Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 887: Determine the fate of a minute

The light of the mysterious spirit - entering the dream will make all the creatures whose grades are not higher than the two levels fall into a forced sleep of at least 30 seconds. Even the Dragon Black Emperor, who has the high-level strength of the Holy Ghost, cannot resist.

The darkness of the spread just calmed down. Ye Tianxie did not have any other movements, but instead lifted the watch and watched the time. Before the Dark Dragon God had said that he could use whatever means, in this case, he would have no good politeness. He turned and looked at Long Baidi in the distance, and saw his face revealing a deep surprise.

At the beginning, the light of mysterious spirits - the dream of letting the five guardian dragons sleep all, is shocking enough. The strength has reached the peak of the sacred level, and it has been impossible to fall into any abnormal state. And the white light flashed, even the dragon black emperor, even so hypnotized. How is he not surprised.

"How long will he sleep?" Long Baidi looked at Ye Tianxie, who was counting time, and asked.

"At least thirty seconds. So, there are only the last less than thirty seconds left." Ye Tianxie said, the look is exceptionally calm.

Dragon White Emperor: "..."

"There are still thirty seconds... How much do you have?"

"One hundred percent!" Ye Tianxie answered without hesitation.

Long Baidi nodded hard and he found that he had overestimated him as much as possible these days, but he still underestimated him...and his partners. It can make the most powerful dragon **** of the year do not hesitate to block the mysterious snow fox with life, it will be simple!

Thirty seconds later, the power of darkness was slightly turbulent, and the Dragon Black Emperor was already on the verge of waking up. After he woke up, the first reaction must be that he could not believe that he would be hypnotized and slept for so long. For a moment, Ye Tianxie blinked, took out the Yanyangzhu and released Xiaobei, and then rushed to the Dragon Black Emperor with Beckham.


The body is holding 20 heavenly battles, and in the process of running, the "light of riots" and "claws of nightmare" are held in the body, reaching the peak state that it can reach. The moment when the Dragon Black Emperor just woke up from his sleep, Beckham consumed all the paradise battles and released the "Paradise of Heaven" that had been hit by him. The dragon black emperor's body violently trembled, and the consciousness was just sober, and it was already smashed to the sky.

"go with!"

Ye Tianxie grabbed Beckham and threw it into the air with the greatest strength and the most accurate angle, chasing the dragon black emperor. Then look up, watching Beckham in the air and the dragon black emperor's body approaching, the violent attack began to fall on his body like a raindrop, the dissipated paradise battle mans began to reappear quickly, superimposed...

If the card is in, you can vacate with the help of it, and pursue it with Beckham... Ye Tianxie silently thought. In the period when there is no Kaka, even if it has been more than three months, he is still not used to it, and even has no intention to capture other high-level mounts. Once the sea was difficult for the water, with the perfect mount of Kaka, other powerful mounts, it is hard to see. For example, if he is now lost to the Shura Demon Sword, even if he gets a hard-to-find device that is hard to find, he will not have any sense of joy, but will feel depressed when using it.

Long Baidi looked into the air, and within a few seconds, his face changed continuously. He was worried about how the attack of Ye Tianxie after the dragon black waking up should resist. After he was taken to the air, he was worried about his counterattack in the air... But one second passed, two seconds passed... five seconds In the past, Beckham's attack was like a gust of wind, and the dragon black emperor's body still maintained his posture when he was smashed into the air. He did not turn over, did not vacate, and even kept that posture, letting Beckham attack there wildly. With.

what happened! ?

Why don’t the dragon black king fight back! ?

Is it...

He remembered that when Beckham attacked the huge dragon in front of the Dragon Field, he also flew it and then pursued it in the air. At that time, the dragon that was more than 100 meters long did not resist under the attack of its small body. The power has never turned back in the air. He thought that it was stunned after being hit by the heavy blow, but then he asked, but the answer was that after hitting the air, he felt that his whole body nerves seemed to be shaken, any one of the body. The parts cannot be controlled by themselves, and the roots cannot reflexively and counterattack...

This answer once made him confused and contemplative, but at this time he looked at the dragon black emperor who had been attacked in the air and had no other reaction... Is he also suffering the same feeling as the original dragon four? Even with the high-level strength of the sacred, he will fall into the state of the dragon five under the attack of the blame cat! ?

The dragon white emperor was shocked, and the dragon black emperor was not even more shocked. When he was hit by Beckham's paradise, he woke up, and he couldn't turn his body if he was running the dragon force, just as his nerves were ruthlessly cut off by something, and he couldn't control himself. The body and strength can only be passively subjected to rapid attacks.

