Evil Dragon: The baby dragon I picked up always wants to be the empress

Chapter 251 The Demon Princess: Wants the Young Dragon to Play with the Soul of the Black Dragonman

There are souls of all races, including orc souls, dwarf souls, elves' souls, and human souls.

Humans have the most souls. It is not known whether these human souls voluntarily gave their souls to the Demon Queen after making a deal with the Demon Queen, or whether they were forcibly separated from their bodies by the Demon Queen.

Some of the souls in the bottles have ferocious faces, roaring and struggling. Some souls curled up into a ball and floated up and down quietly in the bottle.

Some souls looked at her greedily, as if they couldn't wait for the Demon Queen to pull out her soul and put it in a bottle.


She could feel the strong malice in the eyes of some souls in the bottle.

"Young dragon, it's your turn to play your cards."

"I, I, I, I seem to have touched myself."

The young dragon pushed down the cards in his hand, and the demon queen Christine, the demon judge Suman, and the little devil Arnold all looked at the young dragon's cards.

One-stop service

This guy doesn't look very smart. Why is she so lucky when playing mahjong?

How could a young dragon that fell from the human world into the abyss have such good luck?

Just because this guy is wearing a lucky gold coin?

The little devil Arnold's demonic hand was ready to move. He couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to take away the lucky gold coin worn by the young dragon.

"The lucky gold coin around your neck is very nice. Lend it to me."

Without giving the baby dragon a chance to react, the little devil Arnold stood up and bent down, reaching out to pick the lucky gold coin around the baby dragon's neck.

When Suman saw this, she was about to reach out to stop him, but the violent power of thunder instantly enveloped her.

She watched helplessly as the young dragon screamed and took out the thunder hammer from the lucky gold coin, flapped its dragon wings and flew into the air, hitting Princess Christine's daughter's brother Arnold on the head with the hammer.

The devil's horns of the little prince Arnold were smashed and distorted. The little prince's hands and feet were twitched by the terrifying power of thunder, and his mouth and eyes were crooked.

Suman was also keenly aware that the power of thunder released by the Thunder Hammer this time was much more violent and fierce than yesterday. The color of the thunder this time was black and red.

The numbness on her body was much stronger than yesterday. Vaguely, she even felt that her hands and feet were twitching uncontrollably.

I forgot to tell the little prince Arnold not to get close to the amethyst dragon Lucia easily. The baby dragon Lucia's stress reaction was so fast that she was a little overwhelmed.

Suman glanced at Princess Christine. The princess was fine. A golden-red halo appeared on her body, isolating the raging power of thunder.

The violent and ferocious power of thunder appears and disappears just as quickly.

The little prince Arnold twitched and collapsed on the ground. He was still underage and was not weak, but he encountered a young dragon whose stress reaction was a bit outrageous.

To be honest, she didn't know how to evaluate this young dragon who fell into the abyss from the human world.

When they first met, she was frightened to death by the torture tools developed by the Black Dragon Lance.

Yesterday, she gave the blood princess Ti Ji a sudden blow, causing the blood princess Ti Ji to faint.

Today, she gave Arnold, the little devil prince, another try.

Her performance was obviously very ferocious, but in fact, her reaction after using Mjolnir to knock out Tiki and the little prince Arnold, not only did not have that ferocity, but instead showed a sense of "fear".

The panic and fear in the vertical pupils cannot be faked.

"I, I, I didn't mean it. It was this little devil who suddenly wanted to steal my lucky gold coin. I reacted subconsciously to protect the lucky gold coin. I, I, I really didn't mean it."

The young dragon's mouth shrank, and water mist rose in the purple-gold vertical pupils. She missed the evil dragon Lance, wuwuwu. She couldn't eat or sleep well here.

Do everything with fear.

Like yesterday's vampire princess Tiggy and today's little devil prince Arnold, they just wanted to protect themselves and never thought of attacking them.

But he knocked them unconscious and was still so scared that he wanted to cry.

The female demon Suman can easily defeat her and imprison her.

If the Demon Queen Christine is angry, she can be knocked unconscious at any time, and her soul can be extracted and put into a glass jar.

Being in the abyss, the young dragon felt that he had experienced the difficulty of the evil dragon back then.

I also realized the power of the evil dragon.

