Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1020: Gulan’s identity (eight)

The words of Gulan, the mercenary mercenaries were sullen, and when they wanted to teach the stinking head, the middle-aged man who was the head of the team raised his hand and stopped their impulses.

"Gulan," he looked at Quran, his face said gloomyly. "You can't afford Ye Ying's kid. If we fight alone, I will never lose to him. I just don't want to give other forces a chance." So, the casualties will be minimized, so you can only bother you and our Titan Mercenary. As for the little white face you brought back..."

The middle-aged man paused and his lips twitched with a cold arc: "You can only blame him for contact with the Mercenary Mercenary!"

The implication is that he will not let go of the boy who came back from the Quran!

Anyone who has a relationship with the World Mercenary Corps will not leave him alone!

If you don't remove the roots, you must stay behind!

Gu Lan didn't think that Sirius even Xia Linyi didn't want to let go, and his heart was even more angry. The sneer on his face was even worse: "Xia's brother is only a guest of our annihilation mercenary group, but I didn't expect you to be a Siege Mercenary. I am so mad at this level! Just, I want to advise you that some people are forever tempted by you, don’t bring more trouble to yourself!"

At this moment, Gu Lan never had the sweet and sweet image before, and it was full of temperament that was not the same as the average mercenary.

"Ha ha ha."

The middle-aged man laughed two times, and the smile was very arrogant and arrogant: "Gulan, you are young, but you like to speak out, I don’t know the wolf, except for the big families in the main city. And who else is what I can't afford? Can you tell me that the boy is the son of a family in the main city?"

There was ridicule on his face, and the sly scorpion looked at the Quran.

"He is not."

Gu Lan sneered.

Xia brother is certainly not the son of the family in the main city, just... she has some relationship with those forces. If the Sirius mercenary group really killed her, I believe they will not live too long.

Because those people get the news once they get it, they will avenge her!

"Since it is not, my Sirius will not be tempted!" The middle-aged man slightly picked up his eyes and flashed a cold light. "Come, give Gulan to me, other leisure people, etc. Kill me!"

"I see who you dare to go in!"

Gulan’s face changed greatly, and he hurriedly stopped his body at the gate. The sweet face finally showed a hint of anxiety, and the group of people looked at them with sorrow.

At this moment, she regretted it and regretted bringing Gu Ruoyun and Xia Linyu back to Qingfeng City.

Originally they just wanted to repay their kindness, just to let them come to be a guest! However, I did not expect that the people of the Siege Mercenary Corps would come to kill the head of the regiment. As long as they knew this, they should not bring Xia Lin back to the territory of the World Mercenary.

Unfortunately, there is nothing regret in this world.

All she can do is keep all the enemies out of the door and not let anyone enter the door.

"Little lion, come out and help me."

At this moment, Gu Lan shouted with a bite.

Immediately, there was a roaring sound inside the door, and then I saw a lion that was covered in fire rushing out of the door, licking his teeth and looking forward to the group of people who wanted to break into.

"Little lion, no matter what, we can't let anyone hurt Xia Gege, so you can help me to delay them, at least drag them to the head of the group!"

And she can do it now, and only this.

Thinking of this, the sight of Quran was cast into the sky not far away, and the big eyes of Shui Lingling gradually brought a touch of sadness.

Head, you are coming back soon, otherwise, I am afraid I can't hold on for too long...

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