Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 971: Blood burial, dark demon

The former rushing Dongpu players are holding a mortal consciousness. When they are close to the distance of 50 meters in front of the city gate, they can't help closing their eyes because they are afraid that the magic that covers the sky will make them horrified. Roar……

However, the picture of horror did not come. At the rear, more and more players began to discover that the girl who stood on the wall of the city and waved away the thousands of troops had disappeared. The day that greeted these invaders was the day. Several other people in the Soul Mercenary.

"Overlord's ridicule!!"

Hate sucks, these people all turn in the direction, rushed to the left-breaking army, the left-breaking army also shouted and rushed to them, they have not been able to close, the nightmare energy bomb and the scattered chasing arrow have preempted To the death of one player after another, Meng Yuyi and Situ ruthlessly rushed to the enemy under their extraordinary speed, and the sharp blade in their hands quickly harvested their lives.

In a blink of an eye, those hundred players who rushed to the gates have already fallen down.

However, this did not make these intruders grind their teeth, but instead let them show surprises one after another.

"What happened? That dream? Why isn't she attacking?" The Chinese players who watched here made a shout. They have been enjoying the amazing magical blockbuster to harvest the images of these invaders, and the safety of Tianchen City seems to be completely eliminated by the appearance of dreams. However, this time the dream was suddenly not attacked, and above the wall, she had disappeared there.

The feeling of restlessness is born in the hearts of Chinese players... Is it difficult to find a dream to leave, or can no longer launch an attack?

Some of her more than a terrifying horror magic... have strict limits and can't be used again in a short time?

They can think of... These dreamers hope that the invaders who dream of disappearing immediately will not think of it. They saw the flowers that disappeared on the wall, and they saw the other people who are greeted by the soul of the soul. It turned into ecstasy.

The hundred people who rushed to the gates were quickly destroyed. Under the hatred of the left-wing army, none of these Dongpu players rushed into the city. At this time, in front of them, suddenly there was a thunderous thunder. In the thunderous sound of the ground, the ground was shaking violently, and the air instantly became extremely chaotic.

At first glance... what they saw was an astonishing scene like a volcanic eruption.

The three-nation team that did not dare to flock forward in fear, at this moment, as crazy as the general out of the whole ... is all out! !

What is the picture of hundreds of thousands of players coming together? Perhaps, the ground shaking is not enough to describe. Zuo Broken Army, Situ Brothers, Meng Yuyi, Murong Qiushui, and Blood Wheel all lie there... Even they are shocked for a short time under this scene.

"Yes... is the total attack!" said the left-handed army.

Because this is an opportunity that they are hard to grasp.

Hua dreams to leave, they can't guarantee that she will leave temporarily or leave, can't guarantee that she will come back soon... So, in this gap, they will use this lineup like the sky, 狠狠The pressure on Tianchen City...

Under this huge torrent, the few people who stood in front of Tianchen City...the roots can suddenly be ignored.

"How... what to do!!" The teeth of Situ, who never knew what the fear was, were actually shaking... He was not afraid of himself, but under this lineup, he was unwilling to comfort Tianchen City! In an hour and twenty minutes, they have been persisting for such a long time, and they have been at such a level. After half an hour, the Chinese players will come in. These intruders will never invade again... they persisted under one miracle after another. Now, Tianchen City is safe and sound...

How can they be willing to be completely crushed in this last period of time!

"What can I do, block it!!"

"What to take!!" Situ was so loud and arrogant.

"Get your life!!"

And the tentative siege that was sparse under the magical shock, the invading army that the three countries gathered together can be described as overwhelming. This is the first time that the three countries have joined forces to launch a general attack of this scale... Everyone of the Soul has never faced such a lineup. It has never been seen before, and it should not be there in the future.

Two hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters, one hundred meters...

The left-handed army first rushed up, the heavy shield in the hand directly knocked over the big players, and countless attacks began to fall on him. Without Sufifi, his reply must rely on his life recovery ability and Using the healing potion, the pressure was several times larger than before, but he did not hesitate to move forward... He knew that when he rushed into the ranks, there was no second way except death.

