Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1258: Lin family, revenge (1)

The patriarch was silent. He knew the situation of the fire-fighting beasts now. If he really followed the woman, it would be good.

"Can you guarantee that we will not force us to do anything with the fire beasts? Can we guarantee that we will not limit the freedom of the fire beasts, and will not let the people of the fire beasts fight the crisis for you?"

His eyes stared at Gu Ruoyun, and the old voice slowly sounded.

Gu Ruoyun smiled faintly: "Freedom is something that belongs to you. No one has the right to limit it! But if you want to be loyal to me, you must obey my orders unconditionally! Of course, I won't let you do unnecessary things. Sacrifice, you will not be treated as a job, but when I give orders, you need to believe in me and obey me! If you do this, I can guarantee that your fire and beasts will rise in the spirit world!"

The patriarch’s face was a little dignified. He didn’t know what he was thinking. He only looked up and looked at Gu Ruoyun’s face. He said, “Okay, I promise you.”

"I still have something, leave here for the time being. I will let the fire stay here during this time. After I come back, I will help you to raise the strength to Wusheng!" Gu Ruoyun's tone is light. Like the wind, it has not been wavered because of the acceptance of the fire spirit beast family.

The pair of cold scorpions are always plain, like the night.

"Okay," the patriarch smiled. "The people of our fire and beasts will welcome you back here."

Gu Ruoyun slightly picked his lips, but he turned away without saying a word and disappeared into this ancestral hall.

"Fire, go on."

The patriarch gently closed his eyes and said faintly: "I will continue to practice."

"Yes, patriarch."

The heart of Huoer has already opened the flower. If the fire-beasted beast really follows the owner, then there is no need to worry about the insidious tricks of human beings! What's more, the fertilizer does not flow outside the field, it must first make plans for its own master.

When the fire left, the old man who closed his eyes and raised the interest in the family hall slowly opened his eyes, respectfully said: "Wang, she has already left."

The voice just fell, and suddenly there was a bright red in the original quiet church.

The man's red robe silver hair, slowly rising in the light wind, beautiful.

His gaze always follows the direction of the woman's departure, and his eyes are full of love and warmth.

"Wang, I have given this fire spirit beast to her in accordance with your instructions."

The patriarch said respectfully.

It is estimated that Gu Ruoyun did not think that she had conquered the fire spirit beasts so smoothly, which was caused by the man standing behind her.


The sight of Qianbei Night still stares at the disappearing figure outside the window, but there is no regular patriarch with a light response. His lips evoke a shallow arc, but it is so fascinating and confusing.

"Wang, don't you want to meet her?" The patriarch squinted at the man in front of him and asked carefully, fearing that his words would irritate the man.

The man hangs down his throat slightly, his voice is not as gloomy as he used to be, but full of gentleness.

"When my injury recovers, I will go to her."

He didn't want to worry her, so she hid behind her. When his injury was completely restored, he would come out and embrace the woman who was in the heart.

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