Evil Dragon: The baby dragon I picked up always wants to be the empress

Chapter 252 Black Lotus Demon King, are you trying to provoke the two great royal families of the ab

To do good things, you also need to see if you have the strength to do so.

Besides, creatures who dare to say that they have made deals with demons must not be judged by simple [good] [evil].

The young dragon found that many souls in the bottles showed fierce faces to her, and many souls slapped the glass bottles with hideous faces, and the bottles were shaken back and forth by them, which scared her.

She was afraid that the evil spirits in the glass bottles would run out and beat her.

Bully the weak and fear the strong.

If the evil dragon was here, would you try to be fierce?

One sickle for one, directly harvest all of you and send you to hell.

The demon princess Christine stared at the young dragon for a while, with a faint smile on her lips. She looked like a not very smart fool, but the choice she made easily resolved the pit she dug for her.

She wanted to play with the soul of this young dragon, but she didn't expect to fail.

She failed not because the young dragon was so smart, but because she had a good teacher or a good father.

Living with the Black Dragonman Lance, you can't use normal thinking to judge the behavior of the young dragon.

Most of the Abyss royal family don't know what kind of person the Black Dragonman Lance is. His disguise can even deceive those old monsters in the royal family.

Back then, who would have thought that this guy approached the members of the various royal families in the Abyss in order to learn the forbidden spells of the various royal families?

At that time, they simply thought that this ordinary demon with no background and no strength approached them in order to join a certain royal family.

Those seemingly outrageous things he did were all chips he prepared for himself, and at that time, the Black Dragonman Lance did create such a feeling for them from time to time.

He also said a sentence: Learn the arts of literature and martial arts, and sell them to the imperial family.

Doesn't this sentence mean that he wants to gain the favor of the royal family through his own strength and ability, so as to become a member of the royal family?

Been deceived.

They were all deceived. That guy borrowed the power of their major royal families to cultivate his own power. If this guy's ambition was not too big and exposed in advance, he might have become a [royal family] by himself.

"Be quiet, I'm in a bad mood now. Don't let me punish you in front of the guests."

The vibrating glass bottle suddenly quieted down, and the evil spirits in the glass jar showed horror in their eyes. The devil could kill them in anger.

In the abyss, even if the hell god of death came here, he couldn't take their souls.

If possible, they would rather fall into hell forever than be imprisoned in the bottle by this devil.

"Your Highness, little prince Arnold has not woken up yet, do you want to wake him up?"

"No, throw him out and let him reflect on it. If this is the human world, his life and death have been controlled by the young dragon. As a little prince of the demon clan, he has forgotten the laws of the demon clan."


Su Man bent down and picked up the little prince Arnold, walked to the door of the palace, and threw Arnold into the bushes.

The young dragon's mouth twitched slightly when he saw this scene. He was so honest and didn't know how to adapt. The demon Suman would probably only be a judge in this life.


"Don't bother, just call me Lance."



Suman was dumbfounded. Why did Princess Crastihela suddenly call herself [Lance]?

"Ke, cough, Princess Lance, Princess Tiji, why are you here?"

Throwing the little prince Arnold into the bushes outside the palace, Suman was about to turn around and report back when she saw the two princesses of the blood clan.

She could see Tiji from time to time, but she had less contact with the eldest princess Crastihela because she was the mortal enemy of Princess Christine.

Under normal circumstances, when the two eldest princesses met, they would fight after sitting down and talking for a short time.

Sometimes they fought fiercely and their faces were covered with bruises.

It seemed that they both wanted to disfigure each other.

When the black dragon Lance was around, they could still sit together to drink tea and chat. Although the number of times was small, at least they would not tear each other's faces and start fighting every time they chatted.

He also brought a guard?

Not really.

The temperament and eyes of that dragon man did not look like a follower of the blood clan princesses, but more like a pursuer.

When would Princess Crastihela accept followers to travel with her?


"Your Highness, the two blood clan princesses are here."

"Let them in."

Suman turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

Crastihela glanced at Suman and stepped into the hall. Tiji followed closely behind. Lance was the last one. When he passed by Suman, he smiled and glanced at Suman. He had made progress.

