Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 803: Mysterious black scroll

Updated: 2012-01-02

Ye Tianxie took out the pure bottle that he had taken from the Temple of Heaven. After hesitating, he opened the lid. Suddenly, the rich life smell overflowed from the inside, and the spirit of Ye Tianxie was refreshed a lot.

"Oh! It really is the water of life, and it seems to be a lot of looks." He fluttered to the bottle of pureness, sniffed hard, then closed his eyes intoxicated, whispered: "I am a goddess of life. The water of life is still so good."

"The goddess of life is your sister-in-law?" Ye Tianxie looked up and said.

"Ah? Dear sister? It is not... Big brother, tell you a secret, don't tell others." His face reveals the mysterious look of God.

"Well? What secret?" Ye Tianxie said casually.

"Actually, the goddess of life is my mother..."

Ye Tianxie’s hand trembled and almost did not throw out the pure bottle in his hand.

"You...you...what did you just say?" Ye Tianxie slammed his ears with force.

"Hey," see Ye Tianxie so surprised, smirked and laughed. "I know that my big brother will be scared. In fact, the goddess of life is really a mother, because you are the goddess of life." My sister used the water of life and made a lot of strange things. It was called her mother, but the goddess of life always told her sister, so I always shouted life. Goddess sister."

Ye Tianxie was on the spot.

The goddess of Xi Yao is born by the goddess of life...

What is this with?... Is this a secret that knows a big day?

On the other hand, I didn’t reveal the mystery of the heavens at all. Instead, I ate a lollipop and smug with his surprise.

Forget it, this messy relationship seems to have nothing to do with yourself. Ye Tianxie shook his head, picked up the pure bottle, and used the mind to perceive the liquid stored inside... The space inside is boundless, and there is only a little water of life.

And the preciousness of the water of life, this little, can be described as a great fortune.

When he first entered the Temple of Heaven, he was wondering if there would be water in life. Now it is so, and he got his hand. Under the perception, there are more than thirty drops of life water!

With so much water of life, at least, it is enough to restore the royal reincarnation that the left-wing army has been unable to use, and there is still a lot left. The tooth of the dragon and the tooth of the dragon can only wake up the strength of their sleep. Although the reincarnation is powerful, how can it not use more than ten drops? The remaining water of life can be given to the mercenary group of the soul. Everyone uses a drop to greatly increase their health. You can also...

When it comes to things that need to be repaired, Ye Tianxie immediately thought of the seven-star gourd. Although its ability has been slowly recovering, it is still too slow. It has been so long, it has been impossible to survive in the past six months, and it has become unsustainable, and there has been no change. Ye Tianxie took the seven-star gourd out, and he has been very eager to restore it, because there are still his lucky flowers inside!

"Oh! It's a seven-star gourd! Big brother, you actually have this thing, it's amazing!"

As soon as the seven-star gourd appeared, he shouted in surprise and apparently recognized it.

"have you seen?"

"Of course! There are so few things in the world that you don't know! This is a praying tree, you can store things infinitely, even people can store them, the time inside is still, it can be amazing. It’s ah! But immediately, her body floated forward and her eyes slammed and said, "It’s so weird, it doesn’t seem to feel its power, is its ability sealed by something?”

Ye Tianxie had to admire it in a secret way. After all, she was a goddess of Xi Yao, and she was quite knowledgeable. He said now: "Can it be restored with the water of life?"

"Of course!" He gave the answer without hesitation.

Ye Tianxie also did not hesitate to summon a drop of water of life, dripping on the seven-star gourd. Suddenly, the light of life flashed slightly, the water of life was integrated into the seven-star gourd, disappeared, and the seven-star gourd also recovered silence in the flash of life.

"Seven-star gourd is such a powerful thing, how is a drop?" Let's take a look... Hey, it takes about five drops, big brother, and then drop four drops." 丫丫 shaking the little hand, both eyes excited Staring at the seven-star gourd.

Ye Tianxie did not hesitate, and evoked four drops of life water, dripping on the seven-star gourd. Suddenly, the life of the mans that was several times stronger than that of the seven-star gourd flickered and continued for a few seconds before slowly dissipating.

Ye Tianxie and his eyes brightened a lot at the same time. Because the seven-star gourd has dissipated in the life of the mans, a conspicuous transformation has taken place. The original one is only a faint gray gold, but at this time, it has become a dazzling gold like pure gold. Color, I don’t know how many times it is brighter than before.

