Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 840: Next to the tower of destiny

Three drops of life fell, and suddenly, a layer of dim gray light flashed over the royal reincarnation, the gray light was very light, but it became more and more intense immediately, until it eventually became pure black, the whole shield They were all shrouded in it, and a very heavy gas field was suddenly released. Ye Tianxie, Zuo Bianjun, and Murong Qiushui, who were caught off guard, were also discharged.

"What happened?" At the same time stop the body, and try to resist the repulsive force like the boulder. But right away, a more bizarre scene appeared in front of his eyes. The gray light that shrouded the reincarnation was inflated a little bit, magnified... vaguely, they seemed to see that the royal reincarnation wrapped in gray light was also a little bit The expansion is magnified... Three people stare at the same time, watching this incredible scene.

This situation is completely different from the original when Ye Tianxie awakened the dark dragon tooth.

"The Royal Reincarnation... is zooming in?"

"It seems to be." Murong Qiu Shui said to his lips. Equipment that can be magnified by myself... This seems to have never been heard.

Ye Tianxie also keeps an eye on the shield... It’s just this powerful and heavy repulsive force, which is enough to show its absolute extraordinaryness. Looking at the reincarnation in the light, a little flash in his mind. Thoughts... Can this royal reincarnation zoom in and out?


The vision did not last for a long time. Suddenly, as the wind screamed and flew, all the gray awns disappeared in an instant, and the heavy weight was completely eliminated. Above the ground, the "Royal Reincarnation" has disappeared... Accurately speaking, the original Imperial reincarnation has disappeared.

Because of the quiet stay there, the roots are the "Royal Reincarnation" that they are completely strangers to.

Its shape has undergone tremendous changes. The original one meter high and half a meter wide shield surface has already become a height of one and a half meters. The width of one meter is held in the hand and can be easily A person who is not very tall is completely obscured. Such a large shield is more like an ancient soldier who is at the forefront and covers the entire body's assault shield. This shield can only be held by both hands. Can one hand hold it, no matter what, such a large shield, another Even if one hand can hold a weapon, there is no room for it to display. The change is not only the size, but also the thickness is doubled. It is still there, just like a thick and strange iron plate. It doesn't need to touch, it is enough to imagine how heavy it is.

The shield surface is slightly arc-shaped, the color is no longer dim, but a mysterious black gold... The surface is smooth as glass, without any traces of roughness and texture.

"This... is this the real reincarnation? Is it completely restored?" Zuo Bianjun’s eyes widened and he looked at the new reincarnation, excited and excited. In the introduction of the reincarnation, it is the ultimate shield with the name of “the sky”. When it is lost in the mainland, it will always belong to the strongest guardian. The left-handed army has the ability to use it, and it has always been a thing that he is extremely depressed.

Now, the royal reincarnation is strangely reborn in front of it, how can he not be excited. He almost rushed up and eagerly looked at the current attributes of the reincarnation:

Royal reincarnation: the instrument of the gods, single, two-hand shield, equipment requirements: the recognition of the reincarnation, seven hundred years ago, a dark meteorite fell from the sky, fell into the lost north of the mainland. Perhaps it is the meaning of God, this dark meteorite fell in the place where the strongest Shen Xuan founder was in the dark, and he was given by him, and extracted a special metal with strange power. "black gold". Its toughness is better than losing all the known substances on the mainland, thus determining its ownership. It took thirteen years for the iron to be toothless, and it was sacrificed by the blood of a thousand beasts, and it was integrated into the guardian force of hundreds of powerful shields that he did not hesitate to get, and eventually became the strongest shield. Reincarnation." After the reincarnation, the world was called the strongest shield with the power of the heavens, and the emperor of the lost city was given the most powerful guardian of each generation.

The imperial reincarnation has a very high spirituality. To use the reincarnation, it must first be recognized by it, otherwise it will not release the true power of heaven. After being lost, the lost emperor suppresses his spirituality with special power, so that anyone can use it freely, but because of spiritual loss, the reincarnation can only exert less than half of the power. Nowadays, the strength and spirituality of sleeping are all awakened by the water of life. To use the reincarnation, you must first get its approval, otherwise you can't use it. If you get it, you can use all the power that has been silent for a long time.

Special Attributes: State transition: It can freely change the mode of holding the reincarnation. When the two-hand mode is used, the reel will play back to the maximum. In the one-hand mode, the reel will be greatly reduced, the full attribute will be reduced, some of the skills will be reduced, and some skills will not be used.

Base attribute:

Hands mode: defense +5200, defense +65%, life +30%, strength +280, physical strength +700, agility -200, movement speed -20, all magic resistance +30%, shield block rate +15% The shield rebound rate is +12%, and the shield has a strong shock force when it collides.