The damage caused by Beckham's attack is nothing to the dragon black emperor, and when his body is about to land, the 20 heavenly battles are filled again. It first landed on the dragon black emperor and turned into a lightning bolt. The white mans shocked the dragon black emperor and slammed his body to the ground again. With the help of Ye Tianxie, I will catch up with it for the first time...

Once, twice, three times...

Time, so fast flow through. The "gambling war" of the Dragon Black Emperor and Ye Tianxie, the first half of the silent past of the magical ability of the dragon, the second half, became the independent performance of Beckham... a dragon to the two holy annihilation Gorgeous performance of the stunned.

Long Baidi’s gaze is down, and from the bottom, he can’t think of it. If this state continues, then even if there is strong strength, it will be gradually ruined, never When you turn over.

boom! !

In the shock of space, Beckham's fourth "Paradise of Heaven" was launched. This time, Ye Tianxie did not let Xiaobei chase again, but at the same time with Xiaobei and Yan, they watched the dragon black emperor just flew up and flew to the highest point, and then fell heavily.


The snow was raised, and the time of the Dragon Black Emperor’s body finally touched the ground, and the time was over a minute. In the whole process, Ye Tianxie did not use weapons, and did not use any skills other than divine inflammation. His only shot was to use his arm to accurately throw Beckham into the air to catch up.

"It's been a minute and five seconds. Dragon Black Emperor... You've lost, and it's a fiasco that doesn't even have a mobile phone."

The dragon black emperor stood up from the ground and heard the calm voice of Long Baidi. His face was incomparably dark, his eyes were like a hook, first he stared at the body of the beggar, and then fell on the body of Beckham... no anger, no roar, not even asking what is the origin of Beckham and Beckham, What is the ability that has just been applied to him, his eyes are complicated and difficult to name. Generally in this case... especially for those who are temperamental and extremely arrogant, the encounters that are out of reach are treated like this, and the ten will be thunderous, but he does not. Being hypnotized, unable to control himself after being hit in the air, anyone will be closely questioned in the tremor, because the incomprehensible is the most terrible. He still doesn't.

He was so straightforward to watch, and he said nothing, and he was deaf to the words of Long Baidi.

Long Baidi did not speak any more, watching the eyes of the dragon black emperor, his eyes also lingering from the cicada and Xiaobei, and said to himself with a slight voice: "Black Emperor, now, you understand Why am I so 'impulsive', not only because of others, but also because of the 'Xuan Ling Xue Hu' and 'The Beast of the Nightmare' around him, you and I know the legend of the nightmare beast, just attack You should also understand what is a 'nightmare'..."

Seeing that the Dragon Black Emperor did not respond for a long time, Ye Tianxie had to open his mouth first and said: "Although this request is too extreme for your Dark Dragon God, but one minute has passed, I hope you will not say anything to the Dark Dragon God."

The dragon black emperor’s eyes slowly moved to his face. For a long time, he used a low, but unusually calm voice: “This is not your ability.”

"No, being able to have a strong partner is also an ability of oneself. Although I won't win, I have not violated any rules you have set. You said beforehand, I can do whatever I can." Ye Tianxie calms Said.

"Good!" The Dragon Black Emperor slowly nodded. He converges his darkness and said in a plain, unusual voice: "It is indeed that I am defeated. I will sacrifice my Dark Dragon Ball as I said before." ”

The dragon black emperor is so quick and crisp, but it makes Ye Tianxie have an accident... Although the pride of the dragon makes them never say anything, especially the dragon **** like the dragon black emperor. However, for a dragon of the Holy Ghost, Dragon Ball is too precious after all, and it will really be handed over because of a gambling war.

"However," Dragon Black's mouth twitched slightly: "I only promised to sacrifice my Dragon Ball... But I never promised to give it to you, and I didn't promise to use your Dragon Ball to help you repair your Dragon Soul. I will sacrifice my Dragon Ball, but what to use after the sacrifice... It is my freedom, at least, definitely not for your body!"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Dragon Black Emperor! You!"

"You don't have to talk nonsense with me!" The dragon black emperor sneaked coldly, staring at Long Baidi, sneer and said: "It wasn't him who just wont me, but this fox and cat! I never quit the black king. I am willing to gamble and lose, I can sacrifice my Dragon Ball... But what qualification does he have for my noble Dragon Ball to be used in his body!"

Ye Tianxie’s eyebrows moved and he said: “Dark Dragon God, telling your conditions, I need to get your approval before I can qualify for your Dragon Ball.”

"It's very simple." Dragon Black Emperor squinted at the black eyes, his voice said low: "Thirty seconds of time, destroying one percent of my life! Only you attack alone! If you can achieve it, I will personally Join forces with Dragon White to repair your Dragon Spirit with our Dragon Ball! If not... The horse disappears from me!"

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