Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 983: Returning from evil

Tomorrow... Oh no, it should be said today, one meeting in the morning, the government decided in the afternoon, I followed the preparation materials for the whole night, and I am still waiting for more classmates. I am sorry... Take a break, Hua Wei: Go to bed early and get up early to be healthy. 】

In the midst of the surprise, they looked up at the same time and looked at the sky.

Counting them, since they left each other last time, they have never seen Ye Tianxie in the game world, and they have never seen him fight again. On the way back, they are very much looking forward to seeing for months, he will How powerful it is... With his constant growth rate and the shock he has been bringing to him, he must be several times stronger than ever.

The second time at the Magic Wu Conference, he did not see him, it was their biggest loss and regret. Because they are most hopeful after becoming stronger, they can actually show their strength in front of him... prove that they have the qualification to stay in the soul of the heavens. In addition, it is a kind of heartfelt miss. The soul of the heavens is a team carrying countless honors. Each of the teams has different strengths and different personalities, but they all have talents, dignity and pride far beyond ordinary people. These are also the ones that make them cast into poles in a short time. Strong cohesiveness... The core of this cohesive force is Ye Tianxie, a group of people who have formed a group of corporal mercenaries and are looked up by all of China, or feared, or worshipped.

When he left him, his original anti-day evil dragon profession was lost for unknown reasons. For a long time, they never heard the sound of the dragon soul roaring. Ye Tianxie was deeply lost and unresolved because he suddenly lost this profession. Their inner feelings are not as good as him... Because the dragon soul roars, it is his signature skill. At the beginning, he was roaring with the dragon soul. , alone in the wing of the sky to kill and kill, such as into the uninhabited.

Now... At this moment when there is no hope at all, they have heard the long-lost roar of the dragon soul.

They looked up at the same time and looked into the air. They saw the sky, and a blue shadow didn't know what to stay there. This is a creature made of water blue ice. The whole body is full of water blue color - and it is the purest and pure, only the purest water element will release the blue of heaven. With a length of three meters, the surface of the body, the blue scales release the almost glaring crystal awns, and the scales are shaped like the dragon scales in the legend of the Chinese dragon. The body is not stout. The limbs like icicles are also covered with ice scales. The crystal is slender and long. The tail is very long. It has two meters. The shape of the tail is like the tail of a dragon, but the tip of the tail is a cold light. , as sharp as an arrow. What is more conspicuous is that... Its back is slanted with two huge ice crystal wings, and the shape of the wings is like the legendary phoenix wing.

Its head shape is even more bizarre, like a deer and not a deer. It is like a horse and a horse. It has a slight shape of a dragon head. However, what you can see at a glance is the majesty and prestige it releases. A half-meter long ice-blue crystal corner of the forehead is cold, and when people look at it, there will be no sorrow.

From this point of view, you can't see the person who rides on the back of this strange creature, only to see a vague shadow... But none of them can remember the name of this ice blue creature.

"That is... Yu Yubing!!" Sufifi shouted excitedly. She quickly ran to the edge of the wall and shouted loudly into the air: "Heaven!! Is it you!!"

"Headmaster...why every time you appear, it’s like a destiny arrangement!" Stuart’s excitement slammed his hand and looked at the feathers of the ice. Will only belong to one person! Can control it, how can there be others!

"Brother, are you back?" Chen Xue also ran to Sufifei and shouted.

"Finally, I saw you again." Star Baoer quietly held his hands and said to himself in a very low voice. Because, this is the first time she has been with him for the first time.

Huaqi dream turned around and silently closed his eyes. Suddenly his eyes waved and whispered: "His life is changing... It turns out that my roots have been unable to penetrate his fate... Maybe, except for himself. No one can control his fate."

"Second brother, finally came back! Great." Zuo Bianjun grinned and smiled. Not only came back, but also a gesture that surprised him... He found his dragon soul roar and found his crying feathers!

Under their eager gaze, Chou Yu Binglin rushed straight down from the air and rushed to their eyes at once. Ye Tianxie, a casual attire from Yu Chen’s heart, stood in front of them with a smile. The eyes rushed through each of them: "Well, I am back... I have kept you waiting."

