From the place where I was to the opposite, a total distance of 50 meters, Ye Tianxie moved forward little by little, and when I was extremely careful to go halfway, the sleeping Guangluo beast suddenly opened my eyes.

The footsteps of Ye Tianxie also stopped at this time, because his body has been firmly locked by a strong force.

Ye Tianxie can make his footsteps silent, but don't want to completely cover up his life. Bright Gloria is extremely sensitive to the foreign life. When Ye Tianxie is close, even though it is in the midst of a long sleep, it is still very alert.

"Oh!! It was discovered, big brother, let's escape!"

Knowing that the screaming screaming was discovered, it was very unprofessional to leave Ye Tianxie and turned and ran.

Today is the first day of 2012, everyone happy new year! ! Well, you continue to be happy, a hard-hitting holiday check goes............

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