The dragon was very happy.

Mephisto was worried a few days ago that he would cause the local ecology to collapse if he drew too many pictures.

Then when the scale of the beast tide gradually decreased, he was not so active in drawing everywhere.

After that, he would try to kill as few as possible (he didn't)

But after learning that the large-scale beast tide was not an ecological migration phenomenon unique to the other world, but some kind of man-made conspiracy that would attack the city.

And after the mastermind behind this incident had a close relationship with him (they wanted to kill each other), a certain dragon could draw pictures happily again.

Ecological extinction and environmental collapse have nothing to do with me, I am doing good things!

Seeing the humans I saved, who dared not speak for me! They owe me a wall of banners!

However, recently, probably because the mastermind is about to die, the scale of the beast tide has been reduced a lot (actually, I have too many pictures). If I want to have a big meal, I can only wait for the beast tide to attack the city.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he is quite happy to take pictures and eat in large quantities.

Hundreds of millions of monster corpses were swallowed into his stomach and turned into nutrients, and the magic power was also absorbed into his body. Under the endless supply, his current strength can be said to be rising.

His current body size has grown to about 50 meters again. In terms of size, it is close to the level of the first generation.

Godzilla itself does not have such a thing that the size development depends on age. As long as the energy level is raised, it can grow. Don't you see that Lidor's size immediately increased wildly after receiving Honglian's legacy, and it increased sharply to 100 meters.

He also grew again under the nourishment of a large number of monster lives. As mentioned earlier, his body size has reached 50 meters, but this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the values ​​of various internal functions have been pulled up.

The color of his scales seems to have become deeper, but it cannot be seen under the ice and snow. The color of his horns and dorsal spines has also settled to a light that is restrained.

The overall body size has become stronger, including the strength of muscles and bones. The power of the biological atomic furnace in the body is also stronger. The output energy level should be able to support his frequent use of radiation heat rays for a period of time.

The weight has already broken through the 10,000-ton level before. Now it has increased from 40 meters to 50 meters, but the weight has increased by more than half, and this value is expected to continue to rise.

Now his strength should be qualified to show up in Heisei.

It is expected that if there is no large amount of energy supply for a period of time, the body length should be temporarily slowed down, and the internal functions that can support this body size will be improved.

That is to improve the internal configuration, such as energy output. For example, the ice organs obtained after entering the North gradually matured, and now the power of the breath is more powerful, and perhaps one day it can reach the level of the absolute zero cannon.

Although it may be a bit of hell for humans, Mephisto actually wanted to thank the mastermind for doing such a cruel thing.

Without the beast tide caused by the other party, how could he develop so quickly!

Not only that, a new panel to be unlocked is also provided. I can only use some strength when I kill you.

Following the map prompted by the system, he came to a city attacked by the beast tide.

The dragon showed its fangs again.

The dark malice also grinned.

The audience of the stage play is already in place.

It's time to present a beautiful artistic performance for it.

Salva's specially modified eyes have captured the huge figure looming in the clouds.

In the secret room of the castle in the city, behind him was a brain that had grown to the size of a person, connected to nameless scarlet flesh organs by blood vessels, and pierced into the ground.

He had a thin spine attached to the back of his head, and he could grasp the situation of the whole city just by staying here.

Facing his favorite material, Salva performed this puppet show for him very attentively, with the soul and real flesh as threads connected to his fingertips, or even more fingertips.

Each thread was connected to the warriors on the wall who seemed to be fighting bloody. They cooperated with each other and fought side by side, and their tacit understanding could not be attributed to one person.

Although his eyes were dull and his facial expressions were mostly stagnant, it didn't matter, it was enough to hide it.

The current known information has not yet found out why the dragon would not attack humans, but he doesn't need to care too much

This point, on the contrary, is used to make use of it. When necessary, these humans can be used as inferior ritual materials.

Those brainless monsters don't need to be bothered. Anyway, he knows that these monsters dominated by madness will die in the end, but it doesn't matter. They only need to play their true colors to be competent actors.

And this drama has tens of thousands of supporting roles, dozens of leading actors, a director, and an audience.

It will be officially performed as the audience takes their seats.

Because Bailong appeared in the city attacked by monsters many times, he was able to collect a lot of intelligence from the other side.

Relying on the death of dozens of excellent works, a large number of spies mixed in the monster group were slaughtered by them, nearly a hundred believers were exposed and died, and the destruction of five strongholds in exchange for intelligence.

Salva tailored a whole set of dramas for this audience.

According to direct observations by a certain spy, this mutated ancient white dragon is more than twice the size of an ordinary dragon, and as an expert in this field, he can easily judge the general situation by just looking at its body shape and muscles, including the impact on the ground when walking.

One look at its body shape shows that it must have hard bones and strong muscles far beyond its peers, and its weight is about several thousand tons.

"First of all, the flesh is greatly strengthened, but it still retains a relatively normal and uniform body shape... It seems that it has adapted well to the power of blessing."

Salva calmly took out a small notebook and began to record, and the other party was roughly consistent with the intelligence.

Although the flesh is strong, the surface defense is not very strong and can be broken by wind magic. However, considering the muscle defense, he specially prepared artworks with venom. Without the protection of the surface scales, these carefully prepared venoms will quickly penetrate into the body and join the blood circulation.

While weakening its power, it will also corrode its internal organs. In many witnesses, this dragon that is enough to tear apart his carefully prepared artwork has a terrible strange power. If it is not solved, the subsequent transformation plan will be difficult to implement.

"After that, there will be a large-scale spell attack with the law of ice... Tsk, if the ice spirit is not unusable, I should have a better plan."

