Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1299: Oni (2)

"Sorry, the thousand North is not here, the owner of Chulu, please come back."

Ziyun sneered with a sigh of relief, and left the order without any mercy.

Chu Luo's face is more and more ugly, she came here, in order to see the thousand North Night, but not only did not see, but even the blood lotus that I spent a lot of money to buy was taken away by this woman! And when will she be willing to do this loss-making business?

"You can't let me see him too!"

Chu Luo looked up and said something angry, "Give me the blood lotus, I will leave now!"

"Do you think that it is possible to get back in my hands?" Gu Ruoyun looked at the angry face of Chulu, faintly picking up the lips, asking like a smile, "I also want to know If you have such a big blood lotus, can you kill me?"

In this sentence, she was completely in front of the snoring of Chulu, and the pair of sly scorpions made Chu Luo even more angry, and the whole beautiful face was cold.

"What do you mean by this? Don't let me see people, but also take my things away? When I am a ghost doorkeeper, I am so deceivable! I tell you, I will return the blood lotus to me immediately, otherwise..."


She slammed on the table, and suddenly took the table to the slap, and stood up in anger, screaming at Gu Ruoyun.

Gu Ruoyun slammed the table to her, and faintly smacked the lips: "It seems that the ghost doorkeeper likes to destroy things, but I also said that the items in my palace are very expensive, I don't know this table. How much gold do you intend to compensate me?"

Chu Luo was blindly turned over by her words. She had seen shamelessly, but she had never seen shamelessness to this extent. This guy is simply robbing!

She does not go to business, it really loses the nature of this profiteer!

"I know that you don't have much money on your body now," Gu Ruoyun picked and licked his lips. "So, are you going to give me a letter, or will I continue to search for your belongings?"

Chu Luo hurried back two steps, deeply afraid that the baby hidden in his body was discovered by this woman.

Is she a dog? The nose is more spiritual than the dog!

"Say, how much do you want me to accompany this time?"

In this passage, Chu Luo said that he was gnashing his teeth, and his eyes were about to spurt. She never had a day like this.

"Not much," Gu Ruoyun shook his head, as if laughing and laughing, "10 million gold coins."


Chu Luo was shocked that the whole person jumped up and shouted in anger: "Thousands of gold coins, why don't you grab them?"

"My table is made of expensive Ximu, not only can people raise their minds, but also help the military to consolidate the cultivation. The price of Ximu should be clear! So, do you think that I have 10 million gold coins at this table?"

This palace was left to her by the thousand north nights, so surely the materials are the best, and it is only natural to have some legendary wood.


Chu Luo sat down and snorted and said: "If you don't have money, you have to kill one!"

Anyway, with the strength of this woman, she can't kill her!

"If there is no money..." Gu Ruoyun slightly picked up the scorpion and flashed a cold light. "Then you will use your body to compensate!"

Chu Luo shook a bit, looked up at the Qingyi woman in front of the beautiful and delicate, and some of the wrong eyes squinted.

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