Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 988: Defeated 0

The city of mi lost is already in a mess. More and more magic soldiers have entered the city. Similarly, there are quite a few magic soldiers who have lost their lives under the power of the ghost king and the sages. Here, the players have not seen the figure, their bodies are more fragile than these magical soldiers, the five ghost kings, the three great sages, and the fierce battle between the two strongest cities in the lost city, a few kilometers Inside, they are close to being sent to death.




The black mist is lingering, the poisonous gas is pervasive, the holy light is flashing, and the knife is bursting. This level of fighting is close to the fierce battle between the Holy Ghosts. However, both sides have scruples... The main purpose of the Three Sages and the Two Gods is to protect the city, so try to force the five ghost kings away from the mi. The city, and control the scope of the attack, to prevent the city of the lost city from being destroyed by energy. The five ghost kings also want to shrink the attack range to prevent the magic soldiers belonging to the Mozu from dying under their own attacks, but despite this, the city of mi lost from the south gate to the north of the kilometer area has been destroyed by devastation, they are fighting The center point is destroyed by the unrecognizable, the energy collision and the roaring sound of the explosion. The whole lost city is clear, so that ordinary npcs who have no fighting ability close their doors in fear, curled up and shivered in the corner. With.

The end of the lost city of mi seems to be coming soon.



Two dark explosions, the purple sword **** and the ice fire **** were all flew out and landed on the ground, and could no longer stand up. Being able to stick to it now is already their limit. Now they have exhausted all the tricks and even taboos, almost no fighting ability, they can only fall to the ground, unable to watch the three sages in the hard support ... but they are not strong enough, On the contrary, they are among the most powerful among human beings, except for the nameless and sages. They are the purple sword gods and the ice fire gods who are famous for their resounding continents. They are the gods among all the practitioners who can only look up. However, their opponent this time is the ghost king, the strongest demon outside the devil's mainland devil! The power of the ghost king, the root is not comparable to human beings.

The strength of the sage is slightly inferior to that of the ghost king. The twelve sages of that year, with strong restraint, were able to defeat the nine ghost kings. Without the help of the two gods, the three sages have doubled their pressure and are in danger.

"Ha ha ha ha, only you three are not dead, but also want to block us!? The sages who are not together, there is no threat to our roots, give me to die!"

The five ghost kings also snarled at the same time, the shadows moved, and their bodies also gathered together in a moment, and the deep black gas condensed on them at the same time, and broke out at the same time.

"Go to hell... Five magic destroys hun!!"

The black gas erupted from the five ghost kings merged together, and then rushed to the surroundings. A rotating black shadow formed rapidly and spread rapidly, and the blink of an eye spread to the feet of the three sages.

"After!! Holy Word!!"

Hearing the words "Five Devils Destroying the hunter", the poisonous sages who are already close to exhaustion are screaming and arrogant. This magical array of three demons can be launched, the greater the power of the magic, the more the number, the more terrible the power and scope, they know more clearly how terrible this magical array.

The sages have also suffered heavy losses. The scope of this magical array is too large. They have no time to escape. She gasps and lifts the stick of the Word, and shouts: "Holy barrier!"

The sacred barrier she performed is not comparable to that of Sufifi. Sophie’s sacred barrier can only protect herself, and the sacred barrier of the sages directly envelopes the area around 50 meters. And the ghost knife is also shrouded in it, but also the moment when the sacred barrier is formed. The dark magic circle below rotates rapidly, and the innumerable darkness condenses into countless dark magic arrows, which are shot at the top, like a The dark rainstorm was reversed.


The arrows of darkness are all blocked by the sacred barriers, and they carry the intensive collision sounds. The ghost knives and the poisonous electricity have not left the sacred obstacles, because they know very well how much the dark magic arrows are lethal. Will not forget, the 12 sages have the strongest destructive power, and the weakest self-protection of the Kwai Lei sage is the "eight magic **** hun dynasty" that was launched in the Eight Devils.

The sages of the sages are full of light, arms raised, and do their best to maintain the power of the sacred barrier, but her face is obviously more and more pale, and the body has also become more and more violent shaking.

Light and darkness, light and dark collisions, darkness will be eliminated, and light will also be erased. Light and dark collisions of the same degree and density produce an effect of canceling each other out. Thus, under the sacred barrier, the dark magic arrow is blocked, and the power of the sacred barrier is weakened by the dark magic arrow little by little, becoming weaker little by little...

Ping! ! ! !

A crisp sound, the sacred barrier can no longer be supported, such as a glass ball fragmented, countless dark magic arrows completely cover the three sages, ruthlessly cutting their bodies...

"Ha ha ha ha ... only three dare to die, all to die! You have killed the hatred of the Qing, we have not forgotten, go to hell, to redeem the Qing Ming!!"

In the distance, the purple sword **** and the ice fire **** looked desperately at the three sages who fell into the five magical hunters. The strength of the two of them could not completely block a ghost king. For the city where mi is lost, the three sages can be said to be the last hope. Now, this last hope is also supported by it. It has not been long before it reaches the edge of the collapse... The Mozu reappears, and the seal of the Eight Devils The twelve sages only appeared three... Where are the others? Why are they not willing to appear again, where is the goddess of Xi Yao?

If they really don't appear anymore...

