Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1353: Being stopped outside (3)

Originally, Gu Ruoyun and others should follow the left to go to the hidden door. Who knows that the left has temporarily left a step in advance, so they are notified that they can go ahead. Who knows that it took a lot of effort to find this **** peak, plus The geography of Tenjin Peak is more complicated, so they have only come to this hidden door until now.

However, in any case, Chulu did not think that the left-hander did not leave one step in advance, but deliberately wanted to leave them so that they did not enter the hidden door so smoothly.

"Appraisal champion?" The eyes of the hidden disciple appeared a little surprised, and immediately sneered. "Do you think that I will believe you when I say these words? Just left the leader has led the assessment winner into the hidden door, and there is no There are still people who want to come, let alone, when he has just left, your hind feet will appear. If so, why didn’t he bring you into the hidden door with you?"

The face of Chu Luo has changed. How can she not hear the winner of this hidden disciple’s mouth?

I did not expect the left to be so insidious, deliberately left them, leaving Wen alone!

"Weird," Ziyun stunned his head and asked with a puzzled face. "Then left the gentleman to enter the hidden door with Wen, why don't you wait for us? He doesn't mean to have something to leave?"

Chu Luo sneered, whited Ziyun, and said with sarcasm: "I don't understand this simple truth? We were pitted by the left! He obviously deliberately left us so that we can be in danger in the Tenjin Peak. ”

It can be estimated that the left did not think of it. They did not meet a beast after they entered the peak of the gods.

Otherwise, I am afraid that they will really suffer in the Tenjin Peak.

After Chulu’s point, Ziyun’s less flexible brain suddenly reacted. A handsome face was full of iron blue, and he said with anger: “This left makes them really insidious, and combined with Wen’s stink-*** * Framed us! We almost killed us the previous time. This time we still don't want to let us go! If you let him fall into my hands, I will make him die!"

Ziyun is almost mad, not that the rules of the hidden door are very strict, why are there people who will make such a lack of justice?

It seems that this hidden door is no different.

Thought of this, Ziyun's mouth hangs a sneer, flashing a cold mans inside.

"You still don't leave, what are you doing here?"

The hidden door disciple saw these people not only did not leave, but also smeared the left smuggler, suddenly burst into anger: "If you don't leave, don't blame me, you are welcome! I see that you are clearly failing the assessment, but still want to enter the hidden door. Among them, so the left is not paying attention to you, now you dare to smear him, our hidden door has never allowed any unfair things to happen, he is left as an adult, and will not know what to do! If you then filthy him Words, don't blame us for being unkind."

The hidden door has always had an advantage, that is unity!

Therefore, this hidden door disciple saw the left being filthy, how can he still be patient? If you are not thinking that these people are too young, he has been rude!

"You're welcome?" Ziyun sneered. "How do you want to be rude to us? The people who are hiding the door have not allowed others to say anything? The left door of your hidden door is originally a bastard, a pig and dog!" Actually dare to hang us like this! We don’t stay in this hidden door! Even if my master does not enter this hidden door, one day will soon overtake you."

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