Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 805: Liu Weiyue’s weird request

"Falling rain, these two things, can you make them into a specific dish?" Ye Tianxie took out the miracle of life and then summoned a lucky flower.

There is no suspense, whether it is the flower of luck or the miracle of life, the attributes of the deaf people make the emotions of Situ’s rain fall out of control, and exclaimed. A lucky increase of 20 points, a life of up to 200,000, this should be only props that exist in fantasy. The game world roots cannot appear and should not appear.

After Situ’s rain calmed down, he returned the miracle of life and the flower of fortune to Ye Tianxie. He shook his head and said: “The **** of evil spirits, you should mean to integrate the power of lucky flowers into the miracle of luck. Well... this is indeed something that can be done with cooking. However, their grades are too high. I can’t do it now. If it fails, both pieces will be directly discarded.”

"But..." Situ fell in the rain and clenched his fists. He collided: "In order to make my evil brother more powerful, I will cheer. Now I am the peak of the senior chef, only a little bit away from the fairy level. If you reach the level of Xianling, it may be possible."

This result Ye Tianxie was not surprised at all. He clicked on the tip of his nose and smiled and said: "It rains, I found out... you seem to be more than before."

Situ fell rain and curled up the lips, and the eyebrows fluttered: "Of course! I will not lose to Sufifi!"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Oh, sure enough, the war between women will never be like two men.

"Today we have already arrived in Luoyang. I will go to see the grotto there with my brother... God, my brother, I will go back first. My brother also said that if you want to be a good woman, you should not always be pestering yourself. Man. I will not be worse than Sophie... God, my brother, when you think about me, you must remember to call me. I will appear whenever I am."

Holding Ye Tianxie, he used his own lips to kiss him on his face several times, and Situ fell to the line with reluctance. Ye Tianxie touched the place where she was bitten with her finger. She smiled slightly. This little girl, and when he just met, did have a big change. I don't know what kind of situation it will be after she enters her real world.

And then, inadvertently, his side, his original empty home, even gathered so many girls... Sophie Philip forced to stay, Xiaoxi rainy night came... although he has now forgotten why she found He later saved Chen Xinchen Xue and placed him in the home. Meng Yuyi came to his side, and Situ’s rain came to...

Really unknowingly... so much. I still don't feel like myself!

Is it natural to be a commodity?

Just about to get out, the talker sounded again. Ye Tianxie lifted his watch and screamed: "Big sister."

"I heard that you and Mu Xiaoyue have been very close recently, are you?"

Liu Yuyue’s soft and charming voice passed over. Opening, the person mentioned is actually a little demon. Ye Tiancai paused and said: "We first met on the plane. When Suhang fainted, she sent me back, and..."

"And I will see you once a day during your coma, right?" In the voice of Liu Yuyue, he has already brought a smile.

"We should be considered good friends." Ye Tianxie said.

"Well? Friends, don't you have any other thoughts about such a beautiful and cute little girl with a dazzling aura? This is not like your style."

My style... Ye Tianxie has no choice but to raise his eyebrows and is powerless: "Actually, I still don't know what she looks like now. I only see one at a time."

"... It seems that you really don't have much interest in her. Otherwise, if you want to know her appearance, it is not easy." Liu Yuyue's voice is full of strange embarrassment.

"A few days later, there was a concert at her. I thought about seeing her at the scene. Maybe, as you said, I would have an interest outside of her friends." Ye Tianxie also smiled. In this case, he will only say in front of Liu Yuyue, he must not dare to speak to Sufifi.

"Oh? Is it... the evil spirited brother, can you agree with your sister?"

"What?" Ye Tianxie could almost hear the opposite side of the talker, and Liu Yuyue licked the sound of his lips.

"Entertainment industry is a profitable industry. In this respect, it is me, and Zhao Tianhua has always wanted to get involved. If you can "make the demon" please go to the July Chamber of Commerce and become the person of the July Chamber of Commerce. The laydown will be a perfect foundation."

Ye Tianxie: "You mean, let Mu Xiao Yao join the July Chamber of Commerce?"

