Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1323: Extraordinary late (two)


Chu Luo was shocked to see Gu Ruoyun, and the body trembled.

This is the first time she saw Gu Ruoyun's shot, but the heart was shocked! She now finally understands that some people's abilities are really strong, and no matter what the alchemy's attainments or their own strengths, they are already strong enough to be unrivaled!

Although Chulu is now a supreme strongman, she believes that one day, one day, this woman will surpass herself!

"Nine emperors, these beasts will give you, you swallow them, to increase your strength!"

Gu Ruoyun faintly twitched his lips and told him.

When she got her words, the nine emperors stretched out countless **** hands and pulled the body of the beast on the ground into the blade. Then, Chulu and two people can clearly see that the nine dragons wandered toward the bodies, swallowed all the bodies and wiped them out.


Suddenly, there was a force in Gu Ruoyun’s body, and the storm also appeared at the same time, which made her momentum grow a lot more than before.


Chu Luo smashed his eyes, when did the breakthrough of the extraordinary realm become so easy? Did she just make a breakthrough when she killed a few?

Of course, what Chulu doesn't know is that, because of the contract with the Nine Emperors, whenever the Nine Emperors devour other people or beasts, there is always power that cannot be completely digested and converted into exhaust gas. The Nine Emperors are afraid of wasting these waste gases. So it was sent directly to the body of Gu Ruoyun.

Therefore, Gu Ruoyun, who absorbed the exhaust gas, broke through directly...

If Gu Ruoyun knows that the power that the Nine Emperors sent into her body is the exhaust gas that it does not need, it is estimated that the nine emperors will step on a few feet.

"After breaking through to the mid-term, I will be able to take Super Dan, but I will consolidate my strength before this."

Gu Ruoyun took a deep breath and said.

Although Chaodan was able to absorb in the early stage of the extraordinary, but because of the more difficult to break through, Gu Ruoyun stayed until now. And when he broke through to the mid-term, he was able to reach the late stage with the help of SuperDan!

"The beast has solved dozens of heads, and there are more than 80 spirit beasts. I just used battle to consolidate my cultivation."

Consolidating and repairing with battle is easier to reinforce than cultivation. Therefore, after saying this, Gu Ruoyun went to the front and rushed into the battle again.

Within this endless space, the more you go backwards, the stronger your beast will be!

Therefore, in the battle behind, there is no extraordinary mid-term beast, the weakest has become the late stage, and even some of the supreme spirits appear! Fortunately, Gu Ruoyun has broken through to the mid-term, and through the fire and spirit of the Nine Secrets, it can remain undefeated in the battle with the Supreme Spirit.

If you want to beat, you don't have that much power...

As for the Emperor Jiuhuang, after swallowing so many beasts, they returned to Gu Ruoyun’s mind again, quietly absorbing those forces, no matter how Gu Ruoyun called, they were very proud and ignored her...

"Now it’s almost as solid as I can, and I can continue to break through."

Gu Ruoyun stopped the action in his hand and took out a medicinal herb. If he couldn’t say it, he swallowed it in. In a flash, a strong storm shrouded her body, and then a burst of bang broke out...

"Extraordinary late!"

Gu Ruoyun did not think that in this short period of more than half a year, it will break through so quickly.

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