Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1077: Return of purple evil (2)

Compared with Jiang Lao, who is impulsive, the ancients are much more stable and have more things to consider.

"White sound! Blue spoon!" Jiang Lao bit his teeth tightly and said in a word, "I will not forget this thing! After I return to the main city, it is my Jiang family and the blue family." At the time, I will clear the account with you a little bit later!"

What if the white tone is unintentional?

Anyway, Gu Ruoyun’s death, he has already recorded on the head of the Honglian territory.

Maybe he is not the opponent of Honglian territory now.

However, he still has a grandson!

Jiang Mozhu’s talent is very strong, but because he has no interest in cultivation, he has not grown up like that! However, after returning to Jiangjia, he must let Jiang Mozhu work hard to cultivate.

Revenge for Gu Yutou!

"Old, let's go first."

Jiang Lao finally gazed at the hot magma and forced himself to turn his head and walk toward the direction of Jiang Mozhu.


The old sighed and the lips had a bitter taste.

He knows that today's human debt, he is not big. However, what made him even more repressed was that he could not return this human debt to her...



Gu Ruoyun feels that his body hurts very badly, and his eyelids are as heavy as a thousand dollars, so she can't open it.

"Shantou, it didn't take long for me to leave. Why did you make yourself scarred?"

A distressed voice rang in Gu Ruoyun’s ear.

The voice was very familiar, so that her eyelids could not help but move, slowly slamming open.

Appearing in front of her eyes is a beautiful and fascinating face, a man with a purple robes, noble and elegant, his lips evoke a sinister smile, such as purple glazed scorpion affectionately and heartily looked at her.

"Purple evil?"

She seemed to be a little unbelievable, and she screamed.

This familiar face seems to have been separated from her for a few years.


The man sighed and held her waist tightly, and the tone of blame contained obvious distress.

"You, can't you protect yourself? Why do you make yourself hurt every time you appear?"

Gu Ruoyun finally reacted.

The person in front of you is really a purple evil! Not a little purple evil in childhood!

Her purple evil is back!

"Purple evil!"

Looking at the face of a man's handsome and evil, Gu Ruoyun laughed.

The smile that appeared in the show was moving, and the cold scorpion had a soft glow at the moment.

"Welcome back."

"Shantou, long time no see, you only have such a sentence to me?" Purple evil picked up the lips, a smile of evil spirits, "I don't mind if you give me a love embrace, or kiss me, how?"

Gu Ruoyun’s face suddenly darkened.

After a few years, this guy still likes to tease her...

"Shantou, fortunately, you got the Nine Emperors before, otherwise the magma here will kill you."

"It is because of the Nine Emperors that I will come down to this place."

Gu Ruoyun smiled slightly.

Now she is basically used to the temperature of the magma, and she does not feel the initial pain.

Did she really deny herself as a person?

Do not!

Even though Gu Ruoyun has a good impression on Jiang Lao, he has not yet reached the point where he is willing to give up his life in order to save him.

The reason for this is because she feels something under the magma attracts her.

Therefore, even if they do not exist, she will enter the magma.

"Right, purple evil, you know the origin of the Nine Emperor? And what is this cave? Why is there a pattern of the Qinglong four beasts?" Gu Ruoyun turned to look at the face of the purple evil beauty, asked.

Purple evil smiled: "Shantou, these things should not be told by me, when you grow to the end, you will have an answer."

Wen Yan, Gu Ruoyun was silent.

After half a ring, she nodded and said, "I understand."

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