Mi lost city, and mi lost the mainland, really want to fall into the hand of the Mozu?

Thinking of the scene of mi lost on the mainland, the eyes of the demons are fascinating. They are desperately dead. The strongest of the human beings, in front of this demon king, is so powerless and unbearable. Now, what else can save the city of lost, save the lost continent! ?

In the city where mi is lost, there are also countless city people watching the battle between the ghost king and the sage in the distant air. The ghost king and the sage and the battle between them are legendary things. This time, it is true that they are staged in their sights, and they are gradually introduced into the abyss of fear. Each of them knows what it means if the sages are defeated. They also know that the three sages face the five ghost kings, and the most likely outcome is that they can only pray in trepidation and fear...

Until the guardians of the Three Sages broke down, the darkness swayed them, and in the more violent trepidation, they tasted despair... In the palace of the lost city, the lost emperor took a long breath. The body was shaking a few times.

Human wisdom is endless. But in the face of powerful power, the humbleness of human power is also clearly manifested... What role can wisdom play in the face of absolute power? Is it tempting to use language to convince these terrible devils? That is tantamount to idiots who say dreams.

"The emperor...they, they have already lost." The lynx priest went to the side of the emperor who lost the mi, and said in a sigh, hard. He can already predict what the next outcome will be. "The poor road has just tried to ask the dragons for help... They told us that the light dragon is in retreat, unless there is anything terrible, it may not come out after thousands or even years. Without the order of the dragon god, they will not step out of the dragon. As for the other two holy gods with the power of annihilation, the poor road roots do not know how to find them... Hey, is there really no way to recover them?"

The emperor of Mi lost his head and shook his head. He sighed: "Things of the sages, I have known for a long time ago. After the First World War, all the sages who did not fight to death chose different ways of returning, and vowed not to intervene again. The three sages can appear, it is already an accident. Without the goddess of the goddess and the twelve sages, with our strength, we may be able to resist the magical demon, but don’t want to stop this terrible ghost king... Well, if the sky is going to die, I am lost in the city, we can do it."

At this time, the five demon hunts have disappeared in the air, and the three sages have all been planted from the air to the ground.

The poisonous sages and the ghost sages are pale as paper, and their vitality is weakened. The residual dark power entangles their bodies and continues to erode their lives. The sages were the least affected by the offset of the light power. She struggled to get up, releasing the light of the prayer to lift the darkness of the three men... and her magic power has reached the edge of the deficit.

"The old ghost, you are okay?" The crow was raised by the Holy Word and asked with a gasp.

"Oh, I haven't died yet." The poisonous electric power struggled to stand up. The demon snake in his hand had lost most of the green light. He looked at the five ghost kings who made a smirk, and smiled and said: "We even counted that year. If you don’t want to be so good, you won’t be so fast and disastrous... A hundred years, huh, huh, a hundred years, I and you are decadent in silence, the body is fast and old, and it becomes fragile, and the power is greatly reduced. A hundred years of cursing, even the body can not move, the power is degraded, the body becomes old and fragile... And these ghost kings, instead of being weak, they become stronger than before..."

"Now what is the use of these..." The ghost knife also smirked, and he looked at his wife with a sigh of relief and said: "Just hate, we still can't keep the city that lost the mi... but it is, so, too It is a return to the evil spirits of the evil world. Today, there will be no regrets when it dies. Holy Word... Do you regret it?"

The sages shook their heads gently: "A hundred years of life is better than death. I have supported the past. I just want to see you again... I can be together with you for so long. I am very satisfied. These are the evil days that have given us , die for him, or die with you, I have something to regret."

"You two..." The poisonous sage licked his mouth and bit his teeth: "Don't say such a disgusting idiot in front of me, we are still not dead!! If we really want to die, at least we must pull a ghost king." Back cushion... I promised my granddaughter to hold the city of mi lost, keep her home, and always do it!!"

Chen Xue is the only attachment he has lived in this world, because her body carries the last strength of his deceased wife, and it is also the last trace of existence. For her, he can free himself, including his life.

The shadows of the shadows, the five ghost kings have appeared in front of them at the same time, with a cold smile of the devil, watching them with victory and ridicule. Luosha ghost king yin laughed and said: "Hey... poisonous electricity, ghost knife, holy words, you really let us down, we thought it would be a very interesting battle, but did not expect... Hey, you have changed It’s so vulnerable, for a hundred years, even if we are sealed in the tower of destiny, we are also elevating our strength in the struggles... and you, uh... you guys now, the roots are not contending with us. qualifications."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense with them, solve them immediately, and win the city of mi lost... This is the best gift we used to meet the return of the devil." Purple ghost king Shen Sheng said.

"Hey, hey... want us to die? After we agreed?!" The poisonous sage raised the blade of the demon snake in his hand, sneering with disdain. His body swayed in the trembling.

"Hey, when you die, your mouth is still hard, then you will give me to die..." The purple ghost king hands both hands, a huge dark bomb is formed between his hands, and the darkness of the horror is instantaneous. The sages shrouded, and the body that stood unsteady was almost suppressed by the moment.

At this moment, the three sages flashed in front of the blue light, two stern eyes like a sword coldly shot to the five ghost kings... under his body, the ice blue wings of the sobbing feather ice lining released a dreamlike Azure blue mans. g@.

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