Evil Dragon: The baby dragon I picked up always wants to be the empress

Chapter 249 The young dragon of Lance's family has little IQ. Eating her may affect our IQ.

The dragon cub was not teleported to the chaotic and disordered wilderness and dense forest plains, so can he now go to the three-headed demon dragon Agurola to get back the projection communicator he gave her before?

I'm afraid he won't come back. There's no reason to return something that you have already got.

He is a black dragon and knows demon dragons.

The greed of demon dragons is the same as that of giant dragons.

Forget it, just treat it as a good relationship.

Finding the dragon cub is important.

As for this big vampire, when she sees the dragon cub, she will knock her out directly, and then throw her to the little vampire Tiggy.

He will take the dragon cub out of the abyss and return to the human world.

The identity of the Black Lotus Demon King cannot be hidden from Krastihera for long. Her sister Tiggy knows that his name is Xia. When a big and a small vampire meet, his identity will naturally be exposed.

At that time, with the intelligence of the big vampire, he should slowly deduce and guess his true identity.

The identity of the Black Demon Dragon Man cannot be concealed for long.

Fortunately, he did not become a superhuman back then, and has been walking in the abyss in the form of a dragon demon.

"As a princess of the vampire clan, you don't absorb the essence of the blood moon in the Blood Moon City you dominate, but come here to practice. Aren't you afraid of encountering monsters from the chaotic and disordered land?"

"If you understand the vampire clan, you won't say such ignorant words."


Lance grinned. The words spoken by creatures with low body temperature sound cold.

The body temperature of the vampire clan is much lower than that of humans. It feels cold to the touch. Only when they suck blood will their body temperature gradually rise. The white face will be briefly rosy for a period of time because of the nourishment of blood.

After taking a look at Krastihela's lips, Lance touched his neck with his hand. To be honest, sometimes he really wants to try the feeling of being bitten on the neck by a vampire.

When he was studying in the abyss, he let the big vampire's sister, the little vampire Tikki, bite his neck, and then. The moment the little vampire's teeth touched the skin of his neck, he was knocked unconscious by a punch.

Subconscious behavior.

The moment the four cold vampire fangs touched the skin of his neck, in addition to curiosity, there was also a sense of discomfort.

After that, he tried several more times, but each time he failed.

It also made the little vampire Tiggy have a psychological shadow on the three words "suck my blood".

He dared Tiggy to bite his neck, but he didn't dare to let Krastihela bite his neck, because he was afraid that Krastihela would really give him a first embrace as a daughter.

Now, he didn't dare to let Tiggy bite his neck. Tiggy had grown up, and who knew if this little guy would take the opportunity to give him a first embrace.

But then again, with his current strength, the little vampire Tiggy should not be able to give him a first embrace as a daughter.

First Embrace

Only if you are stronger than the object being embraced can you force the other party to be a daughter.

If your strength is not as strong as the object being embraced, it is called "feeding".

He remembered that some nobles in the blood clan were often fed by teenagers in the human world. Those teenagers in the human world should have signed some kind of contract with those blood clan nobles.

The human teenagers who fed the blood clan nobles grew up with the feeding objects since childhood.

After feeding for a long time, it is easy to develop feelings. At this point, most feeders will choose to become vampires.

At that time, if he walks in the abyss in his current appearance, he is likely to be selected by a noble of the vampires and let him sign a contract with a [lady] of the vampires to become the [guardian] of the lady.

There is another interesting thing.

Humans who have transformed into vampires can also suck the blood of vampire ladies when they need to suck blood.

As long as the vampire ladies are willing to let the former feeders bite their necks.

"Are you going to continue to absorb the essence of the blood moon? Or go to the [forbidden city] you mentioned?"

"I will stay here for a while. If you are in a hurry, you can try your luck in other cities."

Krastihela turned back into a bat and flew to the branches of the ancient tree, hanging upside down there.

It was not dawn yet, and going to the forbidden city would not be able to take the purple crystal dragon away. It would not be too late to go after dawn.

Lance flew to the top of the ancient tree, lay on it, and closed his eyes to take a nap.

Knowing the whereabouts of the dragon cub, he was no longer in a hurry. It would be good to let the dragon cub spend a few days alone with the abyss demons, just as an early training.

The diamond cutter in his left hand lit up, and someone contacted him.

It was the three-headed demon dragon Agurola. In just two hours, this guy had contacted him no less than ten times using the projector communicator.

