Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1329: She is still not dead (4)

"Haha, Gu Ruoyun, you are not going to fight with us with a broken sword?" Her smile was full of ridicule, and she looked at Gu Ruoyun contemptuously. "With the sword in your hand, even our defense can not be broken." Open, you still want to fight it with us, it’s too ridiculous!"

As if I didn't hear Murong Qian's ridiculous voice, Gu Ruoyun still looked calmly toward the people who rushed toward him.

Then she finally got the action!

The sword in his hand was wrapped in a layer of sword, and the person closest to him was turned over.

A sword light flashed, and in an instant, the man's chest was cut through a blood mark, and blood leaked from the blood mark.

At the same time, a man behind him rushed over to her, the sword in her hand squatting down her head, and there was a slap in the eyes!


Suddenly, a black flame appeared behind Gu Ruoyun. Under the flame, a crack was opened, like a grinning man who was not self-sufficient.

The man snorted, and at this moment, the fire of the nine secluded power exerted a powerful power, and the man was swallowed up, and even his body disappeared on the platform...

A man in the mid-term, is that dead?

Murong Qian’s face became pale and shocked and looked at Gu Ruoyun: “How is it possible, how is this possible, she is just an extraordinary beginning, why is there such a powerful force, and...”

"Extraordinary late!"

Wenya took a deep breath on the side, and slowly spit out a few words in her mouth: "She has already broken through to the extraordinary stage."

Extraordinary late?

Murong Qian clenched his teeth tightly, and his heart hurt so badly. The delicate face was distorted, and the sinister scorpion stared at Gu Ruoyun.

"Impossible, she was still in the early days of the extraordinary, but she entered the tower of trials. Why did she rise two levels between breakthroughs?"

How could she not understand why this woman broke through!

You know, this is in the extraordinary realm, not a military commander! How do you feel that her breakthrough is as simple as drinking water?

"Xiaoqian, this woman is afraid that we can't move for a while," Wenya's eyes flashed through a cold mang, "her strength is beyond our imagination, and beyond our understanding, even if we are united, She may not be able to take her, and the broken sword in her hand is not a general weapon, but a spirit!"


Murong Qian gently licked his lips, and the heart was full of resentment: "Wenya sister, can't we just let her go? What if this woman finds us revenge?"

Wen Yan, Wen Ya sneered.

Even if she wants revenge, she is looking for Murong Qian, it can't be her.

Because she never showed her own killings, she never felt sorry for her, and only Murong Qian’s idiot would show everything in her face...

Chu Luo and the two beasts did not participate in the battle, only the Ziyun could not bear to run out, but here are also genius-like characters, the strength is not worse than him, so he soon brought his body hurt.

Gu Ruoyun looked at Ziyun and threw a medicinal herb in the past: "Take the medicinal herbs and retreat."


Ziyun found that the medicinal herbs were swallowed into the abdomen, and the grievances were answered, and then retreated to the side of Chulu and others, but he looked at the direction of the battlefield and was still hot.

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