? ? ?

The black dragon beat the golden dragon Austin and the thunder dragon Elena?

No, he heard from the golden dragon Austin. Both he and Elena had beaten the black dragon, and even grabbed the black dragon's tail and threw the black dragon back and forth.

How come this human turned into a black dragon and beat up Austin and Elena?

Can a black dragon that grew up wandering in the human world defeat the golden dragon and thunder dragon from Dragon Island?

Not to mention that they have signed a contract with the temple. No matter how they think about it, the black dragon cannot be this strong.

Although the Golden Dragon Austin had deceived him about the human Lance, he personally asked the Golden Dragon Austin for confirmation regarding the Black Dragon. Austin was pinned to the ground and beaten by him, but he did not change his story that the Black Dragon could beat him. .

This alone is enough to prove that the Black Dragon's strength is indeed not that good. Not to mention that he also asked the Thunder Dragon Elena for confirmation. The Thunder Dragon Elena said that the Black Dragon is indeed not that good. When she called Black Dragon, the Black Dragon couldn't bear it. live.

Even Elena's dragon roar can't be tolerated. No matter how strong the black dragon is, how strong can it be?

It seemed that it was not Melbourne that was deceived this time, but the human being in front of him.

The black dragon was probably afraid that the human Lance would look down on him, so he deceived the human Lance and said that he had beaten the golden dragon and the thunder dragon.

Human Lance seems to still believe it.


Something doesn't make sense.

The human Lance can defeat the golden dragon, the thunder dragon, and his bronze dragon. There is no reason that he cannot defeat the black dragon wandering in the human world.

Wait, the black dragon wandering in the human world must have been conquered by the human Lance a long time ago and signed a dragon knight contract with it.

In other words, the black dragon is the mount of human Lance!

The reason why human Lance beat up the golden dragon Austin and the thunder dragon Elena was to avenge his mount black dragon!

How else to explain the relationship between human Lance and black dragon?

The treacherous human being actually concealed his true relationship with the black dragon!


Is it useful?

Didn't he guess it?

Their giant dragons are not stupid, they possess powerful power, which makes them subconsciously disdain to use their brains. They can crush each other to death with absolute power, so what kind of brains are needed.

Melbourne smiled contemptuously at Lance.

? ? ?

Lance was a little confused when he saw the smile on Melbourne's face. What did this guy mean when he smiled contemptuously at him for no reason?

You can't beat him in reality, and then you imagine in your mind that you push him to the ground and beat him up until he cries for mercy?

Is the fantasy version of myself okay, so that’s why you show such a contemptuous smile?

"Your smile deserves a beating. Don't look at me with this smile next time, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to help but beat you. The technique I practice is quite special. If something makes my Taoist heart unstable, I will do it on the spot. Do something to stabilize your Taoist mind.

For example, if you make me unstable, I will beat you directly to eliminate the inner demons. It's your first offense, I won't beat you this time. "

? ? ?

Melbourne is incompetent and furious!

This was the first time he had encountered such an arrogant and domineering human being. According to Lance, beating a pure-blood dragon seemed as easy as beating a puppy.

What a bastard!

If he hadn't been sucked out of three large jars of dragon blood by this hateful human, with his violent temper, he would have to weigh the strength of this damn human again!

He suppressed the contempt in his eyes and took a sip of the black tea brewed for him by the human maid. "I don't like humans like you. Humans like you like to hide behind the scenes to control and lead things. There are only two kind of result.

The first type is to achieve success and become a famous hero in history.

The second type is to play with all living beings and be cast aside after death, becoming a rat in the gutter. "

? ? ?


Making trouble?

Hiding behind the scenes?

In such a short period of time, what kind of pictures did the giant bronze dragon have in mind?

What did Melbourne imagine him to be?

Want to become the dark emperor who rules the human world?

Or do you want to destroy the big devil who overturned the world?

I used to know that humans like to think about things, but I didn't expect that there are giant dragons in the dragon family who like to think about things.

"I'm not as complicated as you think."

"I want to beat up the black dragon that is operating in the human world. Will you find an excuse to beat me?"


Where does the mysterious confidence come from?

No, what does Melbourne mean by saying this?

Co-author In Melbourne's mind, he, a human, is better than a black dragon?

Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?

He told this guy [Black Dragon] that he had defeated the Golden Dragon and the Thunder Dragon. Why did he still think he could defeat the Black Dragon?

"You are overthinking. The Black Dragon is very strong. Even the Golden Dragon Austin and the Thunder Dragon Elena can't defeat him. Do you think you can defeat the Black Dragon on your own?"