He asked her to use it a few more times, but he didn't expect that this guy used all the times to contact him.

There was no way, who made that guy's projector communicator have only him as a contact.

Just block her.

It seems a bit immoral to do this.

You can't really use the three-headed demon dragon as a tool dragon to do bad things. Just take the time to reply to her message another day.

Hanging upside down on the branch, Crastihela glanced at Lance, who was sleeping with his hands on his head and his eyes closed, through the gap between the leaves.

The breath of the abyss is very strong, and the depths of the scarlet pupils are filled with madness and violence. It is a creature of the abyss.

He should not be the dragon man Xia, nor the black demon dragon man Lance.

The fight just now and saying her name was Lance were all to test this dragon man and see how he would react.

His reaction was normal. When he heard her say her name was [Lance], the dragon man's reaction did not change much. He might have automatically transliterated the name [Lance] into two other homophones that matched the princess' identity.

It doesn't matter to her whether he is a dragon or not.

Her sister Tiggy is in the Forbidden City.

Ti Ji has met Dragon Man Sia. If the Black Lotus Demon King is Dragon Man Sia, her sister will reveal his identity.

Black Dragonite Lance

Thinking of the guy who had coaxed the forbidden blood curse of their vampires out of her mouth and blood, she wanted to find this guy immediately, imprison him, and torture this guy with the secret techniques of the vampires.

Hidden too deeply.

She still remembered that the Black Demonic Dragon Lance once said that he would never be able to become a human in this life because he was not a pure-blooded Demonic Dragon.

Then yesterday, more than two thousand years ago, he appeared in the abyss in the form of a dragon.

This shows that this guy lied two thousand years ago.

He deceived all the royal families of the abyss, even the ancestor of their blood clan was deceived.

Honestly, wouldn't it be great if the human world waited for their kings to arrest him?

Why suddenly appear in the abyss?

Just for an amethyst dragon that fell from the human world into the abyss?


Throw yourself into a trap.

With the amethyst young dragon here, she was not afraid that the black dragon man Lance would not show up.

Sooner or later it's a matter of time.

Lance fell asleep. He was most sleepy at four or five in the morning.

He was not afraid of being attacked by the great vampire Krastihra. Just because he fell asleep did not mean that he slept to death.

At the slightest sign of trouble, he could enter combat mode at any time.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, Lance opened his eyes.

The sun in the abyss is not as dazzling as in the human world.

The rising sun is blood red. As time goes by, the blood red sun will slowly turn into golden red.

"Is this your first time entering a city ruled by our royal family?"

"No, I've been there before."

Lance stood up and stretched his muscles. The big vampire was standing not far from him.

You'll see the dragon cub soon.

Since I didn't follow her, I don't know if the little one is eating well or sleeping well these days.

The food and drink should be good I guess.

As for sleeping, it shouldn't be that good.

When he first picked her up, the dragon cub would face the wall and curl up in a ball when sleeping.

Sometimes I would cry secretly in the middle of the night, and my body would become tense while sleeping. After two or three months, the situation would get better.

Now, the dragon cub has completely let go, and even dares to sleep with its arms spread out.

"Have you heard of the Four Forbidden Cities?"

"Never heard of it, is it very famous?"

"Then you haven't visited the city often enough. Let's go. I'll take you to the Black Forbidden City, one of the four forbidden cities."

"It's whatever you want, as long as it can complete the purpose of my trip."

Krastihra flapped her wings and flew towards the direction of the Black Forbidden City.

Lance circled the corners of his eyes with his hands, flapped his wings and followed him, just in time to have breakfast in the Black Forbidden City.

"Baozi Baozi. Freshly baked pork buns are delicious and not expensive. You are welcome to come in and try them. You two, would you like to try the [Qianlixiang] meat buns from our store?"

Our meat bun shop has a history of more than 2,000 years, hey, don’t leave, our meat bun shop has really been passed down for more than 2,000 years.”

In the Black Forbidden City, Lance, who was following Krastichla, returned to the bun shop where he had been and used magic gold to buy a large cage of meat buns.

The magic gold was borrowed from Krastihra.

The brand Senmile is indeed a brand from more than 2,000 years ago.

A bit outrageous.

He charged a small amount of tuition more than two thousand years ago. As a result, more than two thousand years later, the demons who followed him to learn how to make meat buns all turned their meat bun shops into family stores.

Lance took a bite of the meat bun in his hand, and it tasted surprisingly good.

Looks like they improved the recipe.

