Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1313: First encounter with Wen Ya (six)

"Wenya sister, can't we just let her go like this?" Murong Qian bite her lips tightly, her face full of unwillingness.

Let her go?

how is this possible!

Wen Ya sneered aloud: "Don't forget, she must come here to participate in the assessment of the hidden door. Therefore, in this assessment, I have a way to let her disappear without knowing it! This way, not only killed her. It also retains the face of the guardian family."

Murong Qian looked at the eyes with amazement, and suddenly found that this gentle heart is too deep, even if it hates Gu Ruoyun hate madness, and finally can endure the life, and also apologize to her.

Such a woman is terrible...

Murong Qian shuddered and lowered his head, no longer dare to look at Wenya.

At this time, Wen Ya was deeply immersed in contemplation, and did not find the difference of Murong Qian...


"It seems that everyone has arrived."

Just as everyone was talking about it, an indifferent and arrogant voice suddenly came.

Everyone turned their heads at the same time, and the sight fell on the left robes of the white robe.

"Then I will release your assessment task next time," Zuo Zeng's tone is indifferent, and his eyebrows are proud. "Your first mission is to live in this Tianshan for half a month! In this deep mountain, there are many beasts." Therefore, it is very likely that there will be an accident. In case of accidental death, we will not pay this responsibility. Therefore, I hope that you can consider it clearly, decide whether to enter the assessment, or leave here!"

Everyone looks at each other and knows that the things that the hidden doors have brought out are too attractive. Therefore, even if they know that the assessment will be dangerous, they are also reluctant to back down.

"If no one leaves, then they will enter the assessment stage later. Only through this assessment can they enter the next test."

The left made the eyes of everyone in the audience, the tone of the calm but calm command.

"Staying in the depths of the Tianshan for half a month?" Murong Qian first stunned, and immediately sneered, and the poisonous eyes cast on Gu Ruoyun, and the eyes flashed a murder. "This is a great opportunity! Gu Ruoyun, don't blame me for being ruthless. Who makes you want to steal the man I saw!"

Her eyes were full of murderous, staring at the Tsing Yi women in the crowd.

"the host."

Suzaku wrinkled the good-looking brow, and the cute little face was full of anger and dissatisfaction: "I want to kill the guy! She dared to stare at you!"

"Kill her, some are opportunities."

Gu Ruoyun touched Suzaku's head and smiled.

Suzaku still feels very unhappy in her heart, and she can't help but turn her head and scream at Murong Qian.

However, her move completely angered Murong Qian and ridiculed: "This mountain is dangerous, but there is a person with a child to participate in the assessment. She thought that this hidden door assessment is a family? ?"

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes turned to Gu Ruoyun again.

Before, although Suzaku stayed at Gu Ruoyun's side, but the attention of everyone was placed in the dispute between her and the guardian family, there was no discovery of the existence of Suzaku.

Looking at it now, isn’t it?

She actually took a child to participate in the test.

This is simply not to put other people in the eyes, I believe that with a child can beat them!

"Haha, I am not mistaken, some people will take the children to participate in the assessment!"

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