Salva calmly turned to the next page of the small notebook. From the window of the castle, he could glimpse the terrible natural disaster that was about to fall.

The huge ice-blue vortex stirred the clouds, and the wind and clouds contained a chilling brilliance. Snowflakes fell one after another, and the white reflected the color of death.

From the sky to the ground, from top to bottom, driving the storm, before the ice that symbolizes death arrived, the people and monsters who were performing below suddenly stopped, and their different postures, but they all started a unified behavior.


Silent trembling.


Salva thought he was well prepared, and even planned to make a cup of coffee to enjoy this unusual view.

But he found that the freezing breath released by the giant dragon spread out in a circular shape, and all the puppets he linked to lost their response.

His link was interrupted by a stronger mental pressure, and the range was getting larger and larger. The mental feedback sent back was like an egg being smashed by a hard hammer, with no resistance at all.

Moreover, the puppet, which was originally flesh and blood but ruthless, actually sent back a trace of emotion at the last moment of disconnection -


A kind of fear of an ant facing a giant.

The flesh and blood puppet was disconnected by some extremely strong mental pressure. The pressure was so strong that it could even make the puppet with only biological instincts feel fear at the most fundamental level of life?

Even if the self had long been destroyed, the soul no longer existed, and only the flesh was left, it was still afraid of what came later?

How is it possible!

Although the center of control over the puppet's actions was given to the brain, it was fundamentally connected to his own consciousness. How could this puppet be frightened even when it was connected to his own consciousness?

In other words, if his position and that of the puppet were switched, wouldn't he also...

Salva's eyes widened. Before he could figure out the key to this matter, the ice storm that finally landed on the ground and suddenly spread out had swept across most of the city in a short period of time, affecting the castle where he was!

The cold wind blew, and the surface of the warm coffee on the table next to him was already frosted. The scenery outside the window was already white, and countless eaves were covered with frost in an instant.

The city wall that was originally deafening with sound and color was now silent. The place where humans and monsters once lived was now empty. After being equally frozen to the bone by the pervasive frost, the already fragile flesh naturally could not withstand the surging

The storm was blown into dust.

——It merged with the slowly falling snow, presenting a deadly white.

The ice-blue beam that was about to penetrate the soul swept down like a sharp sword on the top of the city. The huge ice cluster that rose also swallowed the last survivor. The throat was strangled by ice, and even the last whimper could not be uttered.

Salva arranged spies on the city wall, secret ritual arrangements, thousands of flesh and blood puppets with different strengths, and several silver-level practice puppets placed in the monster group.

With a total of one-third of the puppets disguised as civilians in the city, they all disappeared.

According to his accurate time judgment, it only took one minute and fifty-seven seconds.

Apart from the arrangements that he really took great pains to arrange, and the powerful combat forces hidden everywhere, it can be said that most of them were wasted.

The result of the battle was the consumption of a dragon's breath.


The roaring sound rang the bell in Salva's heart.

The huge dragon folded its wings and stepped on the city wall with its claws.

The huge force directly smashed the entire city wall, and a huge monster shivering with cold was pulled out of it.

A sound of flesh and blood tearing that Salva was very familiar with came.

One of the auxiliary forces originally scheduled to deal with the dragon died in advance.

Salva was stunned for a while, his lips moved slightly, and with the ice chips hanging on his beard, he squeezed out a few syllables from his teeth with difficulty.




Then, finally unable to restrain it, the mutated right arm smashed the already cooled coffee on the table next to him and the table together.

The clothes on my body were torn to pieces by the mutated limbs, and the big mouths on my body opened, and let out a hoarse and crazy laugh!

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that even though they have become mindless beasts, they can still detect my arrangement?!"

"Is it because those puppets are too low-level that they were discovered?"

"It doesn't matter... It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! This is just a warm-up!"

"I will treat you well. Please taste this first-high-level magic. The prison of Elrud!"

Located around the city wall and in more distant places, ritual nodes were arranged. The biological organs in them received the predetermined spiritual commands and suddenly started.

With a large amount of blood and as irrigation, souls as the link between spells, and the sacrifice of hundreds of believers in each node!

Originally warmed up in advance, coupled with careful planning, this large-scale large-scale magic was able to start in a very short time!

The beams of light shot up into the sky, forming a ring around them, and shot into the sky. A large-scale restraining magic circle with a range sufficient to cover the entire city rose up, and the huge scale covered most of the sky!

Layers of halos appeared on the dragon's body, and there was a strong pressure, even causing the ground to collapse, forming an invisible cage!

This scale of magic is not a traditional barrier type, but a strong restraint only for a single individual within a specific range. It is not ideal to set up a large barrier magic that can trap a dragon.

In the face of large-scale wars, this type of magic is not easy to use.

However, it can play a great role in the battle against a single individual. This is one of the means that Salva prepared to prevent his target from escaping, and it is only one of the links.

In Salva's eyes, the subsequent layers of nesting can be said to be seamless, and the opponent must be unable to fly.

Therefore, there is a difference in the thinking between humans and other creatures.

Or, this kind of conspirator who likes to calculate others will always think that the target in the plan will be as he thinks.

It's like a group of ants forming a circle and encircling the prey in the circle.

The ants thought that this would prevent the prey from escaping, but their narrow vision did not allow them to see anything other than what was in front of them, which they had to look up to see.

What the ants surrounded was just a tiny, insignificant part of the beast.

Mephisto knew it was a trap.

But Godzilla would not run away.

He would just step over it.

He would crush the insects that dared to hide in the dark corners and jump up and down.

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