The little devil who wandered the streets, picked up garbage, and was dirty, now lives in a manor and a castle through her own efforts.

The dragon cub will not be in danger in her hands.

After guessing the relationship between the dragon cub and him, she will not hurt the dragon cub.

"You can't enter for the time being."

Su Man reached out to stop Lance.

The smile on Lance's lips froze for a moment, and he didn't want to be praised.

I just praised you in my heart, and you stopped me. Can I still harm your demon prince?

"Um. Lance, shouldn't you introduce me to this demon lady? I'm here to make a deal, and I don't want to have a conflict with the royal family living in the city because of a trivial matter."

Lance? !

The dragon is coming? !

When the young dragon heard someone calling Lance, he looked towards the entrance of the palace with a little excitement. Where is it?

Where is the evil dragon?

I didn't see the evil dragon.

But I saw a dragon man who looked pretty good. He was not an evil dragon.

Evil dragons don't look like this.

Besides, the aura is different. This dragon man has a strong abyss aura.

Evil dragons have lived in the human world for so long that they no longer have the abyss aura.

He smells good.

It was this dragon man who called Lance just now. Who was he calling?

The blood princess Tiggy.

There is also a blood girl who looks a bit like Tiggy.

Princess Lance?

Wait, is she the [Princess Lance] mentioned by the demon Suman?

No, no.

Which princess would give herself such a name.

It should be a homonym.

The characters are different.

I was so excited that I thought the evil dragon was coming.

The young dragon walked to the position where he had just sat down like a deflated balloon, silently counting the magic gold he won from playing mahjong.

When he returns to the human world, he will give some magic gold to the evil dragon.

If the evil dragon knew that these magic gold were won by her playing mahjong, he would definitely envy her.

She had seen the evil dragon playing mahjong, and he lost more than he won.

Maybe it was because he didn't wear a lucky gold coin.


It was incredible.

Seeing his own dragon cub sitting at the mahjong table and counting the magic gold.

Lance felt that his dragon cub had initially reached the realm of [not changing his expression when the mountain collapsed in front of him].

Facing the demon princess, the blood princess, and the evil spirits on the wall, he could still sit at the mahjong table and count the magic gold by himself. His psychological endurance had improved a lot.

Not bad.

It seemed that there was no need to rush to take the dragon cub back.

After staying by his side for a year, he also learned a lot. Now that he was in the abyss, it was a good time to train her and see what she could achieve in the abyss without him.

The [filter] on him still exists. For all the demons in the abyss, only those who are stronger than him can see through the filter on him.

For demons of the same level as the demon princess Christine and the great vampire Krastihela, the filter on him is also useful to them.

The [filter] on him can interfere with vision.

The two of them have never seen his current appearance. When he was studying here before, he was always a dragon head and a human body.

Even if they guessed that the dragon man Xia was the black dragon man Lance, it would not affect him much.

There are also dragons in the abyss, all kinds of dragons, after all, there are giant dragons in the abyss.

Demon dragon.

Even if the demon dragon clan is now in decline, there are still many dragons with a little demon dragon blood flowing in their bodies living in the abyss.

Christine, who had two black and red demon horns on her head, glanced at Lance, and then her eyes shifted to Krastihela, "Your pursuer?"

"He is the demon king of the chaotic and disordered land, and he came here to make a deal with us who live in the orderly land.

The Black Lotus Demon King, you can call him Black Lotus."

The name Black Lotus sounds fake, it doesn't matter, as a blood clan princess, she won't have too many intersections with such a demon king.

Unless this Black Lotus Demon King is willing to work for the blood clan.

This possibility is very small, almost non-existent.

The demon kings living in the chaotic and disordered land can't stand the invisible constraints of the orderly land.

Moreover, in the eyes of these demon kings, they are targeting the royal family.

In other words, in the eyes of the demon kings, they are on an equal footing with these princesses.

Not to mention that the Black Lotus Demon King who came with her is still a powerful demon king.

"Another thing, your name is Lance, what's my name?"