Not bad, not bad, pretty good.

It takes courage to be innovative.

"Do you want to eat steamed buns? The steamed buns here taste pretty good."

Lance casually handed a bun to Krastihra.

"Don't eat."

"This is a meat bun shop with a long history of more than 2,000 years. Do you really want to try it?"

"If you ask casually about the shops on both sides of this street that are open for business, they are all old shops with a history of more than 2,000 years."

"Soy milk, fried dough sticks, spicy soup, this is a 2,000-year-old shop, clean and hygienic, welcome to try."

"Eight-treasure porridge and pumpkin porridge are both good porridges that nourish the body. They are also an old restaurant that has been passed down for more than 2,000 years. You two, come in and have something light."

Breakfast shop.

Fragrant porridge.

If the shop owner dares to recommend it, Lance will take it and eat it.

He is a black dragon, and his appetite can be big or small.

After all, they are all students taught by him. After more than two thousand years, he has to take care of their business to some extent.

Eat whatever you see. It seems that this is really the first time for the Black Lotus Demon King to come to the Black Forbidden City.

Seeing that Lance was enjoying the food, Krastijla spent her own money to buy a slice of green onion pancake and a cup of soy milk.

Just as she inserted the straw into the soy milk cup, the projector communicator she wore on her right hand rang.

It's her sister Tikki.

She answered the projection call, and the little vampire Tikki's figure instantly appeared in the projection light screen.

"Good morning. Have you had breakfast? Oh, you are eating right now. It looks familiar. Where are you? Why does it look like you are in the food court of the Black Forbidden City?"

"I'm in the Black Forbidden City now."

"You came so early, I thought you wouldn't be able to come until evening."

"What's the point of sending me a video?"

"There is something. I want to tell you. You may not be able to take the young dragon away. Suman also informed other royal families, including the royal family of their demon clan, that the young dragon may know the black dragonman Lance.

These royal families all want to bring the young dragon back to their city. I think you may fight for the young dragon."

Tiki in the projection screen sat at the dining table, sipped the red wine, and then said: "Why don't you go back? The young dragon looks silly. In fact, she is a little silly. She will only passively defend herself when she is threatened."

When mentioning the young dragon, Tiki put down the wine glass and subconsciously touched her head with her hand. It hurt when the young dragon hit her with a hammer yesterday.

"Let's talk about this later. Do you know this dragon man?"

"No, your new follower?"

Krastihela turned her head and glanced at Lance when she heard her sister's words.

Lance was standing not far behind her, eating meat buns and drinking eight-treasure porridge.

The appearance has not changed. It is still the same as when I met him in the early morning.

It seems that this Black Lotus Demon King is really not the Dragon Man Xia that Wang Mei mentioned.

"He is not my follower. Does he look like the Dragon Man Xia that you told me yesterday?"

"No, not at all. He seems to be better looking than Dragon Man Xia."

Lance reached out and greeted the little vampire Tiggy in the projection screen.

The combination of bewitching magic, illusion and secret magic that can distort vision, senses and hearing, not to mention that Tiggy couldn't recognize him across the screen, even if Tiggy stood in front of him, he would look different in Tiggy's eyes.

No wonder Ling Chen had a bad premonition when he wanted to say his name was Xia.

So this is the reason.

It seems that the big vampire Krastihela may have guessed that [Dragon Man Xia] might be [Black Demon Dragon Man Lance].

Before seeing the dragon cub, he didn't want to reveal his identity.

This is the abyss, not the human world. If you really encounter trouble, the heroes of the Heroic Spirit Realm may not be able to summon it down.

"Where is that young dragon now?"

"Ten minutes ago, she was eating bread and drinking milk in front of me. Now, she has been invited away by the princess of the demon clan."

The projection screen shook for a while, and when it stabilized, a clip appeared on the projection screen.

A pair of clear and bright purple-gold vertical pupils and a purple crystal dragon head looked at the camera in confusion.

The young dragon in the camera blinked a few times, and then threw the sandwich in his hand into his mouth.

The dragon mouth is big, and he eats a sandwich in one bite.

"Did you see it? This is what I just recorded before. The dragon cub of Lans's family can eat a sandwich in one bite. She ate five sandwiches and three glasses of milk this morning.

I ate a roasted whole lamb last night. Su Man's evaluation of her is: she is a silly dragon who only knows how to eat, and her IQ may not be very high.

Eating her may affect her IQ."

? ? ?

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