You must know that the evil dragon was not operating in the abyss as a black dragon, but as a black dragon.

He just grew up from an ordinary demon to a pillar of the demon clan that the major royal families in the abyss were reluctant to let go.

The evil dragon even used several major royal families in the abyss to create his own power: the Trial Court.


Can't cry.

Even if she couldn't do what the evil dragon could do, she couldn't embarrass the evil dragon.

She is the princess of the empire, and she has been raised by an evil dragon for nearly a year. She listens to the dragon's roar every day, bumps into turtles, and learns dragon spells.

She still has some fighting spirit.

If your life is really in danger.

The young dragon gritted its teeth. At worst, it would imitate the evil dragon's summoning of heroic spirits, crying and shouting: "Lance, save me"!

The young dragon is trying to build himself up mentally, trying not to be too scared.

The evil dragon can clear the level in the abyss. After being raised by the evil dragon for a year, she must not be scared to tears by the abyss demon!

The demon queen Christine, who was sitting opposite the young dragon, dissipated the demonic halo from her body and glanced at her brother who was knocked unconscious by the amethyst young dragon with her blood-red eyes.

She wasn't angry.

Her idiot brother is not an adult, and neither is the young dragon across from him. It is right to pay a small price for underestimating the young dragon.


Looking at her idiot brother who fainted on the ground, she thought of the Black Dragonite Lance.

At that time, the strength of these members of the royal family was about the same as that of the Black Demon Dragon Lance, but as time went by, the strength of the Black Demon Dragon Lance gradually surpassed them.

At a certain period of time, they were even suppressed and beaten by the Black Demonic Dragon Lance for a period of time.

The young dragon opposite who was greedy for life and fearful of death seemed to have unintentionally reproduced the scene where the Black Demonic Dragon Lance suppressed them and beat them.

At that time, the Black Dragonite Lance often knocked out members of the royal family.

However, this young dragon still cannot be compared with the Black Dragonite Lance, at least not yet.

If only a few hundred years or a thousand years had passed, the young dragons at that time would have had the same demeanor as the Black Dragonite Lance.

Suman said that the young dragon knew the black dragon man Lance, and she believed in Suman's judgment.

After all, Suman is half a student of the Black Demon Dragon Lance, and has learned a lot from Lance.

A large part of the reason why I have a good impression of the young dragon is because of the relationship between the young dragon and Lance.

"Don't be nervous or afraid, you are a junior in my eyes, and I will not interfere in the fights between your juniors.

I won't torture or harm you just because you knocked out my idiot brother with a thunder hammer. I am a kind devil and a principled devil.

Don't be scared by the souls in bottles on the wall. They have all made transactions with me. The contents of the transactions are different, but the reward is the same, they are all souls.

Before the transaction, I told them the reward I wanted, and they still chose to trade with me. After the transaction was completed, I naturally wanted to ask for the reward I deserved. "

Demon Queen Christine paused briefly and pointed at the souls in the bottle, "Most of the souls here regretted it after I completed the transaction with them, and wanted to break the contract. The result is theirs." My soul has been imprisoned here for life after life.

There are also souls who take the initiative to fulfill the agreement. Their souls are very clean and qualified to enter heaven. However, because they made a deal with the devil, heaven feels that their souls are no longer pure, so I treasure their souls.

As a devil, I actually like pure souls. Of course, I also like to watch pure souls slowly degenerate due to desire, and eventually become something they hate.

See that huge glass bottle at the top of the wall? "

The young dragon followed the slender white hands of the Demon Queen Christine and saw the huge glass jar.

She had taken a sneak peek before and found that the huge glass jar was completely different from other glass jars.

The huge glass jar had a magic circle painted on its surface, and there were even talisman papers with strange runes affixed to it in some places.

There are similar rune props in the Evil Dragon's [Dimensional Department Store Miao Miao House].

Known as: talisman paper.

Some talisman papers are more powerful than magic circles.

There is a kind of talisman called [Absolute Defense]. Humans with this kind of talisman on their bodies are invulnerable and even immune to most source power spells.

Of course, if the power of the Source Power spell far exceeds the [Absolute Defense] talisman, it can still break through the talisman's defense and hurt the person with the talisman attached.

