Lance didn't expect to encounter a three-headed demon dragon at the level of a demon in a chaotic and disorderly place.

The demon dragon has disappeared in the abyss for a long time. According to the information he learned before, the demon dragon was once a member of the royal family of the abyss a long time ago. Then, unknown to what happened, the demon dragon family suddenly disappeared from the abyss.

Gradually, the Demonic Dragon Clan became a legend in the Abyss. During the time he was studying in the Abyss, he heard many rumors related to the Demonic Dragon Clan.

The only thing I have never seen is a demon dragon, but there are occasional rumors that there are traces of a demon dragon in a certain area.


When he came to the Abyss to study, he might not be able to defeat a demonic dragon.

The words are just right now.

He had just reached a cooperative relationship with a demon king adjacent to the three-headed demon dragon's territory in the morning. In the afternoon, he entered the three-headed demon dragon's territory. Before he could make any noise, he was locked by the three-headed demon dragon.

Seeing him, the three-headed demonic dragon didn't talk nonsense to him, and directly breathed dragon breath to attack. Three demonic dragon heads, one demonic dragon head controlled a kind of energy.

Death, flames, poisonous fog.

The dragon's breath breathed out by the dragon head in the middle can deprive all living creatures of their vitality.

The dragon's breath from the dragon head on the left can turn everything into a sea of ​​fire.

The poisonous mist spewed out by the dragon head on the right can form a poisonous mist barrier. A strong person with weak poison resistance may not be able to get out of the poisonous mist barrier created by the three-headed dragon.

He was trapped in the poisonous mist created by the three-headed dragon. He did it on purpose. He wanted to test his poison resistance.

Facts have proved that the poisonous fog of the three-headed dragon is useless to him.

Not long after he walked out of the poisonous mist, the three-headed demonic dragon sensed it and immediately entangled him.

At this time, Lance was standing on the top of a thick ancient tree, with three dragons not far opposite him, looking him up and down.

The scales and horns on the demon dragon's body are gray, and its vertical pupils are scarlet.

In the abyss, most demons have scarlet eyes, so blood-red eyes are also called "Devil's Eyes" in the human world.

Fortunately, as time goes by, major temples in the human world gradually no longer pay attention to humans with blood-red eyes, and no longer regard such people as potential [demons].

However, there are still many places where humans will subconsciously avoid humans with blood-red eyes when falling in love or getting married.

"Three-Headed Demon Dragon, I have no intention of challenging your authority and entering your territory. I just want to cooperate with you and ask you to do me a small favor. I am not here to ban you. Therefore, there is no need for you to be so hostile to me. "


The gray dragon head in the middle of the three-headed demon dragon grinned, and a sarcastic smile appeared in its vertical pupils: "If you really showed up in a chaotic place with good intentions, the Hydra demon next door would not be beaten by you, and you would I almost had a snake head chopped off by you.

Dragon Man, your appearance has disrupted the balance of this chaotic and disorderly land. If you had not appeared in my territory, I could have turned a blind eye and ignored your existence.

But if you appear in my territory, there are only two endings for you. One: be killed by me. Second, become my dependents.

You just proved with your strength that you are qualified to be my dependent. Dragon man, sign a family contract with me so that you have a chance to leave here alive. "

Lance grinned. The more powerful the dragon clan is, the more they like to subdue powerful alien races and make these alien races their dependents, just like most strong men want to have a giant dragon as a seat.

He also likes powerful foreigners, but unfortunately he can't afford to raise a strong person of that level. Although he can let them raise themselves, why should they be your dependents?

"I have no interest in becoming someone else's dependent. Under normal circumstances, I don't like to have conflicts with other creatures unless necessary.

If the problem can be solved through communication, I will be happy to sit down and talk with you instead of fighting to the death.

Magic Dragon, I entered your territory for only one purpose. I want to ask you to do me a favor. Of course, in exchange, I will give you a gift to express my sincerity. "

This time, the three dragon heads of the demonic dragon grinned in unison. Such a naive dragon man, he thought this was one of those cities where [Order] existed?

Even in a city where [Order] exists, without identity or strength, if you want to ask the royal family for help, you have to see if you have the qualifications.

