The mountain was covered with dust and the ground was buried.

"Wow, there are still relics like this buried here."

Using the gravity tornado, he dug out the remaining half of the mountain, and then cleaned it up carefully. Mephisto saw clearly what was buried in the mountain.

It seemed to be a temple, and the outside was quite exquisite and gorgeous, but from the overall layout and scale, it seemed to be only a part.

It looked like a statue of a goddess, and it was carved very beautifully, but it was also very broken, even the door was broken, and he couldn't tell the year.

"Speaking of this kind of place, will there be a protagonist who comes here and gets an opportunity unexpectedly in the future? After all, it looks like... uh."

Although Mephisto's huge body certainly can't enter this place, it's okay to look around from some gaps. He didn't dare to use force or toss too much. He suspected that if he used a little force, the thing would be blown away by the wind.

However, he didn't feel anything magical or special from it.

He even used energy field coverage and gravity tornado to explore the details inside and outside, and finally confirmed...

It's really just a shabby place, there's nothing.

But when he looked around curiously, he accidentally twisted down the ceiling of a place with one hand, which suddenly made him a little embarrassed.

"Well, it seems that I think too much. This is really a shabby place with nothing."

Disappointed, Mephisto thought he had finally had the luck of being a protagonist and encountered some magical ancient ruins or something like that.

But it seems that with such a small area, it's not enough to arrange a few plots for the protagonist, and there are very few other things.

But Mephisto thought so. After all, in reality, compared with the dangerous ruins with treasures and opportunities, there are obviously more obscure shabby garbage dumps.

Sure enough, I thought too much.

But the ceiling was built by myself, and I couldn't put it back. Mephisto directly stuck his huge head in from the gap in the ceiling and looked around.

The place inside was empty, there was nothing, even the windows were broken.

There was only one decorative sculpture of a sword inserted in a broken stone platform.

"It's worthy of being a different world. There are too many routines like holy swords inserted in a platform, and this sculpture is not very good."

Mephisto took a casual look. There was not even a flower on this thing. It was ordinary and didn't feel anything.

From his few inherited memories, it seems that there are indeed heroes, which are special products of the different world, and they are all very strong without exception.

The only impression in the basic inherited memory is that it is very strong. It may be that no dragon can come back alive after seeing the attack screen. Judging from the scale, one sword will make the Mariana Trench give way.

"I don't know if I will have the opportunity to meet the hero in the future, and I don't know if I can beat him after he develops to the full stage."

He picked up the stone platform and the sword casually, and found that the sculpture can still be assembled. Mephisto separated the sword and the platform to take a look.

Nothing special.

There was just a small accident.

"Ah? This thing is really not durable. It broke in an instant."

Finding that the two things could not be assembled, Mephisto threw the things back in with a guilty conscience, and finally pressed the ceiling cover back to make up for it.

"Well... Let's go eat first, I'm going to leave."

Feeling guilty for accidentally scratching the historical sites, Mephisto flapped his wings and flew directly away from the snowy mountain.

The ordinary long sword and stone sling thrown on the ground in the hall did not move.


The black dragon, which was larger and more ferocious than before, flew into the clouds in an instant. During the flight, Mephisto began to get familiar with this slightly unfamiliar body.

Mephisto could feel that this was still the snowfield where he had stayed before. He seemed to have slept for a long time. He didn't know whether the ecology that he had killed too cruelly before had recovered.

After waking up, Mephisto's spellcasting ability has further increased, the magic power of his body is transmitted very smoothly, and his physique has become stronger. His current speed has exceeded Mach 3.

And his vision will become stronger, but compared to simple and direct vision... He seems to have a feeling that he can "see" the direction of life with his eyes closed.

Or in other words


"This is what happens after the fusion of the God of Destruction. It's quite interesting."

"Oh right! Where is the broken template that can't even display its name?"

He suddenly remembered this.

Mephisto remembered why he went to the canyon to fight Rodan, and he immediately asked the system wreckage in his mind.

Then his blood pressure went up.

Because the prompt disappeared after the task was completed, there was nothing, and he couldn't find it at all.

Mephisto was a little dumbfounded.

"Aren't you going to issue a new task here? You are blocking a bug for me, right!"

He was so angry that his teeth itched, and he felt a little disappointed, but seeing that the harvest this time was indeed not small, Mephisto was not so angry.

Anyway, it's not a loss if you don't get it.

Forget it, it's normal to have a bug after being beaten like that by a dump truck.

He comforted himself like this.

Then his fierce eyes stared at a group of familiar snow elephants on the ground.

"You broke into my sight when I was in a bad mood! You're going to die!"

Mephisto naturally punched the monsters that broke into his sight without hesitation, almost 20 kilometers away.

This distance was only a matter of a moment.

Maybe because he had too many pictures before, Mephisto subconsciously wanted to freeze it with a combo and then take it away.

When he just came to that consciousness.

On the ground, the elephants that were originally moving forward suddenly realized that their limbs were gradually becoming disobedient.