"You can call Xia."

Tsk, using his name unscrupulously in front of him, can I ask them for some licensing fees when I leave?

"What do you mean by bringing a demon king to me?"

"Nothing, I just want to bring the young dragon counting money back to my Blood Moon City and let her stay in Blood Moon City for a while."

"No need to find an excuse to fight this time, just because you want to snatch the young dragon from me, you have already died."

The big vampire Krastihela walked to the place where Suman sat before and sat down, picked up a piece of jade mahjong and played with it.

"Are you sure you can subdue and suppress this guy?"

"Not absolutely sure, but there is a chance to keep him here." Christine threw a mahjong in her hand to the center of the table, and pointed to the largest glass jar on the wall, "I have prepared a place for him to live."

Krastihela had seen that glass jar, and she knew what it was used for.

Imprisoning the soul of the black dragon Lance.

Christine hated the black dragon Lance more than she did.

She didn't know what the black dragon Lance had done to Christine.

"It doesn't seem to work. You should know that I want to embrace him as my daughter."

"Don't even think about it. I allow you to suck a little of his blood, but I won't allow you to embrace him as your daughter. He doesn't deserve to be your daughter."

"You don't need to worry about whether he deserves it or not."

The young dragon pretended to count the magic gold, but she was actually eavesdropping on the conversation between the two princesses and quietly collecting information.

When the evil dragon came, she told the evil dragon the information she had collected.

The demon princess Christine wanted to take away the evil dragon's soul.

The blood princess [Lance] wanted to embrace the evil dragon as her daughter.

I always feel like these two princesses are dreaming.

The evil dragon is a trainee god of death. It is too difficult to take away his dragon soul.

The dragon's defense capabilities are also extremely abnormal. The blood-sucking fangs of the vampire princess may not be able to pierce the dragon scales on the dragon's neck.


Not entirely sure. After all, the other party is the princess of the blood clan and was a classmate of the evil dragon. Her blood-sucking fangs may have other magical abilities.

"We can cooperate. To be honest, I am not 100% sure that I can beat that guy. You should know that that guy's strongest point is his learning ability.

Before he left the abyss, he was already able to defeat us in a single fight. Now more than two thousand years have passed and he has stayed in the human world for more than two thousand years. What he has learned is definitely not inferior to what he learned in the abyss.

Even though we have become stronger over the past two thousand years, I still dare not underestimate that guy.

You and I have all seen his resourcefulness, scheming, forbearance and other abilities. Instead of arguing here, we should join forces and try to capture him the moment he shows up. "

Standing at the palace gate, Lance listened with interest and plotted loudly in front of him, which was great.


Anyway, he had no intention of fighting with these guys. By the time they realized his identity, he might have returned to the human world with the dragon cub.

"I'm not interested in joining forces with you or the devil at the moment. I'm afraid that in the end, I'll get involved too."

"That's a pity. It seems we can only rely on our own abilities."

"how do you want to do it?"

"Let's decide the winner."

"It's not all here yet, let's wait a little longer. When everyone is here, we will have a showdown to decide whether she still has his right to belong."

"The young dragon has only two places to go, one: the Black Forbidden City. Two, my Demon King's City. Big vampire, don't forget, she fell into the Black Forbidden City that our Demon King is responsible for. If you take her away by force, I will treat her as a You are declaring war on me.

It's a challenge to my authority. "

The great vampire Krasti Hera was a little irritable. It was precisely because of this that she did not take away the amethyst baby dragon directly in front of Christine.

If the Amethyst young dragon is not in Blood Moon City, it will be difficult to attract the dragon man Xia to Blood Moon City.

"I think this young dragon has a third place to go."

Lance, who had been an audience member for a long time, grinned at Christine and the great vampire Krastichera, pointed at the young dragon and said with a smile: "She can also follow me to the land of chaos and disorder."

? ? ?

The big vampire Krasti Hera, the demon Christine, the little vampires Tiki and Suman all looked at Lance and their eyes suddenly became unkind.

A demon king from a place of chaos and disorder, saying this, is he provoking their royal family?

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