"Nothing! Big Brother, you are just right... No, it’s good to come back!" Ling Jie was excited and incoherent. Seeing Ye Tianxie, he, and everyone in this heart, all the feelings of depression and depression are swept away... Although he is only a person, although there are nearly 100,000 troops in front of the city gate, but look When he arrived, they didn't have any worry or pressure at all... He appeared, then Tianchen City will be fine! This idea appears in their minds at the same time. The only reason is that he is the head of their group, Ye Tianxie.

"Oh, that's great... Big Brother, I want to show you that I have become very powerful. I didn't expect to see you, but let you see how we are." God is excited and excited. Sorry to say.

"Wolf?" Ye Tianxie's eyes swept over the land here. He said with a smile: "Is tens of thousands of people killed by a few people? Is it a wolf? You made me a big surprise. , Instant, ruthless, happy, Xiaojie, you all do very well... Now, you all go up, the rest, give it to me."

After the end of Ye Tianxie, he turned his body and turned to the east. With the intention of a move, he was summoned by him and went straight to Murong Qiu Shui. A "Xuan Ling Resuscitation" revived him.

Murong Qiu Shui stood up from the ground and patted the dust on his body, revealing an elegant smile: "Dear brother, I haven't seen each other for so long, have you missed me as crazy as I miss you crazy? ""

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Cut... hurry up to me! It's a break now." Zuo Bianjun directly picked up Murong Qiu Shui and dragged it to the wall... Under the excitement, he didn't know where the power came from, and the walk became flat. Everyone else returned to the wall, and no one violated him. Above, the blood wheel turned the camera lens to him, and his face showed a smile. He knew that the crisis in Tianchen City was once again in contact... No, this time, it may have been completely lifted.

Even if he is not a soul, even if he is nearly 100,000 troops ahead, he still has such an idea. Because, Ye Tianxie has always been the name of "unbeaten" and has never been broken. Today, he will not lose.

The news of the return of the head of the Soul Mercenary Corps was also transmitted to the sights of countless players in the world by the camera in the hands of the blood wheel.

At this time, the players who have been fainted have all stood up from the ground. Ye Tianxie gaze on one side, whispered: "Kaka, blow them!"

The weeping feathers of the ice-winged wings spread, and suddenly slammed, a blizzard suddenly overwhelmed, and the big players who rushed into the gates of the city all flew out, invading the players one after another, and they were busy. From the beginning, the stupid stood there, and looked at the Ye Tianxie who was indifferent to them, and no one dared to come forward...

The head of the Soul Mercenary Corps appeared!

Every member of the Souls is so perverted... Their heads can be imagined to be terrible. Aside from others, the name of China’s undefeated evil emperor, no one knows. For a time, the shadows left by the souls of the people before them were once again covered in the heart of the sea, so that they were deeply afraid of not moving forward.

The commanders of the Allied Powers of the Three Kingdoms hate that almost all their teeth are crunching... Again! ! Another time, when they thought they could achieve their goals immediately, the accident happened. This time, at this point of view, when the group is going to destroy the soul of the heavens and attack into Tianchen City, the head of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps appears... In the past, they knew the name of the undefeated evil emperor, but for him The perception of strength is only placed in the position of the master player, but today I witnessed the horror of everyone in the Soul Mercenary. In the face of the head of this soul, they could not control the heart. Fearful and horrified... Even if he is just a person, he has nearly 100,000 people on his side.

They can only yell...

"What are you stupid to do!! Don't pay attention to him, the gate is in front of you, give me a rush in immediately... If he is even better, can you block such a large army, fast!!"

These commanders did not agree to attack Ye Tianxie's instructions, but directly rushed into the city when he did not exist. After the order was issued, the teams of these invaders finally moved again. The players in front of the team first tried to move their steps and watched Ye Tianxie react. After seeing that he had no action, he quickly speeded up and rushed to the gate.

Ye Tianxie is too calm, but let them play drums inside. The head of this soul, he is definitely not a simple character.

At first glance, these invading army black pressures, the roots can not see the end.

Very terrible number... Ye Tianxie thought of it silently.

After his personal ability to bless the sacred inflammation, he killed ten days and ten nights inside, and they didn't want to treat him. But blocking them from entering the city is impossible.

If the ball is there, it would be too simple.

That being the case...


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