Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 95: Guping Town


In view of the direct bursting of the book review area after the roar, click on the red ticket to brush up... ! ! ! Keep it for me! ! ! ! Keep understanding! ! ! ! understand! ! ! ! ! You give strength, a fire design is more powerful than you! ! ! ! There is wood! ! ! ! Look at the update of tomorrow, you will know that there are wood, there are wood! ! ! ! ! 】

Overgrown with weeds. Running all day and night, the blood of the BMW is still not slow, and the fast interlaced horseshoes fly a piece of stone. One mountain after another, high or low, swayed from the side.

Opening the map that Tianchen City had given him, Ye Tianxie immediately locked his position. A few hours further forward, there should be a small town called Gupyeong. And the south there is the target location of his trip - the **** phoenix's lair.

Phoenix, in the myths and legends of China, is as noble as the dragon. No matter what the world, it should be the top, the most noble existence. Even as a boss, it will always be the top boss. However, it appeared prematurely in Ye Tianxie's "Destiny" career, and even he himself occasionally felt a little awkward.

"Oh la la, so the hair is also very comfortable." Fruit curled on two calves sitting on the head of a sweaty BMW, long hair dancing backwards in the wind. Her hand still holds a lollipop that she can hardly leave without a sip. Until now, Ye Tianxie is still somewhat uncertain about whether the sticky lollipop is really like to eat, or want to eat lollipop and satisfy the strange pride of being luoli.

Probably, the latter is mostly... Because under the influence of Sufifi, this seems to have never eaten the meat of the past. Every time I see the meat, I cried and rushed to the past, and I have been eating until I... I haven't seen her holding a large piece of meat every day.

It is desolate here, and the mountains and the mountains are arranged in chaos. It is obviously more difficult to run than when you left Tianchen City. Obviously, this is a good place for all kinds of beasts. Therefore, above this road, Ye Tianxie has never relaxed his vigilance, but always keep an eye on the surrounding...14 level, such a level is high among the players, but in the entire lost continent, this is the level of complete strength. In this dangerous place, just picking up a monster is enough to kill him.

After eating a lollipop, the fruit sticks out of the small powder tongue and licks it for a while, and then puts the last sweet taste on the plastic tube into the mouth. This is a small hand and a plastic stick. The stick was thrown out, then stretched out, and the body twisted, lying on the horse's head in the most comfortable position: "Master, fruit is going to sleep, watch me carefully, be careful not to let me from Falling down here, if the pain hurts, the owner will feel bad."

Ye Tianxie... nod. This little ancestor has been accustomed to his constant demands for various non-points or points.

Two hours later, Guping Town.

The name of Guping Town is derived from a hero named Gu Ping a hundred years ago. At that time, the southern part of the town had a terrible place called the cave. The overwhelming yin there has spawned a variety of horrible death system monsters, and as time goes on, the undead creatures that have been derived are getting stronger and stronger, and in the end, a powerful undead monarch is born.

Originally, ordinary undead creatures can only live in the darkness, seeing no sunshine, but the powerful undead monarch has the ability to survive in the light. Finally, a hundred years ago, the undead monarch stepped out of the cave and followed the soul of the soul to the nearest town... The town suffered a huge disaster, and at this time, a brave named Gu Ping appeared. He used his sword and his shield to resist the attack of the undead monarch, and eventually destroy the undead monarch... and the cost of destroying it is the loss of his life.

The undead monarch...100-level heavenly boss.

The warrior named Gu Ping, who was the real hero who was remembered by the entire lost continent, was the guardian president of the Lost City, a man who got the badge of the brave and the badge of the hero.

In that year, the lost mainland knew the new name of Guping Town, a town that was originally unknown. Guping Town has since become a town of respect and worship heroes.

Guping Town is not prosperous, but as soon as you step into the town, you will feel a sense of peace and harmony. Ye Tianxie, who was riding a sweaty BMW, was immediately watched by various eyes. Guping Town is very small, probably only less than a thousand people, plus long-term escaping from the world, and most of them know each other. Suddenly there is a person who is obviously outside, which has obviously aroused the attention of the townspeople here.

"Hello, who is your mayor?" Ye Tianxie stopped at a quiet old man who was 50 or 60 years old and asked politely.

The old man looked up at him with a gentle smile on his face: "Hello, adventurers from afar, welcome to Guping Town, I am the mayor here."

Ye Tianxie took a moment to squat, and then noticed the name of the old man’s head... the mayor of Guping Town.

Luck is also very good... Then again, the luck of 12 o'clock is really not covered.

Ye Tianxie immediately jumped from the sweaty treasure, and at the same time, he slammed the fruit in the big sleep and held it in his hand. Then he took back the sweaty horse, and with such a big movement, the fruit was actually no. Was awakened, the little nose still flicked evenly with the breath of sleep.

"Hello, mayor, I am from Tianchen City, and I am entrusted by the city owner to inquire about something from you." Ye Tianxie said, while thinking about it for a long time, he still did not find a place to place fruit, so he had to hold it in his hand. .

"Tianchen City, that is really a desirable place." The mayor’s eyes lit up and sighed and said: "The brave from Tianchen City, what can we help you, please say it."

Ye Tianxie nodded and said: "In the south of this small town, there is a nest of blood phoenixes. Do you know the mayor?"

"Know... I know of course." The voice of the mayor of Guping Town was obviously excited: "It is a beautiful and terrible phoenix. It has a **** color. Three years ago, it suddenly flew from the south and sprinkled. The **** flame burned the south of the town. Later, in three years, it once flew over our town again and again, although we never attacked our town again, but every time we fly, we are deep Deeply afraid, because it only once again accidentally sprinkles the blood of the blood, our small town carrying the remains of the hero will be turned into ruins. A month ago, a warrior from Tianchen City went. The phoenix's lair... but... oh!"

In the heart of Ye Tianxie’s heart, frowning asked: “How are they? They have not returned for a long time, and Tianchen City is entrusting me to find their whereabouts.”

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