Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1347: Hidden door (11)

Fortunately, the Ouyang family did not send people to the Tianshan Mountains. Otherwise, it is inevitable that there will be more than one Wen family! As a result, as Wen Xian said, the two families will be forced to leave the guardian family, and there will be only one Murong family in the future.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Yuan said with sarcasm: "Murong Yang, you really have a big chess game. However, with Murong Qian’s IQ, you can’t think of such a way. This thing should be yours. If you really succeeded in planting, maybe the next one to deal with is our Ouyang family?"

Murong Yang was trembling with these words, and the anger of his chest almost came out. He screamed at Wen Xian and said with a grin: "Wen Xian, you dare to defile our Murong family! I swear, my Murong Yang never I have never done such a thing! If there is something, it will be hit by five thunders! Not to die!"

"Oh, you have not done this kind of thing, because this is not what you did, you told your granddaughter to do it!" Wen Xian sneered and continued, "You can dare to swear, you never Have you ever thought of squeezing our two houses?"

Murong Yang snorted.

He did have such an idea. After all, on this continent, who wouldn’t want to be a big one? He also thought about replacing the city owner.

However, he believes that both Wen Jia and Ouyang Shijia have the same idea.

Only their strength is not as strong as the city owner.

"Mu Rongyang, don't you dare to swear? So it has already proved that this is what you did!" Wen Xian looked at Murong Yang, who did not speak, and said with a smile.


Murong Yang’s eyes spurted out anger, staring at Wen Xian, as if to use her own eyes to kill her!


When the two confronted each other, the voice of the city owner sounded indifferently: "Mu Rongyang, you do not need to argue, this matter is identified by the hidden door, the character of the hidden door, will never make any embarrassing things. Come, yes, as a punishment, I punish you for the family of the Murong family for three years, and you are not allowed to leave the Murong family within three years. If you do something to frame your compatriots, then I will cancel the name of your guardian family. Let's go out."

The city owner no longer said anything, stood up and walked outside the Chamber of Deputies.

From the beginning to the end, he did not look back at the three people...


Murong Yang snorted and stared at Wen Xian with a gaze. The voice said with a gloomy voice: "Wen Xian, this time the city owner is holding you Wen Jia, I can't help you, but one day, I will destroy You! To report today's hatred!"

Wen Xian smiled and said: "To each other, as long as I give me the opportunity, I will not let go of any of your Murong family."


Murong Yang once again snorted and turned away without looking back. The body had a cold breath, which caused the temperature in the room to drop a bit.

After he left, Wen Xian’s old face could not help but sink, and a sneer smirked at his lips.

"Mu Rongyang, you think that you are in power and can protect Murong Qian for a lifetime, so that you can indulge in any of her actions, but you will never understand that if you don't educate future generations, one day the Murong family will be destroyed. In her hand!"

Compared with Wenya, Murong Qian is indeed far away.

If Murong Qian has Wen Ya’s IQ, it will not be so bad...

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