Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1345: Hidden door (9)

"How? Left makes the adults do not believe me?" Wenya picked the lips. "After waiting for the things of Murong family, I will give you a good temperature. If she has a little damage, then my Life is with you."

The left did not say anything. After a long time, he slowly said: "I have peace of mind with your guarantee. Now I will send people to solve the things of the Murong family. If you are fine, you can leave here first."

Wenya's face raised a smile, and finally looked at the left, then turned and walked toward the door.

When she turned around, the beautiful face of the face was cold.

Of course, she will give him a good temperature, because her torture of Wenyue is definitely not on the surface. What can this silly boy see?

However, the IQ of the hidden door left is not the case.

Always used by people, still helping people...


Murong family.

Inside the elegant study, there is a light scent of the book. An old man is sitting on a wooden chair and concentrating on reading the books in his hands. At this moment, a heartbreaking cry from the door. It’s getting closer and closer, so he can’t help but frown.

However, soon he stretched his eyebrows and looked up at the woman who rushed from the door.

I saw the woman's light green dress, unkempt, like a climb out of the pile, and quickly rushed toward Murong Yang. Behind her, she followed a group of disciples of the Murong family, all of whom kept their heads silent and even dared not look up.

Looking at this scene, Murong Yang’s heart stunned and sighed softly when Murong Qian had not reached his front.

"Xiao Qian, is it that the assessment failed? It doesn't matter, even if it can't enter the hidden door, it doesn't matter. Grandpa wouldn't worry if you go there."


Murong Qian rushed into the arms of Murong Yang, crying very miserable, and because she was crying back all the way, the voice became hoarse, even more difficult than the crow's voice.


Murong Yang Gang wants to touch Murong Qian’s head, cold, and the woman crying loudly raises her head...

When she saw the obvious scar on her face, Murong Yang was shocked and almost rolled off the chair.

At this time, Murong Qian still had dry blood on his face. A pair of red and swollen big eyes like a bell was filled with resentment. The image of a madman who was alive and detached was no longer pretty.


Murong Yang returned to his heart and stood up in anger. A slap on the table: "Who hurts you like this? Who is it?"

"Grandpa, is Wenya!" Murong Qian bite his teeth with hatred. "When the Wen family sneaked my polylinga, I haven't even found Wen Jia, and Wenya took me to protect Wen's disciple. I am wounded, Grandpa, you have to be the master of me!"

Murong Qian cried so badly that the grievances in the scorpions were not reduced at all, but even worse.

She did not mention that she first shot the Wenjia disciple, but shirked all the responsibilities to the gentle head.

"Wenjia? Hahaha!"

Murong Yang angered and laughed: "A good Wen family, actually dare to hurt my baby granddaughter! Come, prepare soldiers, I will go to the **** Wen family now!"

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