Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 89: Step by step to the first place


Like most virtual online games, the "Fate" world has no real night, and the real world sky has gradually darkened. The evening is coming.

The western part of the wind-blown plain is a leveling point occupied by the gods.

When the name of the sect of the gods was played out, there was no other player who dared to step in a large area around it. They couldn’t help but wonder what the name represented. At the same time, no one would have thought that the lord of the sect of the gods would be among them.

"Young Master...just, that evil day has already rushed to the third in the rankings!" The gods appeared behind the funeral god, with a shocked expression. Because of the concern of the sect of the gods on the evil world, at the moment when the rankings were opened, the sect of the gods was the first to look for the name of the evil day, and found that his rank was ranked 178th in the ranking.

However, after just a few hours, when the gods shadow opened the rankings again, he found that the name of the evil day had reached the seventh place, and he could not believe his eyes.

Can be invaded into the top 100 rankings, there is no leveling madman with strong strength and attributes, no one will stop the pace of upgrading during this time. This is a field where no one stops. However, this one is tried through the abyss. The person named evil is as if the gods help to step on the heads of one strong and one strong.

How is this possible...what is the method he uses...

"Already the third place?" The silver dagger in the hands of the burial **** made a silver thread, and a giant lizard in front of him was emptied of life and fell to the ground. He turned around, his brows wrinkled and opened the rankings. The level of evil spirits has risen to the point where it is incredible. He can't help but pay attention.

The gaze glanced at the top ten of the rankings. The original brow of the burial **** suddenly sank suddenly, and the gaze was fixed at the top position, motionless.

The reaction of the burial **** made the sacred shadows linger, asking: "Young master, what happened, isn't it..."

"Let's open the rankings yourself." The funeral said with a blank expression, then slowly turned and locked his brow and looked at the front. "Evil day..." He meditated on the name, a person who could not help him.

The deity of the gods opened the rankings, and his eyes went from the bottom up, then up... and then up...

"First... first!?" When looking at the name at the top of the list, the eyes of the gods suddenly screamed, and a subconscious shock was heard in the mouth.

Rank leaderboard: first place: evil day, level: 11 level, occupation: no!

"Impossible... how could this be... he just finished third!" The shadow of the gods was stuttering. He hadn’t recovered from the shock for a long time. He once again couldn’t believe what he saw in his eyes. A minute ago, it was still the third place. In the twinkling of an eye, I even stepped on the first and second times, occupying the top of the ranking list... This is not from the 10 million to the 10 million. Zero, not from the 103rd to the 101st... but from the third to the first, it is impossible to complete in such a short time!

"He should have just killed a boss during this time and gained a lot of experience." He said to him indifferently, he raised his head slightly and whispered: "I care more about why he There is no occupation, he deliberately did not change his job... or something else... Shadow, let the people in the league pay attention to his whereabouts as much as possible, I want to understand this person to the greatest extent possible."


A three-star little raccoon head fell down under the attack of Ye Tianxie nearly twenty times. He still had a huge body lying on the ground, making a dull pounce.

Ye Tianxie took a sigh of relief and did not rush to smash the equipment on the ground. Instead, he summoned the rankings with his mind, and then looked very proudly at the top of his list.

It’s hard for ordinary players to make a hard-to-face list, but for him it’s as simple as a sneak peek. The experience brought by a 15-level Samsung small boss made him stride a lot in the top of the leaderboard in the shock of countless players.

The head of the little raccoon (does it differ from the little raccoon leader? Is there? Is there... there is one, the leader is a leader... Well, there is no difference. But why is a two star, a Samsung? How do I know! Don't ask me for such a complicated question.) A total of two pieces of equipment were fired, one for the store's 15-level whiteboard and the other for a bronze leg.

Tough leggings: 15 level bronze equipment, use requirements: 15 level melee class occupation, defense +15, strength +5, physical strength +5, a very hard leggings to touch, should have a good defense ability.

"Hey... someone in the real world is calling, is it going to quit the game?"

The tone sounded in the ear, and Ye Tianxie put the tough leggings back into the backpack and calculated the next line after the approximate time.

The line of sight in front of me was just clear, and Ye Tianxie saw a delicate figure. A girl in a tight purple pimple was bending over her waist and looking at him half lying on the sofa. Closer look, her figure is glamorous, and the purple little cockroach is too tight, the front chest is tight, almost can not restrain the two groups full of chest, people worry about the top of the button will Will not collapse at any time. The hand is soft, the skin is like gelatin, the jade arm is slender and snowy, the waist is slender and delicate, especially her long and slender legs, every time I touch it with my eyes, I feel so pleasing, the heart is undulating with the impulse to touch with my hands. . The soft and moving body trembled with her breath. This kind of figure has approached perfection, and people will think about it when they are eye-catching.

Seeing that Ye Tianxie opened his eyes, he sneaked at him for a long time. Sufei Fei’s look flashed through a sneak peek of secret secrets, but immediately returned to normal, straightening his waist, hands clasping his chest, wrinkling his nose and saying : "The sky is already dark, and now I know it, you are not afraid of starvation."

Ye Tianxie stretched out and didn't answer. He looked up and glanced at the electronic clock on the wall. Only then did he know that it was eight o'clock in the evening. When he just got up, he immediately felt a different place around him.

The taste that has made him accustomed to almost disappeared, although there are still traces that cannot be completely eliminated in a short time, but most of them have been covered by a faint floral fragrance. At first glance, the original messy floor was as smooth as a mirror, and I couldn’t find an inch and the black position before. Every glass that I could see was crystal clear, not just that. Even in front of his eyes, the table that had been filled with messy things had already been cleaned up, and the TV set that had been covered with thick layers of gray was obviously wiped cleanly and meticulously.

As the owner of the house, he clearly knows how dirty his room was before this, but now, what is presented to him is a neat and neat thing that he can hardly believe, as if he suddenly entered another A world.

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