Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 837: "Hello everyone, I am evil."

"...The head of Zuo Zhenhua suffered a terrorist attack yesterday and lost his right arm. He is currently in the hospital of the Huaxia Military Region General Hospital. His condition has stabilized. The terrorists have all been killed on the spot. The al-Qaeda leader and the lights are responsible for this incident. The heads of state sent a letter of condolences, expressing regret and indignation at the attack on the head of Zuo Zhenhua, and expressed gratitude to the head of Zuo Zhenhua for his innocence. At present, the head of the seventh head, Liu Qianxi, is acting as the head of Zuo Zhenhua’s daily work. Zhenhua’s head will be discharged from the hospital within two weeks. Although he lost an arm, he will not shake his position in the central government, and will not affect his outstanding political ability...”

"...The incident of the Capital Stadium in the previous day has been confirmed as another terrorist attack by Al Qaeda. The number of deaths has now increased to 216. This figure has not changed much. It is reported that the whole body witnessed by the witnesses at that time. The terrible biochemical doll developed by the black-eyed 'magic man' has been destroyed by force..."

"Entertainment broadcast... The goddess Mu Xiaoyue canceled the contract with Tiancheng Entertainment yesterday afternoon. The reason may be related to the large-scale terrorist attack of the Capital Stadium in the previous day. On the same day, Mu Xiaomei joined the "Destiny" World Chamber of Commerce's largest chamber of Commerce 'July Chamber of Commerce'. Among them, according to the relevant person in charge, the first concert of Mu Xiaoyin in the world of fate will be held after half a month at the latest, so stay tuned."


Turning off the TV, Ye Tianxie licked his mouth... This is why he didn't watch the news program of a TV station. Because it is called news, but in many cases, it is the primary tool for coping with and blinding ordinary people. He glanced at the time and turned and said: "Chen Xin, did Fifi still get up?"

"Ah... Fifi sister, she... She slept very late yesterday, so I have to sleep a little longer." Chen Xin packed up the table, and when he spoke, he didn't dare to lift his head, and he didn't dare to look at his eyes... Sophie Fei almost didn't sleep all night, and she didn't fall to sleep in the middle of the night. The brain was the unbearable scene she saw last night... As a small hand, she was not touched. Girls who usually don’t get in touch with **** knowledge, what they saw last night, the impact on her can be described as subversive.

"Oh... Chen Xin, your face is so red, is your body uncomfortable?"

"Ah... no, no discomfort." Chen Xin quickly replied, the voice was extremely unnatural, she packed up the table, took the plate and went to the kitchen, panicked and was unstable, almost fell to the ground by the coffee table. Situ fell to the rain just out of the kitchen, and quickly went forward, smiled and said: "Chen Xin sister, I will help you ... Yeah! Sufifi? So strange, how did you not see her this morning? She usually starts Is it so late?"

"Fifi, she..."

"Whether she is, let's go, let's wash the dishes! For my evil brother, I must learn everything." She raised her lips and made a kiss to Ye Tianxie, then and Chen Xin Drill into the kitchen together. If Situ and Situ are ruthless at this time, they will be surprised that the chin will fall down...because, this is definitely the first time in their life that they have seen Situ Rain to actively wash dishes.

Situ fell into the Ye family but was one day and one night, but it was already happy like a happy bird.

"Brother, do you want to scream Fifi's sister? Brother did something like this to her, she must be shy, dare not come out." Chen Xue put down the comic book in his hand, sat in the ear of Ye Tianxie, gently Said: "Brother, is Fifi's sister really comfortable? Yesterday my brother came out at once, and Cher has to wait for a long time."

"This..." Ye Tianxie sneaked a sneak back and made sure that he was not heard by Chen Xin... If she knew that her baby sister had been shamelessly jealous again and again, even with her weak character, she would He is "stunned". He lowered his voice and said in Chen Xue’s ear: "No, Cher is very comfortable... Well, when you get along with Xiaoxi, it is the most comfortable."

"Ah... really? Then I will be with my sister Xiaoxi, okay?"

Looking at Chen Xue's eyes like a star, pure as a diamond's crystal eyes, Ye Tianxie once again felt ... he really is not a good person.

"Well, Cher, go ask Xiaoxi and don't want to eat anything... I will call you Feifei sister to get up." Ye Tianxie took off the picture of the children in the brain and got up and walked to Sufifei's room.

The door was hidden, and Ye Tianxie pushed it open, and the probe looked inside.

The bed was messy, Sufifi was on it, holding a tablet in his hand, and the white fingers were **** it. When she heard the sound of the door pushing open, she threw the computer like a slap in the face of electric shock, pulled up the quilt, and wrapped herself in it.

Ye Tianxie went in, took the door, and went to the bed with a light hand, and pondered, whispered: "Fifi."

Sufifi, who wrapped himself in the quilt, did not move and did not respond.

"Fifi, it is already nine o'clock, and I can't get out of bed and the sun will be sun-dried." Ye Tianxie sat in front of the bed and said with a smile.

Still no response.

