Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1303: Ghost Gate Churo (six)

A person, weak strength is not terrible, terrible is that she has no strong heart!

Therefore, after hearing Gu Ruoyun's words, Chu Luo's heart gradually began to change, and his eyes did not have the initial contempt.

"It is a hidden door."

Suddenly, a voice came in abruptly, and the people in the entire teahouse could not help but shift their gaze and put their sights on the coming.

Under the astounding eyes of all, a man in white whispered like a fairy slowly walked in, followed by a group of people dressed in white robes, but it is clear that those people do not have this name. The man in the robe is tall.

At the man's side, it follows a woman with a delicate and dignified face. The woman's eyebrows are picturesque, the facial features are exquisite, and a goose-yellow dress sets off her noble posture, with a purple beam around her waist. Belt, very ethereal.

"It’s Wen Jia’s young lady Wen Ya, who turned out to be with the hidden door messenger.”

Everyone looked at the people who came in. However, after receiving the warning eyes of the hidden door, they closed their mouths and kept looking at them with curious eyes.

"Left," Wen Ya sat down in the seat not far from Gu Ruoyun, and the graceful and graceful face was raised with an elegant smile. "This time you held a hidden test, we will participate in Wen’s family. I also hope that the left can make it clear."

The man who was called the left-handed man nodded slightly: "With the strength of your Wen family, it is easy to win, and the rule of the hidden door is that the first three can enter the hidden door cultivation, and another..."

The left side paused and the eyes had a very unnatural look.

"Is she still okay in the month?"

Wen Yawang turned to the left to make the unnatural face, a flash of light in the beauty, an elegant smile: "Left makes you feel relieved, the sister of the month is definitely good, and she is also thinking about the left to the adults, After the isotherm successfully passed the test, I will also send the month."

Not long ago, Wen Ya knew that Wen Yue and Zuo Zeng had already met each other, but they did not know each other's identity. Therefore, when they learned about this, she deliberately arranged for them to meet again and broke the two. identity of.

For that, it is to use the warm moon to contain him, so that this time the test will let Wen Jia win the leader.

Sure enough, when I heard the gentle words, the left flashed a happy heart in my heart, but there was no expression on my face. I just nodded calmly: "Do not worry, this matter is solved by me, let alone your warm home." It is very powerful, so it is not a problem."

If Wen Jia is only an ordinary small force, the left is simply not willing to help cheating, but since Wen’s own strength is very strong, even if they let them win the championship is not a problem.

Be aware that only those who win the championship can accept the secret inheritance.

Other people in the rankings are only meeting the criteria for entering the hidden door.

"That would thank the left to make an adult."

Wen Ya smiled, the smile was graceful and moving, but the beauty contained a sinister light.

The two of them placed a protective cover around them during the conversation, so they were not worried about being eavesdropped. Unfortunately, they did not know that there was Gu Ruoyun in the teahouse.

Therefore, the dialogue between the two people fell into her ears without exception.

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