Evil Dragon: The baby dragon I picked up always wants to be the empress

Chapter 256 Dragon cub, call me daddy so she can hear it

Has the dragon cub he will raise in the future mastered the pronunciation of pinyin?

It seems that she may really be the dragon cub he will raise in the future. If she is not his cub, she will definitely not be able to read out [Ah, Oh, Eh, Yi, Wu, Yu] fluently.

Knowing pinyin will save trouble, and the difficulty of learning demon language will be much lower.

"I will mark the pinyin for you in the elementary demon language textbook. You get up half an hour earlier every morning and stand on the balcony to recite the short stories in the demon language textbook."

The elementary demon language textbook was compiled by him, which is suitable for popularization in the lower grades of the demon academy. The reason why he was admitted to the demon academy by exception is that in addition to his own dazzling grades, his compiled lower grade textbooks also played a certain role.

Lance handed a ready-made demon language textbook to the young dragon.

The young dragon took the demon version of the Chinese textbook and saw the Q version of the little demon on the cover of the book. His Q version image appeared in his mind.

The dragon's talent for drawing is really strong.

If all demons look like the ones on the cover of the book, she will not only not think that the demons are hideous and terrifying, but will find them cute.

Chinese textbook.

These three words are demon words. Normally, she would never recognize them. But there are pinyins on these three demon words. She read them according to the pinyins and they came out naturally.

Her pronunciation is naturally not comparable to that of the demons. After all, she is not a demon.

She opened the cover of the book and saw many strange words. They were all marked with pinyins. There were no short stories to be recited on the first three or four pages.

There were only on the fifth and sixth pages.

There were also patterns.

The small things swimming in the water on the pattern seemed to be tadpoles.

She had seen these in the waters of Shenglan. There were many of them.

There were a lot of demon words. They were texts that could be recited.

Read them and see what story it was about.

Title: [xiao ke dou zhao ma ma]


Tadpole looking for mother?

This story seems to exist in the human world as well and has been compiled into the textbooks. In the human world, this short story called [Tadpole looking for mother] was classified as a fairy tale.

[There is a group of tadpoles in the pond, with big heads, black bodies, and long tails, swimming happily.

The tadpoles swam and swam, and in a few days, they grew two hind legs. They saw the mother fish teaching the little fish to hunt, so they mailed over and asked: "Auntie fish, where is our mother?"

The mother fish said to her children: "If you are hungry, you can also eat tadpoles."

The tadpoles heard the mother fish and swam away quickly. 】

After reciting this, the young dragon stopped reciting. Something was wrong, very wrong. This version of [Tadpoles Looking for Mother] is completely different from the version of [Tadpoles Looking for Mother] in the human world.

She vaguely remembered that the [Tadpoles Looking for Mother] in the human world met a carp mother, and the kind carp mother also told the tadpoles what their mother looked like.

How could the devil version of [Tadpoles Looking for Mother] be like this?

This is not a fairy tale at all!

"Not bad, not bad, you can read these pinyin, which means you should have completed the primary school course."

Primary school course?

Who are you looking down on?

The evil dragon said that she could enter the junior high school stage at any time. Don't forget that she was studying when she was sleeping, and even studying in her dreams.

If she didn't study well, the evil dragon would hit her palm with a ruler in her dream. It hurts.

"Now cover these pinyins, how many demonic words can you recognize?"

The young dragon grinned: "I don't recognize any of them."


"I like this feeling of knowledge passing through my brain without leaving any traces. I think the reason why my eyes are clear and bright is probably because I haven't been polluted by knowledge. It hurts."

The young dragon's eyes were filled with tears. She just said what the 3,456-year-old evil dragon Lance said to her, and said it to the current evil dragon. Why did he suddenly hit her head.

It hurts.

It really hurts.

I thought the temper of the dragon would be better before it grows up, but it's even more irritable than when it grows up.

Lance is staring at his dragon fist again. It's strange, it's really strange. He didn't punch the young dragon involuntarily.

He didn't mean to do that, but the dragon fist moved on its own.

But the young dragon is quite naughty. His future self must have indulged this child too much, otherwise how dare she treat him so disrespectfully?

I want him to call me "sister" as soon as we meet.

"Don't be naughty next time, otherwise I will always want to beat you up involuntarily."

Lance really wants to ask the young dragon if his future self has ever beaten her. Thinking that this is a school, he decides to ask when he gets home.

"Dark Dragonman Lance! How dare you throw me from behind!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. If you're really angry, I can give you a chance to throw me from behind."


The young dragon saw the young demon princess Christine flash in front of Lance, grabbed Lance's wrist with one hand and his arm with the other, bent over and pushed his hips out to try to flip Lance to the ground.

Pushing his hips out to push Lance, Lance stood still.

Continue to push his hips out to push, Lance still stood still.

Lance's feet seemed to grow on the ground.

"Your Highness, I gave you a chance, but you're useless."

"How dare you, a mere lower-level demon, tease the royal family?!"

A young demon with snow-white horns on his head raised his right hand, and a pure white magic circle instantly formed in the void, "World-destroying white flames!"