"Yes. In this game world, the development of the entertainment industry will be much easier than in the real world, and it will be dozens of times smaller. In the real world, geographical separation is an important factor limiting development, and in this In the world of destiny, no matter where you are, you can return to the lost city in an instant, to influence the influence of the demon, if you play a concert in the world of destiny, plus the influence of the Chamber of Commerce in July, its effect, perhaps It’s even more amazing than I thought. Now, Mu Xiaoyue belongs to 'Tiancheng Entertainment' and according to the news I got, Tiancheng Entertainment has now begun to prepare for the world of destiny. Brother of the evil spirits, do you have the confidence to ‘Please’ come over to the little demon before this? "Liu Yueyue smiles and speaks."

"This... I’m not very good at digging an artist." Ye Tianxie said.

"But the little girl, you are the best... even my sister, I am not willing to be your little slut, hehe..."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"The evil spirited brother, don't doubt your own charm. When your sister first saw you, I decided that you are descending from heaven and harming our woman's disaster star. Even if you are silent, don't show anything, you will be Invisibly attracts the woman. Although the little demon has a dazzling aura, but the family she was born in, decided that she is not so free, coupled with her identity, usually does not travel at will. But these days, but every day I will go to see you once... It’s a fool, and I should see that she has a feeling of good friends outside of you. Are you right? My sister has always been skeptical. When I went to Suzhou and Hangzhou, I just let Xiaomu The demon actively wants to send a report to the newspaper. Before you, would you have done any special computer interviews with her?" Liu Yuyue said softly.

What is special?

Doesn't the strong kiss count? It seems like... forget it.

Without waiting for Ye Tianxie to return, Liu Yuyue laughed: "It seems that there is really oh... Heavenly brother, do you know that the same thing can be done for women of different personalities? Not the same. Like Mu Xiao Yao, who is in the early age of love, but who can't fall in love because of family control and occupation, is often the most eager to fall in love. If a man has done something excessive for her, for example, Forcibly took away her first kiss, with her personality, nothing more than two kinds of reactions, one, she does not like this person, then, although she does not make a rough slap in the face, but will be angry, will be sad Chu Chu, I will never see this person again in the future. Secondly, she has a good impression on this man. Then, she is likely to fall into confusion and confusion that she does not know because of such a thing, and will be accompanied by The fantasy of the man, the shadow of the man and the goodwill towards him will also be magnified a little in fantasy. At least, she will not forget this man... the evil spirit brother, understand?"

"One thing... understand." Ye Tianxie said. Liu Yuyue wants to say that it is very simple, that is, let him take the Mu Xiao demon, and then let her join the July Chamber of Commerce.

But is it really just that simple? Ye Tianxie thought of the family of the demon, the background, and some things that Sufifi told him about Mu Xiaoyue, and felt that the purpose of Liu Yuyue was not as simple as she said. With her style, how can she just go out and sell "hue" so directly for the development of the Chamber of Commerce in the entertainment industry in July.

"So, when conquering the little demon, pay attention to one person... The owner of Tiancheng Entertainment is a solitary city. Now, he seems to have noticed that I am investigating him." Liu Yuyue’s voice became a bit serious. Some, then laughed and said: "In fact, the current Mu Xiao de has been conquered by you half, the biggest obstacle is not her feelings for you, but her family, and the involvement of the solitary family ... which I also have my selfishness, I won the little demon, and it will be a great help to the July Chamber of Commerce. For you... you will have more than one beautiful woman to enjoy, and the evil spirited brother will play with a star that thousands of men and women yearn for. It’s very enjoyable to play in various poses...and for Mu Xiaoren, this will save his life.”

"What special place is there over the city?" Ye Tianxie vaguely smelled something and asked.

"I'm not sure yet, I will tell you when I have enough evidence. But no matter what, the little beauty like Mu Xiaoyue should be given to my evil brother, I can't be allowed to be robbed by other men." go with."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ending the call, Ye Tianxie stood in the spot and pondered a lot. This request was received for the first time. Speaking of chasing girls, he seems to have never done this in his life. But it is impossible to wait for the little demon to send a hug, which is estimated to be close to zero. Not to mention her family and identity, she just knows her relationship with Sufifi, and such things can't be done.

Liu Yuyue has clearly stated that it is not so simple to conquer a girl. She can ask for her in this way. Ye Tianxie can't find a reason to not do it, not to mention that he does not reject it at all. He said that he did not like the little demon, he did not believe. So, where should we start?

It seems that it is necessary to listen to her concert.


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