One-hand mode: defense +3800, defense +50%, life +30%, power +200, physical strength +500, full magic resistance +25%, shield block rate +10%, shield rebound rate +8%.

Passive skill: Royal Soul Pressure: After the reincarnation appeared, it exerted a strong suppression on the nearby shield ability, and the shield defense ability of the whole day was less than 15% within the range of 100 meters.


Shen Yu Jiejie: ​​release the guardian power of the imperial reincarnation, open the guardian enchantment to cover itself and the surrounding partners, greatly enhance its defensive ability and magic resistance, and the physical defense power of the shrouded target is increased by 120%. Sex +35%, the effect range is 30 meters around itself, lasts 30 seconds, consumes 700 magic, and cools for 10 minutes.

God's Royal Commander: Summon the power of the soul of the Reincarnation to bless yourself, to increase your resistance to the extreme, 90% of the damage to any physical attack, magic attack, duration 30 seconds, consume magic 1500, cool time 10 minutes .

The trick: the soul of the heavens: when it is in a state of resistance. All physical and magical attacks that hit you in front of you can only inflict a "1" damage. The two-hand shield state can be activated, and can be started at any time in the state of defense, interrupted at any time, and can last up to ten minutes per day, and consumes 100 mana per second during the continuous process.

God forbidden the magical reincarnation:? ? ? ? The effect is unknown and the conditions for launching are unknown.

"Good... good!!" left the army and exclaimed.

"Where, this attribute will make the enemy have a nightmare." Murong Qiuqi murmured. Ye Tianxie said that this is a shield of gods, except for the eternal eternal sacred dynasty that disappeared with Long Yuan, which is the strongest shield lost in the mainland and the most shielded among all the existing shields. Strong. At this point, it has its attributes, watching the attached one more than a perverted staggering skill, they all clearly recognize what is "the shield of the sky."

With this shield... The left-breaking army can even go to resist the fairy spirit, the sky is absolutely... even the low-level gods and mysterious beasts! !

If the left-handed army can control the impeccable, you can even use the last "Soul of the Earth" to resist the attack of the beast of the Holy Ghost for a long time! !

The power of the reincarnation not only made the left-breaking army and Murong Qiu Shui eye-catching, but even Ye Tianxie was deeply surprised. What is the shield of the sky, he finally saw it. Although its comprehensive ability is not as long as the eternal shield of Longyuan, but a "soul of the heavens", so that its guardian power even exceeds in a certain sense... the defense mode is the unique skill of the shield. With the shield to support the ground, give up the attack and fully resist, it is the signature skill of the shield and anti-blame. The ordinary shield guard can withstand 50% of the damage in the resist mode, and can be increased to 60% after the third turn. The legend can resist 70% after four turns... and bless the "soul of the heavens", as long as it is not hit, Any attack can only cause a little damage. In this way, attract the boss hatred, let it focus on the shield attack... then it is the beast of the Holy Ghost, he can resist!

"Break the army, you are blessed." Ye Tianxie stepped forward, bent to pick up the pick up. But when he raised his hand, his body was heavy. Because the royal reincarnation was lifted under him, the roots were motionless.

Ye Tianxie frowned, grabbed the corner of the imperial reincarnation, and fiercely tried it... but still did not move. The heavy feeling is like a mountain that cannot be shaken.

"Second brother, what happened? Amount... Was it particularly heavy after it became bigger?" asked the left-handed army.

Ye Tianxie did not answer. The feeling of the imperial reincarnation is indeed extremely heavy, but it should not be so important. With his current strength of nearly two thousand, even the ability to move it slightly is not... If it is so heavy, who will get it? Who can get it freely?

Ye Tianxie’s eyebrows condensed, and the “sacred inflammation” began to burn. The whole body was suddenly filled with tyrannical power. He quickly dwarfed his hands and lifted his hands with all his strength...

Still not moving.

The sacred inflammation is extinguished, and Ye Tianxie has already thought of something. He stepped back and said to the left-wing army: "Break the army, you can try it."

"Yeah!" Ye Tianxie's reaction has already made him enough to think about the weight of this shield. Ye Tianxie's power attribute is completely known to him, but he can't pick it up. His power is not even a quarter of the roots. But in the face of this shield with the name of "falling into the sky", he will give up.

When the left broke the army, he grabbed his hands and grabbed his hand on the handle of the shield. He bite and grabbed it up...

There was no miracle happening, and the left-handed army grabbed it, and the root did not let the imperial round back.

Well, do you think that the chapter names in these three chapters are very boring! Oh, I am really going to the Tower of Destiny. Later, I changed it, or I solved the special ability of a shield and a left. 】

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