Pure white flames spurted out from the magic circle, and the young dragon who was sitting on the chair appeared behind Lance at some point.

She held up a wide black-red shield, blocking the pure white flames that shot towards Lance.

The huge force shocked her and took a few steps back.

After blocking this wave of attacks, the young dragon put away his shield at lightning speed, took out the thunder hammer from the lucky gold coin, and struck the demon who attacked Lance.

The violent black-red thunder power instantly swept through the entire classroom, and the magic circle formed by the devil's right hand was directly destroyed by the thunder.

The demon that attacked Lance suffered a double attack. He was first hit by the power of thunder, and then received a heavy hammer from the young dragon.

The young demon spit out burnt smoke on the spot and lay on the ground twitching.

"Don't even think about attacking Lance in front of me."


A 3,456-year-old evil dragon. She might not be able to protect him.

The evil dragon from more than two thousand years ago could still help him somewhat.

The evil dragon at this age should not be strong enough to suppress the entire abyss demon at the same time.

She couldn't just watch the evil dragon being bullied by these abyss demons.

After knocking out the demon that attacked Lance, the young dragon put away his thunder hammer, took out his shield, ran behind Lance, raised his shield high, and looked at the surrounding abyss demons warily.


Their hair stood on end with electricity, and a small number of demonic fingers were still twitching unconsciously.

Lance pointed his fingers together like swords and poked Kristine on the back. Kristen grunted, subconsciously let go of the hands holding Lance's right arm, and covered her waist with her hands.

She suspected that Lance, the Black Demon Dragon, had broken her waist.

Lance turned around and touched the baby dragon's head with his hand. As expected of the dragon cub he would raise in the future, he actually knew how to protect him.

Even though he didn't need her protection just now.

"I can handle an accident of the level just now."

"Hey, I subconsciously feel that you are young and may suffer a disadvantage."

"Okay, I don't have anything for you to do here for the time being. Go over there and continue reading. Try to memorize all the demonic words in the short film [Tadpole Finds Mom] before night, and it's best to write it out."


Under the gaze of a dozen young demons, the young dragon returned to her seat and continued to read the [Devil Language Textbook] prepared by the evil dragon for her.

Except [tadpole looking for mother].

There are several short reading passages at the end.

One article is [Rocking the Boat].

One article is [Little Devil’s Haircut].

These two short essays are so young.

It’s not too bad for a six or seven-year-old child to read aloud.

Asking her to recite is a bit like treating her like a child.

Whose Royal Highness is so old that she still reads fairy tales aloud when she has nothing to do?

If the stinky princess Athena found out, wouldn't she laugh to death?

Don't want to read aloud

Take a sneak peek at the dragon.

The evil dragon Lance dragged the unconscious demon outside the classroom and beat him back and forth.

The young evil dragon seems to have a bad temper.

But his method of beating demons looks a bit familiar.

Remember, he once beat the golden dragon like this.

"What is your relationship with the Dark Dragon Lance?"

The Demon Queen Christine appears in front of the young dragon.

The young dragon looked at the demon princess in front of him and felt that the princess at this age was so immature.

What if I gave this princess a sudden blow?

What will be the consequences?


There is a high probability that you will be attacked by demons in this classroom.

When I leave here, I can sneak up on the princess quietly.

"Uh-huh, familiar. I'm the familiar of Lance, the Black Demonic Dragon."

In this case, if she said that she was a cub raised by the Black Demon Dragon, the princess might think that she was teasing her or playing tricks on her.

"She's not a familiar, she's my cub. You can think of her as my daughter."

Familiar and cub are two different concepts.

It seems good to enjoy the troubles of raising cubs in advance.

Christine was angry. Not only did this damn Black Dragon ignore her identity as a princess, he even dared to attack her in front of the academy students and throw her over his shoulder.

I don’t know if he is really that crazy, or if he wants to attract more members of the royal family through this unique method.

No matter what his purpose was, it didn't matter for the time being. Now when she was the most angry, this low-level black dragon man with no self-awareness actually teased her and said that a young dragon about the same age as her was his daughter.

Even if he said that this young dragon was his sister, she would not be so angry.

"You humiliate me like this, Black Demon Dragonman Lance. Do you really think that the strength I have shown is only that little?

Very good, what you just said completely made me angry, Black Demon Dragonman Lance, now I can show you whether I, Christine, have the strength to suppress a low-level demon like you! "

"Don't believe it?" Lance's eyes fell on the baby dragon, "Dragon baby, call Daddy and let her listen."

In the Demon God Altar Square, Lance became a little angry when he saw what he said to the young dragon in the eyes of the Demon God.

The dragon cub had never called him daddy yet. It was better for me more than two thousand years ago to let the dragon cub call him daddy.

Have you ever considered how you will feel in the future?

There is also that silly dragon cub of my own. When he saw the young him, the first thing he did was to ask him to call him "sister".

Write it down in a notebook and beat him up when he comes back.

Another strange thing is that since the young dragon saw his past, why doesn't he have any memory of that period of history in his current memory?

Is it because it hasn't been updated yet?

Or will the Eye of the Demon automatically correct and eliminate it?

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