Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1035: Who is the real belly black (four)

The sight of the blue song fell on Gu Ruoyun's body, and the murder of his body slowly passed away and became the original peace.

"I believe that you will change my life!"

Gu Ruoyun shrugged his shoulders: "I also said that it is only you who can change you."

Can change him, only himself!

The blue song was silent, and once again, the meaning of Gu Ruoyun’s words was tasted. For a long time, he had a feeling of sorrow. The white face with dark spots showed a smile.

"I understand, yes, I have one thing to tell you, Quran... I know."

"What is her identity?"

In fact, Gu Ruyun has some speculation about the identity of Quran, but it is not very certain.

"One of the four major families in the main city, the ancient family, Miss Qianjin! It is said that the ancient family wants to use her to marry the younger Jiang family. In order to escape this political marriage, she escaped. The ancient family has been searching for her news everywhere. ”

The ancient surname is more common in the North Carolina territory.

Therefore, even if she had been with the people of the World Mercenary Group for a year, no one thought that she was the missing lady of the ancient family. It was not until the instrument in her hand was accidentally seen by Ye Ying that she began to doubt her identity.

"okay, I get it."

Gu Ruoyun nodded and said: "Blue song, I will leave here with my nephew tomorrow. I hope to see you next time, you can give me good news."

"Are you leaving?" The blue song screamed, and the heart gave birth to a feeling of reluctance. "How can I find you later?"

"Go to the main city, you can find me."

If the words fall, Gu Ruoyun no longer gives the opportunity to speak to the blue song, and walks toward the courtyard in front.

The blue song stared at her behind her quietly, and the pair of blue scorpions gradually became firm.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down, Master."


The next day.

The morning light is rising.

Inside the compound in front of the Mercenary Mercenary Corps, all the members looked at the two people in front of them. Only the moon and the moon were sitting in the pavilion, looking disdainful to those who were really in love. The men.

For him, it is normal to leave this kind of thing. This group of men seems to be like a girl, and they are saddened by each other, just as if they were born and died.

"Gu girl, are you not attending the auction?"

Ye Ying wants to say something, but in the end only said such a sentence.

Gu Ruoyun shook his head. "At this auction, I don't have much to stay without the things I need."

In general, the auction will send out a list of items to be auctioned one day in advance so that those who want to go to the auction are prepared to qualify. Therefore, Gu Ruoyun decided to leave.

Because at the auction, there is nothing she wants!

"That's not as good as we sent you to the main city?"

"No," Gu Ruoyun shook his head and turned his eyes to the delicate and sweet face of Quran. He slowly walked up and said, "Gulan, if you want to be unconstrained, don't become Sacrifice, you can only grow up yourself! As long as you grow strong enough, no one can force you to do things you don't want."

There was a slap in the face of Gu Lan, and he looked at Gu Ruoyun.

Want to be unconstrained? Just grow to a strong enough level?

She couldn't help but silence, and carefully recalled this paragraph of Gu Ruoyun.

In her contemplation, Gu Ruoyun has already reached the front of Xia Linyi, said with a chuckle: "Hey, let's go."

At this moment, Gu Ruoyun can't imagine it at all. How much influence her words have on the Quran! It can be said that it was because of her words that the later Gulan was achieved!

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