The sacred inflammation goes out and all the additional states are cancelled. Ye Tianxie took a long sigh of relief.

Finally, it reached the seventy level.

This means that he can already go to Tianyuecheng. And the dragon forest in the southwest of Tianyue City.

"Oh... Congratulations on your level reaching 70. You can now go to Tianyue City, the main city in the southwest of the lost continent. Tianyue City is an ancient city with a long history, where the strong people gather, around There are many trial caves filled with dangers and challenges, and there is also the birthplace of the most powerful ethnic dragons in the mainland. There are also more advanced equipment and special props."

The earphones in the ear specifically mention Tianyuecheng, which also determines that in the middle of the world of destiny, Tianyuecheng will become a concentration of another player.

The horror white wolf broke out an 80-level heavenly boots, and three pieces of fairy equipment, 13 pieces of gold equipment, and a total of 20 pieces of red, yellow and green crystal coins. Collecting all these things and looking at the huge body of the wolf in front of him, Ye Tianxie had to think about it... If the sacred inflammation burned out, how should he challenge this tower of destiny?

He can walk in the tower of destiny, the strongest snuggle is the sword of the Holy Ghost in his hand, and the second is the instrument of the gods and the heavens that he first obtained. In addition to this, he is just two more hidden occupations than the average player. In the face of a strong boss, he must burn the sacred inflammation... Just like today's horror white wolf, there is no sacred inflammation, he only has to escape such a path.

"Oh, big brother, have you defeated it?" He finally took it out with great care, and then when he saw the huge white wolf that had fallen, he shouted loudly: "Wow! Big brother, you really It’s amazing. This big wolf used the Kwai Lei sage for a long time to defeat it! You are much better than the Kwai Lei Sage.”

... I am so embarrassed to say! You are a goddess of glory! I was scared by the wolf of the heavenly kingdom and immediately ran! ! In the heart of Ye Tianxie, he despised for a while, and he collected a lot from the giant wolf and got a huge spike that can be used for forging.

"Hey, send me out."

"Well, okay! Look at my awkwardness!"

With a small hand and a flash of light, Ye Tianxie was immediately sent back to the lost city.

Speaking of it, today is a very special day for the world of destiny. Because today is just the first anniversary of the world of destiny. At this time, the mainstream media have been broadcasting relevant information, focusing on summing up the great impact of the emergence of the world of destiny on human beings and the future status of the world of destiny in human life.

When returning to the Lost City, Ye Tianxie also changed back to a costume that would not be recognized by others. The clothes he wore were made of "Floating Gold Symphony", which was free to change colors and cover the original equipment perfectly. On the head is a stealth hat, can not see the presence of any headgear, a black short hair free and natural, a pair of round head shoes, hands with transparent gloves, wearing a light brown slim suit, so that his body looks extra tall and straight. These are naturally from the hands of Chen Xin... However, her sewing skill level is still insufficient, and the clothes made by the gold illusion cannot be attached to the attributes, but it seems that the day is not far away.

Standing in the crowd, Ye Tianxie is quite awkward... The appearance of a "destiny" has also caused a huge change in his fate. If he didn't buy gaming equipment at the beginning, he wouldn't have met Sophie. If it wasn't for the world of destiny, he wouldn't meet Chen Xin, and wouldn't bring Chen Xin and Chen Xue to home...the two sisters would It is a completely different fate. If it is not the world of destiny, he will not encounter the Situ brothers, the Situ rains, will not encounter God's happy, Ling Jie, will not encounter the dream feather clothes, will not encounter the Star Bao children, even the little demon will not like On him... what he has must be a completely different life from now. The impact of the world of destiny on him is almost subversive in many respects.

I thought about the unresolved things... Xiaoyao and Lingjie didn’t come back after leaving the team. They didn’t know where they were, and both of them were mysterious and would not disclose it. When it comes to the wind, Ye Tianxie has to think of the poisonous sage... After the old man took his ring of Qinglong, he has not returned yet! ! Three months!

Back home, Chen Xue immediately rushed like a bird: "Look, my brother, I have a lot of crystal coins! Look."

Chen Xue handed over the newly formed seven colors, a total of twenty-one crystal coins to Ye Tianxie. Initially, a jade flower could only produce one each day, and later became two, and since the beginning of last month, it has begun to make three pieces a day. Twenty-one crystal coins a day, Ye Tianxie knows how amazing this is. It was only after the death of a horrible white wolf that was extinct.