"Ha, when I see that black dragon and fight with him, you will know whether I can defeat that black dragon."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Austin and Elena for confirmation."

"There's no need. You continue to hide your relationship with the Black Dragon. Don't worry, I won't expose you. Okay, I'm not feeling well, so I'll leave first.

Remember, when you see the black dragon, tell him that the pure-blooded bronze dragon Melbourne from Dragon Island is waiting for him in the Holy Blue. "

After saying these words and drinking all the black tea in the cup, Melbourne stood up and left the courtyard, returning to Holy Blue City.

He was going to Holy Blue City to eat some good food to recover his body. He had lost so much dragon blood, and if he didn't eat more good food, he wouldn't be able to make up for it.

I have to ask my wife for some money. I have been eating so much recently. I am afraid I have to tell the truth. If I don’t tell the truth, my wife will think that he has raised hundreds of princesses, fox girls, and succubi in the human world.

He ate so much without getting hurt. He must have done a lot of physical work.

It’s really difficult.

If the black dragon appears in Shenglan, after defeating him, I have to get some benefits from this black dragon.

Lance unfolded the newspaper and put it on the tea table. Just when he wanted Ingrid to get him another newspaper, a seal flew out of the space ring, suspended in the void, and automatically cast a light curtain.

The light screen flickered several times, and after it stabilized, the ferocious head of the golden dragon Austin appeared on the light screen, "It's strange, I don't know why, I get angry when I see your face. I have something to tell you, don't hang up.

Three days later, I will bring my knight to Shenglan to find you. My knight wants to meet you. He is very interested in the strong people in the human world, especially people like you who are famous in history and unknown.

Get ready."

"Are you going to let your knight vent your anger for you? You can't beat me, so you call the knight to help you? Have some shame, if you are a bad player, practice more, don't call people."

Lance is a little uncomfortable with Austin's behavior of calling people when he can't beat him.

If he can't beat the black dragon, he calls his wife.

If he can't beat the human Lance, he calls the knight.

He has never called people when he can't beat anyone.

Otherwise, with his ability, calling a few friends is just like playing, right?

"You want me to fight the dragon knight."

"I told you before that I didn't use all my strength, but you didn't believe me. Since you don't believe me, I'll take the knight to see how strong I am when I go all out.

Of course, I didn't go to Shenglan to fight you this time. Fighting is just a side job. The real purpose of going to Shenglan is to visit the Dragon God statue in the Dragon Temple. The Goddess of Wisdom has a good relationship with the Dragon God, so I prepared a generous gift this time.

Three wisdom fruits, three wisdom beads, and a lot of natural treasures."

"Okay, I know. I will treat your knight well. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up."

"Wait, I have something to say to you."

"Go ahead."

"You son of a bitch, I'll beat you up sooner or later!"

After scolding Lance, Austin quickly hung up, not giving Lance a chance to scold him.

Lance, who was sitting on the chair, was stunned for a moment, sneered, ha. Childish.

Think you can make him angry like this?

That's right.

He was really angry.

I didn't expect Austin, the golden dragon, to scold him in the last sentence.

Just run away after scolding him?

There is no such good thing.

Human Lance doesn't know where the Holy Mountain of Wisdom is, but Black Dragon Lance knows.

There is a price to pay for scolding people.


Can't go today.

It will be easy to be exposed if you go there. He just scolded human Lance, and the black dragon went to the Holy Mountain of Wisdom to block the door and scold.

People will definitely doubt whether human Lance is a black dragon.

The Holy Mountain of Wisdom will bless the wisdom of the clergy of the Temple of Wisdom and the golden dragon.

Go tomorrow.

Before going, you have to let the black dragon come to the Holy Mountain.

Show up in front of Melbourne.

During the lunch break, let the black dragon come to the Holy Mountain.

After watching the maintenance for a while and playing badminton with the young dragon for a while, it's time for lunch.

Lunch is stir-fried vegetables and rice.

After enjoying lunch and doing activities for a while, Lance went back to the room for a nap. The young dragon said she didn't want to sleep yet, but Lance didn't force her.

The young dragon rested on the sofa in the hall for about an hour, called Ingrid, and went to play badminton.

Badminton is very simple to play. Ingrid also played for a while in the morning.

You can definitely play with her.

She played badminton with Ingrid, and it was a back-and-forth game.

When playing badminton with the evil dragon, she was always the one who picked up the ball, which was a very bad experience.

As expected, it is more interesting to play games with people of equal strength.