"Wow! It's back, it's really recovered! You can smell its power." He shouted excitedly.

Ye Tianxie took the seven-star gourd to his eyes and revisited its attributes:

Seven-Star Gourd: Pray for the strange fruit of the tree, the infinite space and the mysterious power that cannot be explained by common sense. It can store any dead objects and living things indefinitely, and can collect the fallen objects according to the user's own mind. Item props, when absorbing conscious living things, must pass the consent of the other party.

Unlimited storage... Aside from the other, just these four words make it a treasure. The gourd in the hand is very small, and one hand is holding it, but it has an indescribable magic. Ye Tianxie extended his left hand and his thoughts moved. Suddenly, a lucky flower was summoned by him and appeared on the left hand palm... Although it has been so long, the lucky flower is still beautiful, and he was originally put in. It's exactly the same! This clearly proves that the space inside is really still, and the flower of life that has withered in fifteen days has existed for so long in it, and there is still nothing unusual.

"Oh! It's a lucky flower! Big brother, you have a lot of good things on your body..." Seeing the lucky flower in the hands of Ye Tianxie, he was surprised and shouted. Then, what she thought of, said: "Big brother, you don't have the miracle of that life! If you can find a very powerful chef, put the miracle of life and the flower of life together for special cooking. , you can make a 'life miracle' effect, and even more than 50% of the miracle of life! ”

"Fifty percent?" Ye Tianxie was in a turbulent mood. The upper limit of the miracle effect of life can reach 200,000 lives, and if you increase by 50%, the highest can add 300,000 lives! ! After the black 曜 life bonus... will add a full 600,000 lives...

What a horrible number! !

If he can have such vitality, and then be released by Tianze Jiejie, even if it is a high-level **** of the mysterious beast, if he does not make a trick, he can resist a blow without dying!

This means that he has the qualification to fight against the gods of the gods!

However, the miracle of life can be described as the highest prop in the world of destiny, and the flower of life is also a very advanced prop... The cooking level required to cook them is not too harsh. The highest-ranking chef he knows... The kitchen **** of the Lost City Imperial Restaurant is a high-class chef who is close to the spirit-level chef. The rest are in the high-level shackles. Among the players, the highest level he knows is Situ. It’s raining, it’s high when I first met her, now nearly half a year... eh? She doesn't really pay attention to her current chef level, because she is very talented in cooking, but she is not keen. The favorite is fishing. The biggest wish is to go fishing in the ocean around the mainland.

I will try it for the rain.

Ye Tianxie took everything up and took out the black scroll that he got with the pure bottle in the Temple of Heaven. After looking through it, he walked out of the house and walked to the center of the Lost City.

The arrival of Ye Tianxie was naturally welcomed by the chief appraiser of the Lost City. Because of the hero badge, he is completely free to identify anything here. The appraiser took the dark scroll and first looked at the property. The face immediately showed a shocked look: "This... this turned out to be the thing left by the demon god! It is really unbelievable, it is amazing. ... the evil hero, can I ask you a question? Where did you get this scroll? Of course, you don't have to answer. This is just my personal curiosity."

"I was inadvertently caught in a hidden place in the north. It is something that the devil is smashing, which makes me very surprised." Ye Tianxie said.

"The devil is really a terrible name. It has been a whole year... It has been a whole year, even if it is steel, it should be turned into dust. I didn’t expect that there are still things left on this continent. I just said, I almost thought that my old eyes were dim... Not much to say, let me try to identify, what an amazing scroll.

The appraiser placed the black scroll on the table, raised it with both hands, and lowered it, releasing two white patches of light that shrouded the black scroll. The light stayed on the reel for a little while, and it dissipated immediately. The appraiser's face showed a dull expression.

"What's wrong?" Ye Tianxu asked.

"Identification failed, I can't find out what it is... please let me come again." After the appraiser finished, he repeated the action just now and sprinkled the light of identification again. The light flashed again on the reel.

The appraiser put down his hands and shook his head: "Oh... it’s something that the demon **** left behind. My ability to identify, the root is not enough to identify its role. But surely, it comes from the devil. It must be an extremely incredible thing. It’s just me...hey, powerless."

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