Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1097: Stupid blue spoon (4)

The blue spoon clenched his teeth tightly, and he slammed a word: "Yes!"

"I know, go on."

The old man closed his eyes slightly, and some said weakly.

"I will deal with the things in the medicine house, you will not care about these things."

"Yes, father."

The blue spoon finally breathed a sigh of relief and arched out the fist and retired.

And just as he turned around, the old man behind him opened his eyes, his eyes with disappointment.

"Blue spoon, compared to your younger brother, you are really too far away. If it is not his accidental death, plus the persecution of the old guys in the family, the position of the blue family owner will not be able to turn anyway. You! Not the father is eccentric, but the father is worried that you will ruin the entire blue house."

As a father with a blue spoon, how could he not know his son?

What's more, as a person around an alchemy, how could he covet the half of his blue family?


The old man closed his eyes again, with a bitter smile on his face, sighed softly, and did not speak a word.


In the past few days, the entire main city has been in the midst of unprecedented enthusiasm.

Restaurant teahouses, street vendors, all of them are talking about the blue spoons in front of the medicine house a few days ago! They did not expect that, in the past, the death of the Blue Family II couple would be related to the blue spoon. In order to win the position of the blue family, he really had nothing to do!

Therefore, the blue spoon at this time has completely become a joke in the entire North Carolina territory.

Only soon, this matter was covered by another big event!

It is said that in the past few months, the talented woman Gu Ruoyun who came to the pharmacy conference came to the main city and has already stayed in the North Carolina territory! Therefore, the size and power of the entire main city have been sensational, and the original quiet medicine house has become a city.

However, no matter who they came from, they were rejected by the people of Medicine.

Even one of the four major forces in the main city, the most mysterious family sent the elders of the family, but not only did they not see the owner of the drugstore, and even the threshold did not step in.

Then, the pharmacy released a message. After half a month, a party will be held in Yaofu. All the scattered repairs to the realm of Wudi, or the forces with the strong Emperor of Wudi, can be sent.

In this North Carolina territory, there are many forces with the strong Emperor of the Wu Emperor, so many forces have begun to prepare! As for those who are not strong enough, they can only look at the invited families.

You know, the owner of the drugstore is an alchemy teacher. How many people can't get there? Even the strongest of the first city, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the alchemy.

The entire North Carolina territory, only the Jiang family and the ancient family did not have any movements, people have to guess what the two families are doing? Is there no interest in the alchemy teacher?

Of course, what they don't know is that Gu Ruoyun, who is regarded as a **** by them, is playing chess with the two old men in Jiangjia.

"Haha, old, you lost," Jiang Lao haha ​​laughed twice, and the hearty laughter spread throughout the Jiangjiayuan. "Since you lost to Gu Yutou, then you go down, turn Go to my old man."

The ancient smile, looking at Gu Ruoyun, said: "Gu Yutou, I did not expect that you are not only talented, even playing chess is not bad, but unfortunately, we have no men in the ancient family, otherwise, I really want to turn you back to our ancient home ""

Having said that, he sighed and sighed with a face.

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