The land of chaos and disorder is more direct. If you want to get help from demons at the level of the demon king, you must either use your strength to conquer the demon king, or be killed by the demon king, or become a subordinate of the demon king.

Other than that, there is no other option.

"If you want to use my power, then use your strength to conquer me, or take away my position as the Demon King and annex all the forces that succeed me.

Talkative words and courteous corporals are of no use against the devil in a land of chaos and disorder. "

As the last word fell, the three heads of the three-headed demon dragon breathed out dragon breath at Lance at the same time. The dragon breath of three different energies instantly swallowed Lance standing on the top of the tree.

The thick old tree at Lance's feet turned into ashes.

The three dragon breaths lasted for several minutes.

Not dead yet.

The dragon man resisted his dragon breath again.

"You're right. Being a gentleman and a polite corporal in a chaotic and disorderly place seems a bit stupid. I haven't been active in the abyss for a long time, and I have forgotten this. It may also have something to do with my self-cultivation.

You may not believe it, but actually a long time ago, I didn’t have a very good temper. "

The black-gold circle of light rotating outside Lance's body disappeared. He stepped forward and walked through the air. Wherever he passed, a pitch-black black lotus appeared under his feet.

A spinning black lotus also appeared in his right hand.

“When fighting, I don’t really like to test, I like to use the strongest strength to beat my opponent until he loses his ability to fight.

The black lotus in my hand, Demon Dragon, can collapse a mountain. There should be no problem in using it to suppress you. "

When the three-headed demon dragon saw the black lotus in Lance's hand, the vertical pupils of its three heads all showed fear, and three different colors of energy instantly rose up on the huge gray dragon body.

Lance threw the black lotus in his hand towards the three-headed dragon.

The black lotus flying towards the three-headed demonic dragon became bigger and bigger. When it flew above the head of the three-headed demonic dragon, the black lotus became larger than the body of the three-headed demonic dragon.

Silently, a pure black beam of light poured down from the black lotus.

The three-headed demon dragon did not choose to resist forcefully and wanted to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

When they were about to flutter their wings and leave, the three-headed demonic dragon found that its dragon body had been shrouded in pure black light. The flames, the power of death, and the poisonous mist that could corrode everything around the dragon's body were instantly swallowed up.

How can this be? !

Shouldn't it be the power of death on her dragon body, the poisonous mist that can corrode everything, swallowing up the pure black beam of light?

Even if the pure black beam of light could swallow flames and poisonous mist, why could it still swallow her power of death?


The huge body of the three-headed demonic dragon fell heavily on the ground, and an invisible, soundless and terrifying force fell on her body, suppressing her.

At that moment, it was as if the pure black light pillar materialized and turned into an eternal pillar supporting the sky.

Damn it, I still underestimated the strength of the dragon people.

Before, she thought that the Dragon Man's strength should be at the Demon King level, and even if it was strong, it shouldn't be much stronger.

However, this guy was stronger than the Demon King, and he easily suppressed her with a black lotus.

She struggled, and even tried to turn over and break the pure black light pillar that enveloped her. The result was that the more she struggled, the more terrifying the force that fell on her dragon body became.

What kind of power is this?

black lotus

etc! ! !

Black Lotus?

A Black Lotus Demon King appeared in the chaotic and disordered land more than two thousand years ago. Could it be that this dragon man is the Black Lotus Demon King from more than two thousand years ago?

"My black lotus can suppress opponents and refine them."

Lance came to the three-headed demon dragon, waved his right hand towards the void, and the image of the young dragon appeared in the void.

"I walked in the chaotic and disorderly land to find this young dragon. I entered your territory to use your power and ask you to help me find this young dragon.

By the way, I want you to tell your followers not to hurt this young dragon when you encounter her, and send her to you honestly.

When the time comes, you contact me and I'll take her away. It's such a simple thing, but it turns out to be a little complicated.

So the three-headed dragon, can we communicate well now? If you can, just blink. If not, I will temporarily take you into the Black Lotus, take over your position as the Demon King, and order the demons who follow you. "

The three-headed demonic dragon blinked wildly. Wouldn't it be better to use this black lotus to knock her down earlier?

She is very happy to help such a kind of demon who is willing to treat the virtuous corporal. She is just looking for a naive young dragon, and it is not for her to charge into the battle. She is very happy to help with this small favor.