Ye Tianxie put the crystal coins away, looked at the yard in front of him and asked, "What about star glass?"

"She and Situ's sister went fishing, brother, do you want to go fishing?" Chen Xue said with a wink.

"This, still forget, I should not have that kind of patience... Cher, remember to let the rain fall with the star glass to eat, her recent meal seems to be getting bigger and bigger."

"Know it!" Chen Xue nodded. "Brother, today is the first anniversary of the world of destiny, experience and explosion rate are all doubled! So Feifei and Yuyi sister are all leveling. How did my brother come back so early today? Is it necessary to take Xue to go out to play? Brother! I have a good news to tell you.” Chen Xue laughed and said happily: “Sasha’s mother’s illness is completely good, she is happy. She said that today’s lost city is looking for me to play! It’s ok.”

"So... then you have a good time, I have a place to go, I will not play with you."

"Hmm! Brother is also happy to play."

Ye Tianxie took out the empty magic beads and followed the memory to the front of the city gate of Tianyuecheng.

The city gate of Tianyue City is very tall, although it is old, but it is full of atmosphere. His sudden appearance allowed the two guards who stood guard to stand in front of him with vigilance, and then immediately recognized him. One of them respectfully said: "Hello, the hero from the lost city, I feel to you. The level has reached 70, and Tianyue City welcomes you."

After that, the two let them go.

Stepping into Tianyue City, Ye Tianxie has a feeling of entering the ancient city.

The first thing in front of the building is the old feeling. Although it is old, it is not broken, but it has a special heavy interest. Tianyue City is an ancient city. There are many relics that are not allowed to be changed, and many customs that people are not willing to change.

The center of Tianyue City is also a huge square. There is a statue of tens of meters high in the middle of the square... It is a dragon that hovering and heading to heaven. As the "city of dragons and dragons", dragon, nature is the most important symbol of Tianyuecheng.

"Hello, brave from the field, you can come here, has proved your strength, I have a trial mission here, I don't know if you are interested."

Ye Tianxie just stepped into the city, and an old man who did not know where to drill out said straight to him.

"Young man, I see you are very heroic, your eyes are like swords, and you will be extraordinary. In the future, you will have the possibility to become a famous master in the mainland. I have a trial for you. I don't know if you are interested."

The former old man’s words Ye Tianxie had not been able to answer, and there was another one coming out.

"Young people! Come here! You let me see the hope of losing the future of the mainland. I have a trial here that can honed you into a master..."

"You all give me aside, this person is what I saw first!"

"What you saw first, he just came to me!"

"Which scallions do you count, and then I grab the business with I, I knocked off your front teeth!"

"As for you? Laozi's son, his wife's aunt's neighbor's aunt's aunt's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law's family wealth is better than you!!"



Ye Tianxie: "..."

The speed of Ye Tianxie was all open, and all the way to run away, finally escaped from the entanglement of those crazy old men, and the heart was tangled for a while... What is the situation of the people in this city? In other cities, players are looking for their own tasks. Are they all npc hard-up missions?

I have been to the commercial street of Tianyue City. The commercial street is also antique. The city without loss is like the luxury of the modern city. But there is a flavor. He walked through the door of one store after another and finally stopped at the identification. Go in front of the store and go inside.

There is a kind-hearted elderly person standing in the appraisal store. The white beard is at least two feet long, and it is somewhat sinister.

"Hello, the master of identification." Ye Tianxie said hello.

"Hello, guests from afar, I can help you with anything." The identification of the elderly is also kind.

Ye Tianxie took out the dark scroll that he got in the Temple of Heaven and put it in the hands of the old man: "Trouble me to identify this scroll?"

"Reel?" Identification of the elderly suspected to take over. Most of the things that need to be identified are equipment, and the reel base that needs to be identified will not appear. To say that there is, only the ancients have passed down, and it is impossible to distinguish the role of the Elder Scrolls.

"What? This... This turned out to be a scroll from the demon god! I can't believe my eyes," the appraisal old man gave the same exclamation as the apprehension of the Lost City, then looked up and looked at the leaves with shock. God evil.

“Can you identify it?”

"I can only try it... This kind of scroll from the terrible demon **** from 10,000 years ago, I really have no confidence." After identifying the old man, he gathered his spirit and began to apply his identification.

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