Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1066: Nine Emperors, the world moves (5)

What followed was another old voice.

This voice is full of surprise and admiration, and more is that curiosity.

"Yes, this girl is the genius I told you, but you are retiring from day to night, so you don't know anything about the outside world. You don't know how much the gimmick is now on the mainland."

When he said this, Jiang Lao proudly carried his chin, just like the genius woman in front of him is his granddaughter.

The old man in the blue robe, which was ridiculed by Jiang Lao, sneered a little and said with a slight irony: "Jiang Lao, this girl is not your Jiang family. Do you have to show off with me? If you are a Jiang disciple, Maybe I will admire the old man, but unfortunately, she does not belong to you."

If Gu Ruoyun left for a moment last night, he would have found that the old man in the blue robe was the old man who appeared after she left.

"Haha, now she is not my granddaughter, but maybe she will become our Jiang family." Jiang Lao haha ​​laughed twice, and the words contained an unknown meaning, so that the blue robe old man was very uncomfortable.

"Yes? Then we will fight for it when we get there. See who this **** will belong to."

"Are you sure to fight with me? We have a lot of men in Jiangjia, one is not the other, not to mention that I have a good grandson, and the third generation of your ancient family has only one woman. What do you use? I fight?"

"Oh," the old man in the blue robe smiled ridiculously. "Is there any problem? Anyway, I am not the old-fashioned, the love of women and women... looks like a good one."

The two men stood up and screamed. As for the center of the topic, Gu Ruoyun seemed to have been neglected. He could only look at the two old men who were arguing with black lines.

However, from the words of the two, she has already heard the name of the old man in the blue robe. If he did not guess, he should be the relative of Gulan!

"Gu girl."

Just as Gu Ruoyun was meditating, a shy voice came from her side.

Jiang Mozhu’s white enamel is like a jade, and his eyes are reddish. His eyes are ashamed: “My grandfather and the ancient grandfather have known each other for many years, and they have always been this virtue. No matter what they are, they have to fight up and down, so Don't misunderstand, they are actually teasing."

Gu Ruoyun smiled slightly, but did not put the jokes of these two old guys in mind.

She turned her head to look at Jiang Mozhu and gently twitched her lips: "How come you are here?"

"This one……"

Jiang Mozhu lifted the clear scorpion, and his black scorpion was like a water surface, crystal clear.

"My grandfather and my grandfather happened to be here to work, so last night I could have noticed that the artifact was born, Gu girl, are you coming for artifact?"


Gu Ruoyun stunned.

Is there an artifact in Tianshan Forest? Why she doesn't know?

"Not bad," said the artifact, Jiang Mozhu's eyes were brightened. "I saw it last night. Countless fires illuminate the entire sky. In the fire, it seems that there are nine different colors hidden. The dragon, the momentum is like the king, it is shocking, so here will gather so many people for the artifact."

Gu Ruoyun is dumbfounded.

Against the flames of the entire sky, with the nine dragons of different colors...

Are they talking about the artifact of the Nine Emperors?

Only the nine emperors were taken by her, it seems that these people have to run away.

However, thinking of the sensation caused by the Nine Emperors, Gu Ruoyun’s heart gradually sank.

In the future, if it is not a last resort, she is best not to take out the Nine Emperors. Otherwise, she is afraid that from now on, she will not be peaceful, and even those strong in the first city will be attracted.

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