Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1319: Test (3)

"Even if the month is not thinking about Gu Yu, Gu Ruoyun will take her away and send it to Gu Yu's bed!" Wen Ya's line of sight once again fell on the left and made the more ugly face, hooking the lips, " Do you want your woman to be forced to bed by other men, and be crushed by another man for the rest of my life?"

The left hand held the fist closer and closer, and there was a pain in his heart.

Now, as long as I think that Wenyue will be forced by other men, and my face is like a tear, his heart will hurt. Finally, I took a deep breath and said, "What do I do?"

The hero is saddened by the beauty!

Even though he is extremely reluctant to make such unfair things against the hidden door, he has to do it for Wenyue!

No one can hurt his month!

Those who will let the tears of the moon **** it!

"Left to the adults, as long as you help me, I think, finally Gu Ruoyun will die very badly!"

Wen Ya smiled low.

Gu Ruoyun, this is the end of your dare to take a shot at my home!

Plus your brother is Gu Yu, then you must die! Who let your brother ran out, causing Wen’s experiment to fail!

"Left to the adults," saw the helpless face on the left, Wenya slowly picked up the lips, and said again, "You don't have to worry about the injustice of the referee, not to mention, even if you kill Gu Ruoyun, you must be hidden. I won't do anything to you. After all, you are a hidden door messenger! Is it difficult for an outsider to deal with you?"

Left makes a wry smile.

This guy simply does not understand the rules and regulations of the hidden door.

Since the hidden door is hidden in the world, it can't participate in the vulgar. If he helps Wenya to deal with Gu Ruoyun, if the hidden door knows, he will be driven out! So, this time the behavior, he is adventurous.

"Moon, I am willing to do anything for you! Even if I betray the hidden door, I will not regret it!" Zuo makes the night outside the window, muttering in his heart, "After all, for your happiness, I I can only kill the woman named Gu Ruoyun. Otherwise, one day, she will hurt you! I don't want this to happen..."

Seeing the left, I listened to my own words, and the gentle smile was even worse. She slowly stood up and said, "Left, I will retire first, don't forget what you promised me."

Left to stop, and gently closed the eyes, no longer look at Wenya.

Even more, never said a word to her...

Wenya didn't mind. After she left, she turned and left. When she walked outside the door, she closed the door, and then the face was no longer elegant. The smile was cold: "In the hidden door Left, but this is the case, with a woman can hold him down! As long as you hold this ace in hand, from then on, the city owner must give me a gentle face of the family! Fortunately, when Wen Yan sentenced the family I have guaranteed Wen Yue, otherwise I can't hold this trump card with her."

In that year, she saved the warmth of the month, so that she would use her as a marriage tool in the future...

Fortunately, she has finally come in handy, and she has won the hidden door left!

Thinking of this, Wenya finally looked at the closed door behind her eyes and sneered, then turned and left, and the head disappeared in the corridor of the inn...

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