Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1350: Hidden door (fourteen)

"The patriarch of the newspaper, it is said that the head of the leader is a woman named Gu Ruoyun."

The old man bent and replied respectfully.

"What do you say?" After hearing the name, the patriarch was shocked. "Elders of heaven, you just said that the person who won the victory is called Gu Ruoyun?"

The elders of the heavens looked strangely at the patriarch and did not understand why she was so responsive after hearing the name.

"Yes, it is indeed called Gu Ruoyun. She is from a force called the Mozong. Before this power, I have never heard of it."

It was said that the patriarch’s mood slowly returned to calmness, and his eyes flashed a radiance: “Before Yu’s message came, she said she had found her husband and daughter, and now she has left the first city with her husband and returned. Belonging to their territory, and she also mentioned the name of her daughter."

The patriarch took a deep breath and said with a dignified look: "The name of her daughter is called Gu Ruoyun!"


The elders of heaven suddenly shocked and looked at the patriarch unbelievably: "The patriarch, you mean, is the daughter of the saint who got the leader?"

"Yes," the patriarch smiled. "It seems that this is the fate of the legend. I have long known that Yu's daughter must be as good as her, but she did not expect to be the leader in so many people. Moreover, Gu Ruoyun, she is not the first city, but the Xiling mainland, which is lower than the Dongyue mainland."

In Xiling mainland, even Wu Zun is a very strong existence!

Wu Sheng is a legendary character!

However, Gu Ruoyun, who came from Xiling's mainland, has defeated so many opponents and won the first prize of this contest!

How does this make her not shocked?

"The patriarch, if she is really the daughter of the saint, then there is no need to test, after they enter the hidden door, I will bring you to Gu Ruoyun." The elders of the heavens bowed their heads and respectfully said.

"No," the patriarch shook his head. "In our hidden door, the most important thing is fairness. If there is a special case for her, then it is unfair. What's more, I want to see how Gu Ruoyun's ability is. Can she be a public, so she must not be able to spread it out as a daughter of a saint, so as not to be discerned."


The elders of the heavens arched their fists and replied with respect.

"The patriarch, if that is the case, then I will go down and prepare for them to enter the hidden door."

The patriarch stopped and said: "Let's go, yes, although I want to see what Gu Ruoyun's ability is strong, but she is the daughter of Yuer, you must protect her safety, if she is made something Things, I am afraid that Yuer will immediately turn his face and not recognize people."

The patriarch knows better than anyone else about his character.

Don't look at the current oriental jade is a hidden door, but the reason why she entered the hidden door is that one day she can revenge and hate, then return to her husband and children! In her mind, the husband and the pair of children are always in the first place.

As for the hidden door, it is placed next.

Therefore, if Gu Ruoyun has an accident in the hidden door, Dongfang Jade will never give up!

"Yes, patriarch."

The elders of heaven and man once again clenched their fists. After he was led, he withdrew from the patriarch's room.

The entire patriarchal room restored its former calm because of his disappearance.

"Yuer, your daughter will definitely be as good as you, but I can't give her any special case." The patriarch smiled and sighed helplessly. "But you can rest assured that your daughter is inside my hidden door." I will never let anyone hurt her."

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