The intensity of the player is several times more than any previous moment. With the waves of the waves of the sea, the left-handed army, the Situ, the Situ ruthless, and the dream feathers are submerged in an instant, like a few swallowed by the rising tide. Sea sand.

"Overlord's ridicule!!"

Under this intensive crowd, in the absence of Sufifi, the left-wing army also launched a mocking technique that attracted all attacks to themselves. Therefore, for a short time, the dream feathers and other people around him will not be attacked, and there is no pressure to kill, but he himself... physical attack can not break his defense, but the intensive magic attack In his body, the speed at which his life has fallen has greatly exceeded the speed of his own recovery...

"The soul of the heavens!!"

The imperial reincarnation was placed on the ground, blocking the front of the left-handed army, and the gray light flashed above the shield...

-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1...

Before the effect of the soul of the heavens, all the attacks in front of the left-handed army can only cause 1 damage, but the attack is on his side, and the magic behind is still taking his life quickly, but fortunately Candidly slowed down his life recovery speed, the left-breaking army gritted his head and saw that the black-pressed player group had approached the gate of Tianchen City...

And a few seconds passed, a player who has not been ridiculed has also approached. His goal is not to break the army, but the other three, Meng Yuyi and Situ ruthless have a ghostly body, even in the Under such a dense attack, it is also possible to avoid almost all attacks, but Stuart...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

An arrow fell on him, and the bursting effect caused him to knock down on the ground. He quickly stood up, just attacking and then two successive enhanced lightning techniques descended from the air, hitting his life. To almost blank...

"poker face!!"

The left-handed army’s eyes roared, forcibly interrupted the effect of the soul of the heavens, and screamed and slammed into the past. The large players close to Situ’s brakes were slammed into the air, but it was also the soul of the heavens. Interrupted, letting his life suffered a lot of attacks and lost most of his life.

"But it..." Looking at his last bloodline, Stuart sighed softly.

Although they are so strong, how much can they play under this scale of attack? Before Tianchen City Gate, the dense group of players has been less than ten meters away from the city gate. In another two seconds, Tianchen City will be stepped in by them... All they can do is kill more. Personally.

Hey! ! !

Two tearing sounds, bringing up two scarlet blood lines, two consecutive "broken nails and destroy" to kill a large number of players around them, but did not give them enough breathing space, The gap that just appeared was immediately added by more intruding players, and the attack came again...

On the wall of the city, two lights flashed up...because the gods who came back and Lingjie.

God woke up, compared to the original half-hour coma, this time he was in a coma for a quarter of an hour... and, due to the release of a "ghost", within the next three hours, he Will not be able to use poison. The demon snake in his hand was also taken back by the poisonous sage, and he was left with speed without the poison and the demon snake, that is, only the escape.

When Ling Jie and Shen Xiaoyao came back, they were shocked by the crowds in front of them. Among the crowds, they saw four of them, and they saw their blood tanks... Blood trough...

"Left Big Brother!! Poker Face!!"

Ling Jie’s eyes were wide open and he was shocked... He didn’t expect that when he appeared, he saw the shocking picture that they stepped into the edge of death.

At this moment, among the crowd, a beautiful black shadow suddenly rises to the sky... This jump is about 20 meters high.

Dream feathers!

Tens of thousands of troops, when her leaping figure enters people's sight, the person who knows her, still recognizes her at first sight... never reveals her face, but her light is always dazzling The root cannot be forgotten. However, people saw her leaping, but did not see her fall.

Because, when she jumped to the highest point, she disappeared there. At the moment when she disappeared, the sky suddenly darkened, and the sound of cutting air and space was intertwined into a chaotic storm in an instant... The next scene cannot be explained by any common sense known to man. In the empty air, the position of the dream feather coat was at the midpoint, and suddenly a black lotus flower appeared. The black and the petals of the fascinating beauty were in their sight, the dazzling bloom, the petals extended in the bloom, spread ...has covered the ten meters below...20 meters...30 meters...40 meters...50 meters...

Lotus is finally fully blooming...

Under each petal, there is no life in the corpse.

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