Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1005: Trembling Holy Beast (1)

"Gu girl, then, should we continue to walk forward, or find another way out?"

Ye Ying's eyebrows tightened. For a long time, he sighed and asked in the worried tone.

After all, that is the legendary sacred beast! Not the existence of a cat and a dog! Even if they are together, they are only enough to sew him! So, for the first time, Ye Ying had the urge to retreat.

Gu Ruoyun raised his head slightly, his eyes staring at the direction of the low-lying voice. The voice was not cold or hot: "If you want to leave, I won't stop you, but I don't have time to stay here, so, let's go, let's go. Let's go."

"it is good."

Xia Lin’s light smile, followed closely behind Gu Ruoyun.

Gulan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after seeing the young figure in the light wind, the nose was a bit sour, especially the empty sleeves, which made her heart linger. stand up.

"Head leader..."

Her voice is almost with prayers, and the watery eyes turn to Ye Ying: "We..."

"Laner, are you looking at the kid?" Uncle Ying looked at Lan Lan with some impatience. He said, "You must know that there is a powerful beast on the other side! If we destroy The people of the World Mercenary Corps have followed the past, and when they arrive, they will inevitably suffer great trauma, and maybe they will be wiped out!"

Gulan groaned and shook his head and said, "I just pity him... so young and beautiful, I should have enjoyed this great age, but I am disabled, although this boy always smiles, but I But I know that his heart must be very bitter. After all, if you change my mind and lose an arm, let me lose my whole life."

For a warrior, the arm is equal to strength, without strength, what does it mean to live?

And he was so strong that he supported it.

Gulan can see that the reason why he survived strongly is only the woman around him!

"Head, we are all here for a month, and the food will be exhausted. The gods of heavenly punishment are more and more, but it is difficult to capture them. At that time, without the support of food, how long can we persist? ”

Quran had a big, watery eyes, and there was no longer a sweet smile on the delicate face. Instead, it was a firm one.

"So, let's give it a go. And, isn't that beast a breakthrough? If the beast breaks through, it can't fight against us, otherwise he can only give up this opportunity of breakthrough, so we can take this The opportunity is bypassed by him! As long as the time is right, we can leave this place!"

Ye Ying was silent for a while, and then he decided to lift his handsome face and said: "Laner said it is good. Our mission is to leave the Heavenly Forest, but not to fight the spirit beast! However, one thing to note is that all the powerful beasts of Heavenly Forest have already gone to worship the Holy Beast. Even if we don't need to fight with the Holy Beast, these spirit beasts are hard to deal with."

Having said that, he paused and continued: "But we have to try it. What you need to pay attention to is that when you don't be too wary, you will directly kill a **** road and rush out!"

Uncle Ying sighed and shook his head helplessly.

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