Then one after another, their bodies collapsed instantly, because before they knew it, their limbs that had been blown into snow by the cold wind could no longer support their weight and collapsed automatically.

Then the huge body that fell to the ground collapsed directly like fragile sand. The whole process took no more than five seconds, and the entire huge colossus instantly turned into a pile of powder!

Before dying, they didn't even realize what happened.

Then a cold wind blew, and the food that Mephisto was about to eat was blown away.


"...I did it?"

Feeling a small amount of magic power gathering like the previous massacre, Mephisto was sure that it was indeed his own doing.

Just thought about it for a while!

Although he didn't know that after he swallowed a part of the fragments, his grasp of the law rose all the way without paying any attention.

Then under the buff of the surrounding icy and snowy environment, he didn't control the power after waking up, and unconsciously mobilized a little bit.

In the end, he had a terrible end of having no food to eat.

"It seems that I ate too much of the specialties before, and it really is a good thing."

"My proficiency in magic such as ice has also increased a lot, and now I can even use it without drawing a magic circle."

Although I don't know what happened, it's a good thing after all. Mephisto doesn't care about not being able to eat for the time being.

He found that the range of elements such as ice that he could control with his consciousness alone was not only larger, but also more precise, which was good.

I don’t know if I could suppress the opening of the red lotus form if I had this level of power before.

He flew in the sky, and then relied on the newly awakened soul perception to scan the surrounding area twice, hunting and searching for prey.

But after turning around for a few minutes, he finally made a plan:

"It’s time to go, it’s time to change the map."

Mephisto turned around and flew to a lower latitude different from the direction he came from before.

The reason for doing this is very simple.

Because the elephant group he saw before was already one of the larger monster groups he saw just now.

There are basically no others.

It seems that he hasn’t slept for many years, and the ecology has not recovered to the point where he can continue to open the map as before.

So whether it is to continue to grow and become stronger, or to find new fun, it’s time to leave. This small place can no longer withstand the tossing of big monsters.

Moreover, to kill a Rodan, he had to activate the Red Lotus Form. This level difference made him pursue power a little higher.

"Speaking of Rodan in the other world, will I meet other old acquaintances?"

This interesting idea suddenly popped up in Mephisto's mind.

In the forest at the border of the Pariten Empire, a huge floating island suddenly appeared in the sky, and the surrounding space cracks appeared like a broken mirror.


The bottom of the island crushed the towering ancient trees one by one, and finally on the surface of the floating island,

Supported by layers of magic arrays, it barely hangs in the air.

Above the island, between the castle and the exquisite Yi Pavilion, under a gorgeous ancient tower, the door that had not been opened for a long time slowly opened.

From it slowly floated a petite girl with gray seaweed long hair that could even grow longer than her toes, wearing a wide-brimmed witch hat, wearing a dark purple exquisite outer robe embroidered with a full moon in silver thread, and wearing an eye mask on one side of her face.

Holding a magic wand in one hand, panting slightly, with a gloomy face, he looked at his own broken space barrier and the side of the island, where only a charred empty area was left.

——There should have been some other things there, such as various rare collections and materials, or rare plant materials.

All gone.

The collections that a witch had collected for decades, including some priceless things and even endangered specimens, are all gone.

Even her own space barrier is broken like this. Do you know how much damage this is to a young witch?

Lilith originally wanted to stay at home because of her physical condition, but she almost broke her staff in a hurry when she thought of the unexpected disaster not long ago.

"Finally found enough magic source... I'm lucky, a magic crystal mine that no one has discovered."

Tap the point of the staff lightly, and because of some factors, her extraordinary magic perception and precise detection magic easily penetrated the layers of soil and rocks, and saw the magic contained in the slightly slender veins below.

Now her face looked better, and now she had a place to arrange the magic array and the source of magic to repair her barrier.

"Well... the first thing to do is to simply repair the magic balance inside, and simply make a ritual site."

Lilith continued to sigh, especially after feeling the faint touch of certain parts of her body.

Ignoring the long-lost severe pain, Lilith returned to her own magic tower and began to look for materials.

Arranged the materials for the internal magic balance, she prepared a lot of them and placed them in various places, just to prevent such a situation...

"...It seems that I have to buy these alchemical parts again."

Outside the window, there was a celestial globe, but in the middle there seemed to be a brass monocular telescope that was precisely spliced, and there were broken rituals and smoking parts around it.

Lilith sighed helplessly again.

She shouldn't have had that damn curiosity and tried to chase a mysterious red light with a certain divine aura outside the gap between the worlds.

Because it was not a rare phenomenon or a rare item at all.

It was a small aftermath that was split, weakened, deflected, and scattered.

It can directly destroy her triple space barrier, dense protective array, and the extremely high temperature destructive light that annihilated half of the floating island!

"I thought it was the remnant of the solar phenomenon more than ten years ago. If I knew it was this kind of thing, I would never touch it."

I'm just a little curious.

Who released this thing!

The more Lilith thought about it, the angrier she got, but she probably felt that she would never meet the real owner in this life.

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