Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 943: prelude!

"I won't be involved in this battle." The blood wheel said something surprising at this time.

"you want?"

The blood wheel smiled slightly and raised his wrist: "Now I am the chief commander of the reincarnation, I can't die... and, compared to increasing my weak power, I think one thing is worth more. I will do it... I will record the current situation here, as well as the enemies I have to face, and all the next ones, and record them all to the world, so that everyone knows what kind of lineup we are facing. The enemy... I can't let the reincarnation, and your soul is the object of responsibility."

The words of the blood wheel made them silent, and then nodded unanimously.

"Use this!" Star Baoer ran over and took out a small silver instrument: "This is my special star camera, which not only has super high definition, but also can greatly adjust the distance and orientation of photography. And you can achieve simultaneous shooting at multiple angles."

The blood wheel took it... Star Baoer is also a member of the soul of the heavens. He knows that the power of Star Boer, he also heard it. He reached out and nodded. He quickly turned around. After a while, it has already appeared. Above the high walls. There are only 3,000 people who do not destroy the reincarnation. He must maximize the abilities of these 3,000 people. If he dies early, the reincarnation is also a major defeat. At the same time, as he said, he must put the status quo here and let everyone see it... Even if they are defeated, he has tried his best. After all, their lineup is too different from the enemy they are facing. Disparity.

"叮...Warning! Serious warning! The player team in the Dongpu Theater has already stepped into the lost continent, and will attack the Tianmen City East Gate. The total number of players is around 35,000. The Tianmen City East Gate defense is extremely weak. Please players Possible distracting power to go to support!!"



When the team of Dongpu approached a distance of one kilometer, the warning sound of the system finally sounded late, which led to a surge of ups and downs in China. The blood wheel also opened the special camera that Xingbaoer gave him at this time, and synchronized to the network in the first time... Soon, when the players in China saw the black pressure from the various media, At the time of the weak defense in front of Tianchen City, they burst into screams.

"How can the guardian in front of Tianchen City be so weak, what is going on here! Where have people gone!"

"I remember that there were hundreds of thousands of guards on Tianchen City not long ago! It can be said that it is the safest place. How can we leave such a person now!"

"The ones who are there are... that is the sign of the reincarnation, and the people of the Mercenary Mercenary!"

"The soul is light! What nonsense? Even if the whole group of the Souls Mercenary is there, how can they stop people, if Tianchen City is occupied by the Eastern Dog, this is the shame of our whole China. Go to support!!"

"Support!! What you said is simple! It is also the Mozu, and it is the invasion of the coalition forces of various countries. Now, where can we dissipate the power! Even if we can go back to Tianchen City, there will be at least two hours... two hours. Ah! Their lineup is impossible to block for two minutes... we have already been late!"

The weak state of the East Gate of Tianchen City has caused the players in China to get into a violent panic in shock. They didn't care too much about this tone, because the invasion of other players in the country has been played in many areas of the mainland, and now they are all resisted by the death and support, there is no news of where there is a fall. But looking at the guardian power in front of the East Gate of Tianchen City, they were almost shocked by the scattered souls.

So few people, what do they take to stop!

A lot of players who can barely disperse their strengths exited and returned to Tianchen City. The players who were originally in Tianchen City summoned the mounts to go crazy in the direction of the East Gate... In any case, even Active can not stop their invasion, and it is impossible for them to destroy the resurrection stone!

Tianchen City in front of the East Gate.

In addition to the increasingly heavy grounding, the quiet here can't hear any noise, almost even the breathing has stopped. Whether it is the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, or the invincible reincarnation, they all know what will be met next... It will be their resistance at all costs.

Everyone has a mortal consciousness.

The black-pressed team stopped at the 200 meters in front of them. The singular players of Dongying, at first glance, did not appear cluttered, apparently had a very strict organization and deployment before entering the lost continent. They saw the lineup of the East Army, and the East Army also saw their lineup.

In the Eastern Army, a sacred knight riding a horse came out and walked out after ten steps. Then he gave a scornful laugh in the direction of Tianchen City: "Ha ha ha ha... This is your Chinese team? It’s so ridiculous, hahahaha... I heard that the first few are the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps? You guys are not self-sufficient little reptiles, don’t hurry to get out, just because you also want to block me. Army? We will first step you into mud, and then occupy this Tianchen City, occupy all your cities, kill your Chinese players, and then destroy the evil days..."

boom! ! ! ! !

With the sound of the rupture of the eardrum and the subsequent bursting sound, the voice of the Dongyan who was releasing the madness stopped short, and his head disappeared on his body... The dripping blood was planted from the mount and landed heavily on the ground.


"Team ... group ... group ... the head of the group is dead!!"

The screams of horror and the sound of inhalation sounded in the team of Dongpu. The players in the front row all contracted, and the body retreated involuntarily in the shudder. They shrank... They saw the head of the first regiment in their head. The front blasted open, the smashing of the smashing, the horrible **** flowers and chaos... This is a horror scene that almost collapsed their psychological defense.

What is even more frightening is that no one knows how he died. In front, the enemy closest to them is also more than 100 meters away!

Above the city wall, Murong Qiu Shui sighed softly at the mother gun and said: "Poor child, wake up from your dreams."


The Dongpu team died for a few seconds, and behind, a heavy voice sounded. They were originally prepared to swear by the words, and in the face of Murong Qiushui’s "broken empty burial", the order of full attack was issued in advance.

This mythical battle, which will never be forgotten by Chinese players and the world's players, is officially kicked off at this moment.

End of volume

The next chapter tries to explode 5,000 words. After all, the number of words in these two chapters is small, and the **** family is embarrassed~~~~~

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