Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1311: First encounter with Wen Ya (4)

Only those who have offended the guardian family will not end up.

What's more, she immediately offended two!

"Xiaoqian, are you sure that those people are killing her?" Wenya looked at Gu Ruoyun with a strange look. "She is just an extraordinary beginning. With her strength, it seems that she can't kill so many strong people!"

Murong Qian stunned: "Her strength is not strong, but seduce a man is very good! She is relying on those men to kill my Murong family!"

Wen Ya is silent.

She knows the character of Murong Qian. Even though this woman is very capricious, she does not lie. Therefore, the death of Wen Jiaqiang is indeed related to this woman.

Thinking of this, her elegant nephew sank and her eyes suddenly became fierce: "It turns out that the death of Wen Jiaqiang is related to you. You know, what would be the end of our Wen family?"

Gu Ruoyun shrugged: "Actually, you should thank me."


Wen Yayi, apparently scared by Gu Ruoyun's words, she killed the Wen family, but also let Wen Jia thank her?

Could it be that Wen Jia killed her family and she would be grateful?

"I have ridiculed a locust for you Wen Jia, can't you, Wen Jia don't have to thank me?" Gu Ruoyun sneered, but the murder in his heart spread and spread. "My family's parents and daughters are scattered and want to take my away." My brother, I want to kill me three times and five times! And even some ordinary villagers who have no innocence have not let go! Such a person, is it hard to kill?"

She paused and continued: "But who thought, you have a locust in Wen’s family, you don’t know what to do, you don’t know what you want to do, you want to help Lin’s family! If you continue to stay with him, you will definitely suffer from the reputation of Wen’s family. Lose, don't you need to thank me?"

Wen Yazi sank a few times, and her lips raised a smile: "I don't know about this matter. According to you, the wrong person is him! Gu girl, what Lin family has done to your family is really too much. Cruel! It is understandable that you kill them! Therefore, I am willing to apologize to you instead of Wen Jia. The people of Wen’s family should not intervene in this matter, nor should they limit the Lin family before!”

If it wasn’t for Gu Ruoyun who knew that Wen’s family was behind the scenes, maybe he was really deceived by Wen Ya.

However, it is precisely because of this that she feels that this gentleness is not simple.

At least more powerful than Wen Luo...

"Wenya sister!" Murong Qian saw Wenya not only did not avenge himself, but also apologized to Gu Ruoyun, suddenly his face changed greatly, and he slammed his feet.

"She killed the Wen family, why do you want to apologize to her?"

Wenya raised her brow and looked at Murong Qian. In her heart, she sneaked an idiot. There was nothing on her face.

"As a guardian of the family, you will only be right or wrong, never biased, Qianer, you should also put away your temper, otherwise, so that our three families will be affected by the population!"

Murong Qian’s stunned Gu Ruoyun and snorted: “I’m not thinking about it with my sister’s share today, but I tell you, Qianbei Night is my man! If you dare to He has nothing to say, I will never let you go!"

In fact, Murong Qian does not like much like the North Night, she just thinks that as long as it is something that he has to look at, he must get a hand!

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