The talismans on the glass jars should have some kind of [suppressive] power.

What kind of soul can actually make the Demon Queen pay such attention?

"This glass jar is prepared for the Dark Dragon Lance. I want to see how dirty his soul is."


"I think his soul may not be dirty at all, but may be very pure and holy."

The young dragon subconsciously refuted the demon queen Christine. The evil dragon looked bad, but he didn't seem to have done anything very bad. At least during the time she spent with him, she didn't see the evil dragon do anything bad.

He is kind to the subjects of his territory and to his friends. Although he occasionally bullies his friends, when his friends encounter danger and difficulty, he will help them as long as he can, even if it is beyond his ability.

In fact, he will do his best to solve his friends' difficulties.

Anyway, the soul of the evil dragon is definitely not dirty.

Can a dirty soul be recognized by the Dragon God?

Can it be recognized by the King of Heroes?

Can you still remember a friend who has been separated for more than a thousand years?

"Do you know the Black Dragonite Lance?"

"Ah? No, I don't know him."

"Then why do you think his soul is not dirty?"

Demon Queen Christine held her cheek with her hands and looked at the young dragon with a half-smile, subconsciously defending the Black Demon Dragon Lance, who really should know Lance.

"Ah? Oh, so isn't he the strongest judge of the Judgment King's Court? During his tenure, the crime rate in the Abyss dropped to the lowest level. I think. Based on this alone, his soul should not be dirty."

"Then you don't know how he persecuted, bullied, coaxed, and beat us, the weak royal family members."


She really didn't know because she wasn't born yet at this time.

"I think it's impossible. How can a little black dragon like him be able to fight against the Abyss Royal Family?"

"That's because you haven't seen how bad he was at that time. Forget it, when I catch him, I'll let you see if his soul is so dirty that it can't be black."

The young dragon put away his thunder hammer, scratched his bald head with his dragon claws and giggled.

The black dragon's soul should be the same colorful black as his dragon body.

It seems that Demon Queen Christine doesn’t know the true identity of [Dark Dragonman Lance] either.

The dragon is so well hidden.

Who would have thought that the Black Dragon Man would be a black dragon?

"Choose one."

"Ah?" The young dragon was confused, "What to choose?"

"Choose a soul and it will be my gift to you."


What the hell kind of greeting is this?

Who gives gifts and souls when we first meet? !

The young dragon roared in his heart.

She doesn't want any of those souls in bottles.

"No, no. I don't dare to ask for it."

The young dragon waved his hands repeatedly.

"Choose one, and I'll teach you how to play with souls."

Demon Queen Christine smiled. She had an interesting idea in her mind. She would capture the Black Demonic Dragon Lance, put his soul into a glass bottle, and then let the young dragon in front of her play with it.

Well, consider this idea your dream.

It doesn’t matter if you can do it or not, you have to have the dream.

Don’t humans always like to say “I have a dream”?

"No, no, no, I'm too stupid to learn. I can't learn."

"Then let's do this. You choose a soul, and then I let him go and give him freedom."

The souls in the glass bottles seemed to have heard the words of the Demon Queen Christine, and suddenly became extremely active. Almost most of the souls looked at the young dragon.

Many souls even made pleading gestures to the young dragon, hoping that the young dragon would choose them.

The demon judge Suman on the side did not speak, just looked at the young dragon quietly.

The young dragon's reaction was beyond her expectations.

no choice.

The young dragon did not choose any of the souls in the glass bottles. Some of the souls in those glass bottles looked very pure and kind. In her imagination, the young dragon might choose elves or dwarves.

Unexpectedly, she refused directly.


The princess seemed to have miscalculated this time.

"I don't have the strength to help them change their fate, so I won't choose anyone. If the princess forces me to choose, then I will choose that huge glass bottle."

The evil dragon once said that sometimes saving the wrong person will kill more people.

She has no contact with these souls imprisoned in the glass. What if she chooses an evil spirit with a strong disguise ability? What if he goes out to do bad things after he regains his freedom?

She doesn't have the strength of an evil dragon, so she still doesn't want to be a good person.

If you listen to the evil dragon, even if you suffer a loss, it will only be a small loss.

When she is away from home, she believes in evil dragons.

She recorded a lot of [Evil Dragon Sayings].

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