Lance hooked the black lotus with his right hand, and the black lotus, which became larger than the body of the demon dragon, quickly shrank, spun and flew back to his palm, and then disappeared.

This black lotus was picked by him in a pond in the abyss. After refining it for more than two thousand years, it finally looked like a magic weapon.

"Are you the Black Lotus Demon King from more than two thousand years ago?"


Black Lotus Demon King?

When did he become the devil?

Back then, he wandered around the chaotic and disorderly place just to find some rare treasures that could be used to refine the black lotus.

Walking in a chaotic and disorderly place, naturally fighting is inevitable. Could it be that at that time, some demons randomly gave him the title of [Black Lotus Demon King]?

"I've never been a devil."

"You entered my territory because you wanted us to help you find this amethyst baby dragon, right?"


"We three sisters are willing to help you with this."

"Sisters Sansan? Oh oh oh. It's best if you understand."

Three dragon heads, three consciousnesses, sharing one dragon body, just like Ergouzi.

The two dog heads of Er Gouzi each have their own consciousness. When they are bored, the two dog heads will chat by themselves.

If one dog's head wants to be smashed and no longer wants to move, another dog head will take control of the dog's body.

"By the way, help me pay attention to this succubus."

Lance drew his right hand into the void again, and the true face of Succubus Chloe appeared in front of the three-headed dragon. The three-headed dragon nodded one after another.

"The status of the young dragon is higher than that of this succubus. If they are in danger, you give priority to saving this young dragon."

"Yeah, we remember."

The succubus Chloe grew up in the abyss. When she encounters danger, she has her own way to escape.

The dragon cub is not good, she is a little fool and can easily be led by the devil.

We need to find this little guy as soon as possible.

"Black Lotus Demon King, are you really a dragon?"

Can dragon people be so strong?

As a pure-blood demon dragon, she also controls three different powers. Logically speaking, her strength should be higher than that of the dragon in front of her.

Besides, as a pure-blooded dragon, the dragon people should be suppressed when they see her.

The dragon person in front of him was not only not suppressed by her bloodline, but was even strong enough to suppress her in an instant.

Is this something a dragon person can do?

Dragon people are so strong that they can choose to evolve into a dragon form. She suspected that the dragon person in front of her may have evolved into a pure-blooded dragon.

"I don't look like a dragon person?"

"No, we mean, have you evolved into a pure-blooded dragon?"


"What's your name?"


"That Xia, you should still be single now?"


"We are also single. Xia, for the future of the dragon family, we are willing to try to date you for a while. After a while, if we have feelings for each other, we can try to restore the glory of the dragon family."

? ? ?

Lance subconsciously stayed away from the three-headed dragon. The three-headed dragon wanted him to marry her and have dragon cubs.

He just asked the three-headed dragon for a favor, and the three-headed dragon wanted him to marry her. How could such a good thing happen?

"I refuse."


"Being in love with you is like being in love with three dragons with self-awareness. I can't accept it. Besides, you are dragons and I am a dragon man. We are not suitable."

"If we are suitable, we can also become dragon men."

The body of the three-headed dragon was shrouded in gray mist. When the gray mist disappeared, a tall dragon girl with gray hair like a waterfall, a cold face, and a gray-brown long skirt appeared in front of Lance.

The dragon girl had horns on her head. What surprised Lance was that the three-headed dragon in the form of a dragon man actually looked like a normal dragon girl with only one head.

Where did the other two dragon heads go?

I wanted to ask, but I felt it was not appropriate.

"Your form."

"I should be pretty in the form of a dragon girl, right? I should be qualified to date you now, right?"

"The other two."

"In my mind, they are in this form. We still share the same body, but our faces and temperaments may change.

But this kind of change should be acceptable and exciting for males, at least in my opinion."


Lance didn't know how to respond. Other males might find it exciting, but his words seemed a little perverted.

Imagine that he was sleeping well, but the person sleeping on the same bed suddenly changed his face, and then held his chin with one hand and poked him awake with the other hand.

It's scary to think about it.

"So, Black Lotus Demon King, are you willing to date us in order to revive the dragon clan?"

"I don't want to."

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