Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1152: Conspiracy to expose (3)

Do not!


When I discussed with Mr. Rong Yue yesterday, no other people were present. How could this woman know what they were discussing? Maybe she is deliberately bombing her! Yes, it must be intentional.

Xue Ling took a deep breath and said something in anger: "Gu girl, what do you mean by this? I really know my mistakes before I admit my mistakes, but you are so bloody? You are filthy. I have an ulterior purpose." What can I do?"

Her words are full of shame, as if she was really stunned by Gu Ruoyun.

"Is it?" Gu Ruoyun held down the hand of Qianbei night and stopped his movements. He said with a smile on his face. "That's right, you go to talk with Rongyue, and we don't want to continue to disturb." Zong, so I plan to leave today."


Xue Ling suddenly stopped, she is now clearly aware of the purpose of Rong Yue Shijie, if these people really go, then the night will also be with them!

And she, can't let this happen!

"Gu girl, not leaving you to say is not counted," Xue Ling sneered, turning his gaze to the thousand north night, the tone softened, "Thousands of sons, I know that you are good, but in this forest Many beasts, some beasts have arrived in the late Wushen, even one or two of the supernatural realms exist, so you are not the opponent of those beasts, but if you are walking with our Meizong people Together, we can protect your peace."

The scorpion of Qianbei Night became more and more gloomy. He looked at Xue Ling’s eyes as if he were watching a dead person.

However, Xue Ling did not notice the murder in his heart, and still showed him a smile that he thought was beautiful.

"It seems that the end of the afternoon Meier did not alert you."

The man's nephew fell on Xue Ling's body, and Mori's cold murder appeared on the beautiful face. He slowly climbed up from the bed, and a long silver hair was very beautiful in the morning breeze.

Xue Ling's gaze could no longer be removed. She stared straight at the thousand north nights, and her saliva almost fell off. Her eyes appeared stagnant for a moment.

Such a beautiful man, if her is how good!

Even if she could only be with him for a spring, she felt that this life was enough.


I saw that the beautiful man with silver hair raised his hand slightly, then...


A sharp sword did not know where it came from, directly penetrated Xue Ling's chest, and the blood bloomed and dyed her clothes.

Her eyes wide open and she looked at Qianbei Night unbelievably. She seemed to wonder if this man would say nothing to her and kill her. Even more, no pity, no jealousy...

"I said before that if Meizong people want to provoke us, then I don't mind letting the entire Meizong disappear."

Xue Ling did not speak, but stared at the thousand north nights with the resentful scorpion.

"Snow Ling!"

Just then, a voice came in from the outside of the tent.

The Meizong disciple just opened the tent and walked in, and he saw the scene in front of him, scared her to scream, and suddenly, the entire Meizong people rushed in and rushed into the tent.

"Gu bodyguard, what happened to this?"

Night's little body was scared and trembling, and the incomprehensible eyes looked at Gu Ruoyun: "Why did the guy kill her?"

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