Even the cubs you will raise in the future are being betrayed?

Do you still have any conscience?

Look at how much she has suffered these days in order to identify and taste the herbs? How much suffering has she endured?

The princess of the Farolan Empire even has a nickname because of this.

Big-headed dragon, chameleon, herbivorous dragon

If I had told her that she could use the demons who troubled her to test the medicine, she might not be able to do it, but she could try to catch some rabbits with weak attack power to taste the herbs.

"Then why do you let me taste the herbs myself?"

"This way you can understand the medicinal properties of the herbs more clearly, and with me here, your life will not be in danger. I let the demons who troubled me taste the herbs because I don't have a [Guardian], so I have to be cautious.

You don't have this worry, you can taste the herbs boldly. Tasting the herbs is just the first step, and then you have to know how to use the medicinal properties of various herbs to prepare extraordinary medicine.

The benefits of tasting the herbs yourself are later."

"Oh, I see."

The young dragon sighed and accepted Lance's statement.

Lance, who was bending over to cut grass, turned his head and glanced at the young dragon. It seemed that the young dragon trusted him in the future.

If he didn't trust him, he would question him.

The young dragon didn't question him, but just made a bitter face and sighed.

He was a little curious about how the young dragon would get along with his future self.

Although he was still unwilling to believe that his future self would pick up a silly-looking young dragon to raise.

After harvesting some herbs that could be used as seasoning, Lance took the young dragon out of the Demon Academy and went home.

The evil dragon Lance was already famous in the Demon Academy. The upper demons, nobles, and royal families hated him.

The middle and lower demons worshipped him because the black dragon Lance was the only student who dared to talk to the royal family on an equal footing as a lower demon.

He even dared to fight back and attack the royal family.

What impressed the middle and lower demons the most was that the arrogant and unruly black dragon Lance mastered knowledge faster than the royal family members.

Another thing that made them envious was the Black Dragonman Lance's ability to make friends. As time went on, they felt that the relationship between the Black Dragonman Lance and the princesses of the royal family gradually became more complicated.

They were competitors, but also seemed to be friends?

Both enemies and friends

Although there was only a little bit of friendship, there was indeed a sign that he was going to be friends with the royal family members.

Not to mention that the Black Dragonman Lance had won the approval of most of the teachers and the principal of the academy.

He was also the only student who dared to raise a [familiar] [pet] in the academy.

He even applied for a large territory for his [familiar] [pet].

In the long time since the Demon Academy was established, there has never been a lower-level demon who was treated so well.

The Black Dragonman Lance was the first.

Back in the villa, Lance began to prepare the base ingredients, and the young dragon washed the ingredients.

As for washing the ingredients, the young dragon had already mastered it easily.

"Lance, I'm reclaiming land and planting vegetables and fruits. Does that land count as my territory?"

"Yes, you can treat that land as your own before I leave the academy."

"Then, then, if students from the Demon Academy enter my reclaimed land without my consent and I catch them, can I punish them? For example, let them help me hoe the land and reclaim the land, is that okay?"

"Yes, as long as you can subdue them with your own strength."

The Demon Academy does not prohibit fighting.

It is normal for the losing party to pay a little price.

In the words of the Demon Academy: when fighting in the wild, or fighting with the extraordinary and brave people in the human world, losing the battle means that your life is gone.

Similarly, if you challenge a classmate in the academy and lose, it means that your life is gone.

Because of school rules, fighting cannot cause the death of classmates, but the winner can ask the loser to do something, with a time limit.

It's interesting.

From what Xiaolong said, it is obvious that he wants to compete with the students of the Demon Academy.

During this period, he has been trying to figure out the young dragon. The young dragon's body has good resistance to attacks, and it is fast, but its attack power is not very good.

The power of dragon breath is not very strong.

However, she has a lot of self-defense props on her. With those self-defense props, if she can get a little better, she may be able to get the title of [Little Devil Dragon].

The future self has not taught the young dragon physical skills yet.

If he teaches the young dragon physical skills, with the current strength of the young dragon's dragon body, combined with offensive physical skills, he may be able to break all laws with one force.

It is estimated that the future self wants the young dragon to take the path of breaking all laws with one force.

Because he saw the source power props on the young dragon that can change gravity at will.

This is not only a training device for the young dragon's physical fitness, but also a limiter.

If the young dragon keeps wearing this thing, he will misjudge his own strength.

When the limiter on her body is gone one day, at that time, the young dragon will probably be shocked by her own strength.

"I can't beat those devil students who are giving me trouble, what should I do then?"

"Call the parents."

? ? ?

Call the parents?

What does that mean?


Wait, the dragon means that if you can't beat him, call him?

Isn't he taking on the role of a parent a little too quickly?


I couldn't trick the underage dragon into calling her sister.

"What if I can't beat my devil students, and call the parents?"

"Call the parents."


"Can you beat the parents of devil students?"

"I don't know, I'll know after the fight, but with your personality, this shouldn't happen."

The hot pot base was prepared, and Young Dragon also brought the washed vegetables to the table. After chatting for a while, they began to enjoy dinner tonight.

After dinner, Young Dragon took a rest and went to wash the pots and pans.

The evil dragon was reading a book.

Young Dragon found that the evil dragon would practice health-preserving exercises before going to bed and in the morning.

No wonder the 3,456-year-old evil dragon's body is larger than other giant dragons. Health-preserving exercises must have played a certain role.

Before going to bed, she also practiced health-preserving exercises.

After practicing health-preserving exercises and returning to the bedroom, Young Dragon squatted cross-legged on the bed and began to organize the self-defense props in the lucky gold coin. He took out some props with strange abilities from the lucky gold coin and placed them on the bed.

Universal scissors: This pair of scissors is more than one person tall and can cut anything.

Simulation brush: Use this brush to draw, and it can be indistinguishable from the real thing.

Colorful: With this paint, you can mix any color you want.

Sun-shooting Bow: Even the Sun

When the young dragon saw the name of the bow, she put it directly into the lucky gold coin. Just based on the name of this bow, she will be buried in the lucky gold coin for the rest of her life. Anyway, she dare not use it.

Soul Brush: Brush it once, and the soul will leave the body. Use this brush on the soul that has left the body, and the soul will be brushed to sparkle.

Dragon Boxing Gloves: Put on the boxing gloves, and you will be the boxing champion.

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