Ingrid did not let her win. She played badminton with the young dragon and had a strong desire to win.

It was mainly fun.

Sometimes the little dragon was a sly person, and she hit the ball high, and the little dragon flew to the sky to catch the ball.

How can you play like this?

It's clearly bullying her because she can't fly.

Lady Tixia should like this sport very much. I will introduce badminton to Lady Tixia later.

Lance, who was taking a nap in the room, did not sleep either. He took out the human-shaped puppet he had refined.

The appearance of the puppet was refined according to his appearance when he turned into a human. He descended on Shenglan in the form of a black dragon.

The human Lance had to be present, so that no one would suspect that the black dragon was him.

His puppet was fully capable of doing the job. The puppet's body had flesh and blood and internal organs, and was an extraordinary thing.

It just had no consciousness.

But this was not a big problem. He could separate a wisp of consciousness into the puppet's body and control it.

After refining this puppet body, he hardly used it. Under normal circumstances, he didn't use it at all.

He took out the puppet body, separated a wisp of consciousness into the puppet body, and Lance took out the portal and returned to Black Dragon Island.

Back to Black Dragon Island, he turned back into a black dragon, stayed on Black Dragon Island for a while, and entered the Kingdom of Nord through the portal.

It was too far to fly from Black Dragon Island to Saint Blue, and it wouldn't take long to go from the Kingdom of Nord to Saint Blue.

That afternoon, a black dragon appeared over the capital of the Kingdom of Nord.

The black dragon's body covered the sky and the sun, hovered briefly over the capital, and flew towards the Valkyrie Temple.

Steven, the Paladin of the Valkyrie Temple, sensed the dragon's breath and immediately came outside the temple and looked up at the sky.

Black Dragon!

A black dragon that covered the sky and the sun appeared above the Valkyrie Temple, hovering over it and staring at it coldly.

A spear appeared in Steven's hand.

"Black Dragon, this is the Valkyrie Temple, I advise you not to mess around!"

The black dragon stared at Steven with cold eyes for a while, grinning: "I'm just here to take a look, you don't have to be nervous, I won't rob the Valkyrie Temple."

"Please don't disrespect the gods."

"Human, you are very sensitive, remember you, I am here to pursue the prehistoric evil dragon, and I won't bother with you today.

I smell the breath of the prehistoric evil dragon Cologne, he is here, he is the one I am looking for."

After hovering over the Valkyrie Temple for a while, Lance flapped his wings and flew towards the Black Cat Guild where the prehistoric evil dragon Cologne was.

Without any nonsense, he roared directly over the Black Cat Guild.

The roar of the evil dragon resounded throughout the capital.

"Prehistoric evil dragon Cologne, a human told me that you are in this human kingdom. I am here today to tell you that the Nord Kingdom is my territory. You'd better leave here as soon as possible, otherwise the next time I come here, I will tell you who is the real master of this human kingdom."

Roaring again, Lance flapped his wings and rushed to the sky.

Not long after Lance left, a middle-aged man left the Black Cat Guild, turned around and came to a secret and uninhabited corner of the capital, took out a teleportation scroll, teleported himself to a dense forest outside the capital of the Nord Kingdom, turned into a giant dragon, roared, and flapped his wings to the sky.

He also flew over the capital of the Nord Kingdom, coldly glanced at the panic-stricken soldiers and guild members in the capital who were preparing various air defense source power props, and flapped his wings to fly in the direction where Lance disappeared.

Black dragon!

He wanted to see whether the black dragon that appeared over the Nord Kingdom was the human Lance, or the black dragon wandering in the human world.

The breath is different.

The breath of the black dragon left in the air is different from the breath of the human being in Shenglan.

This direction

Red Maple Kingdom?

What did the black dragon do in the Red Maple Kingdom in the human world?

No, it's not the Red Maple Kingdom, it's the Principality of Shenglan.

The Principality of Shenglan is also in this direction.

Principality of Shenglan

Dragon Temple.

Is the real purpose of the black dragon the Dragon Temple?

After guessing the purpose of the black dragon, the nightmare dragon Cologne was no longer in a hurry. Was the black dragon that appeared in the sky over the Nord Kingdom the human Lans? When he arrived in Shenglan, the answer would naturally appear in front of him.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a black dragon that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sky above the capital of the Red Maple Kingdom.

Not long after, the black dragon left the capital and flew all the way south. That was the direction of the Principality of Shenglan

Dragon Temple.

It turned out that the black dragon was just passing by.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the black dragon appeared in the sky over Shenglan City.

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