Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1342: Hidden door (six)

Ziyun looked at Gu Ruoyun, his eyes were serious and focused: "The master, no matter where you go, I will follow you with you. The people of Qianbei are not around, we are obliged to list him to protect the safety of the master."

Upon hearing this, Chu Luo suddenly laughed out: "Do you protect the master? Just rely on your strength? I think it is the master who protects you. Now the master is stronger than you. What do you want to do? Continue Go back and practice for a few years, and the master will let me protect it."

Ziyun’s eyes narrowed, and he snorted: “Because the master is stronger than me, she is the master. You don’t understand this. Chu, I don’t know when you become so stupid. Already?"


After the sound of Ziyun just fell, Chu Luo was fried, and the gas slammed the clothes of Ziyun, and put his face in front of him. He said with anger: "You ** dare to insult his aging mother's IQ, you say a word, his aging mother now lie beat you! "

Ziyun looked at the hand of Chu Luo and continued to ridicule and said: "You also have IQ? Who was the master of my family? The result is that you have to loyal to my master for a lifetime? And, there is a master here, I forgive you. I did not dare to beat me. "

Yes, Chulu does not dare to swear purple clouds. After all, Ziyun is the person around Gu Ruoyun, and she... is being pitted.

"Master, do you feel that these two guys are quite suitable?" Suzaku looked at the quarreling two people. In the past six months, she has gradually become accustomed to their way of getting along.

"Who is matching him?" Chulu snorted. "With his strength, it is not worthy to give the old lady a shoe! Or wait until he is strong."

Ziyun snorted: "I still don't see your low-intelligence woman. I think you have to learn from the master. It is simply that the pit people don't take it into consideration. Inexplicably, Wenya will be pitted, even me. I don’t know when the main man had set a trap in the ring."

Just now their eyes did not leave Gu Ruoyun, but they did not see her set up the array, so she sneaked through all of them to complete this.

Therefore, it is conceivable that her strength is strong.

"Let's go, we also need to prepare for a few days to go to the hidden door," Gu Ruoyun shrugged and took a slap in the eye. "In any case, I have to get that inheritance. Only then can I have strength." Help the little night, not let him face so many things alone."

When mentioning the thousand north night, Gu Ruoyun’s heart sank slightly.

Half a year, I don’t know if I can find the whereabouts of Gu Yu in the first half of the night. Moreover, it has been half a year, and I don’t know where he went, resulting in no audio! Thinking of this, Gu Ruoyun’s heart slammed.

"Small night, you used to come to me, this time, waiting for me to find you, even if this continent is bigger and bigger, I will find you."

That's right!

For so many years, she has always been to her side, but she has not been to him.

Therefore, this time she will go to find him, even if she is going all over the mainland, she will find him!



Zuo Zhigang just walked in, and there was a sound of knocking on the door. He frowned and looked at the door behind him and said, "Come in."

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