Ye Tianxie's shoulders shrugged, he smashed his shoes, turned to the bed, and reached for the quilt on the suffix of Feifeifei: "Fifi, come out, you will ruin yourself."

The quilt was dropped, and was immediately pulled back by Sophie Fei. There was her angry voice: "Go away and walk away! Who will let you in! Come out! I don't want to see you!"

"Why don't you want to see me?" Ye Tianxie clicked on his nose, knowing what he asked.

"I just don't see you! You look for that little goblin! Don't care about me!!"

"Call... Well, then I am going to find the rain. Remember to get up early to eat breakfast, but not to eat breakfast, but it is easy to get fat." Ye Tianxie finished, and he will get out of bed.

Sufifi rushed over and put the quilt on his head. He was a slap in the face: "You...you know that bullying me, I know to bully me...ah!"

In Su Feifei's scream, her body has been turned up by Ye Tianxie, pressed under her body, looking at her face with a smirk staring at her Ye Tianxie, her eyes appeared again yesterday. In the evening, the picture that made her sleep all night, her cheeks became red, and her hands rubbed against her eyes...

"Fifi, why do you want to squint, really don't want to see me?"

"You are a big bad guy!! You still ask!! I blame you all blame you for blaming you for blaming you! I have no face to go out and see people. I blame you!" Sophie Fei squinted, grievances said.

"Good, blame me, it's my fault."

"You...you don't mean anything wrong! You must be secretly laughing in your heart...Joke me!"

Ye Tianxie held back his smile and bowed his head and said: "Why do I have a joke? You are Fifi, don't squint, take your hand and let me see. I haven't seen my Fifi for hours, the heart that I have missed is going to be broken. Lost."

"...when did you learn so slick! It must be the little goblin who taught you to fall." As soon as she finished, her hands on her face had been taken away by Ye Tianxie. She closed her eyes all at once, just about to turn her head away, the man's breath was approaching, her lips had been kissed by Ye Tianxie...

"Oh...hey..." Sophiefi struggled for a few times, and the body softened, letting Ye Tianxie softly and greedily linger in her lips.

For a long time, when Ye Tianxie finally got up, Su Feifei’s face was already a blush. Ye Tianxie licked his mouth and smiled and said a very corrupt atmosphere: "Hungry?"

"Not hungry..." Sophie replied with a red face.

"Well? I was full last night?" Ye Tianqi laughed evil.

Sophie Fei stunned and immediately responded. The double fists were against him. It was a mess: "You said that you still said that you still said!! I did such a bad thing, how do you let me see Chen Xinxue? There are also feathers..." I thought that I had actually covered Ye Tianxie’s lower body with my lips last night, then my mouth, all my face... I swallowed a lot... I almost even wanted to die. Have it.

"Well, Fifi, this is really nothing..." Ye Tianxie said.

"Hey! You are comfortable, satisfied... you certainly have nothing! You actually got my mouth, and the face... You... Hey, I really have no face, they will laugh. Die me."

"Fifi, believe me. This is really a normal thing between men and women, nothing at all." Ye Tianxie comforted her in her ear.

Sophiefei calmed down, grabbed the hand of Ye Tianxie, and said with an angry voice: "You say so... Are you doing this for many girls, isn't it!"

"This..." Even if it is true, it is absolutely unrecognizable at this time.

"Big bad guys, big satyrs, big radishes!" Sophie rushed and sat up, casually sorted out a few pajamas that she had completely messed up, then picked up the tablet and stared at the screen, angering him. .

"Well, I am a big bad guy, a big satyr, a bad heart radish... So, don't be angry with Feifei, go out for breakfast with me."

Sufifi looked at him with a look, and suddenly put the computer in his hand in the hands of Ye Tianxie, pointing to the screen and saying: "You send a post here, I will not be angry with you."

"this is……"

"It's so stupid! This is the official forum of the world of destiny, even this does not know."

"Then, you want me to post any posts." Ye Tianxie looked up and asked. Ok? Is it a confession like "I love Fifi"?

“It’s very simple,” Sophie’s smile was extraordinarily sweet, and the lips opened and closed, and said seriously: “I’ll just say 'Hello, I’m evil days’. Just come, you are evil. Well here. Countless players come together, you as a big celebrity, ask them a good question."

Ye Tianxie looked sufifily and looked at Su Feifei. He felt that something was wrong, but in the face of Su Feifei’s “forced”, he obediently played “Hello, I am evil” and then click “post”.

Sophie fei robbed the computer, clicked refresh after a short while, below, there has been a full row of replies...

"You evil day? I am still evil, his ancestors!"

"Hello landlord, the landlord goodbye."

"Another mental illness that wants to be evil is going to be crazy."

"Lanzhou biscuits."


"Looking at the post of the landlord, a sense of temptation on IQ is born."

"Which mental hospital, let him run out..."



"Ha ha ha ha..." Sophie Fei laughed and leaned forward, dropped the computer, sprinted out on the slippers, leaving a sinful face with a depressed face and speechless.

After the buffering is completed, the evil will continue tomorrow... Oh, no, it is the main line. 】

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