Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1382: Provocation (10)

Today, she is only interested in the news related to Gu Ruoyun.

"Yes," Wen Ying replied reverently. "I listened to the disciple of the hidden door. Gu Ruoyun won the assessment champion. He will accept the inheritance as soon as he enters the hidden door. The elders who can hide the door do not let She went to the place of inheritance, but arranged it at will, so they were all speculating that many elders in the hidden door were estimated to be dissatisfied with Gu Ruoyun and did not want her to accept the inheritance."

He paused and continued: "And, the hidden disciple challenged Gu Ruoyun, and no elders came out to stop it. Perhaps the elders wanted to let Gu Ruoyun take the initiative to give up the inheritance through the hands of those hidden disciples. After all, the hidden door is so big. A martial art, if it is not a few words, will suffer a tongue. As for why she is arranged into a disciple of a single-family house, it is also for the face! I can’t let other people in the first city know that the hidden door is dying for the champion. Therefore, those elders are waiting. With an opportunity, once Gu Ruoyun loses the test, he can only give up his inheritance!"

The gentle scorpion flickered a few times, and a touch of joy flashed through the bottom of my eyes.

"If Gu Ruoyun gives up the inheritance, does that prove that I still have this opportunity?"

At this time, Wen Ya was also blinded by her greed. Even though Gu Ruoyun had no such inheritance, there are so many disciples in the hidden door. No matter who accepts the inheritance, she will not be able to come.

Now she is full of her inheritance, and she loses her ability to judge.

A few days ago, she had secretly inquired about the situation of the hidden door through the left, not to see the strength of each of the disciples who have passed through the inheritance will advance by leaps and bounds, but Wenya knows that the inheritance they accept is a failure!

Even the inheritance of failure has such a sensational effect. Once it is successful, how strong will it become?

At that time, the entire continent will be stepped on her feet!

And, once successfully accepted the inheritance, the hidden door must be eye-catching to her, maybe she still has the opportunity to climb the position of the hidden door patriarch! After all, so many geniuses of the hidden door are unacceptable inheritance, she got it, how can the hidden door people not pay attention to her?

"Gu Ruoyun, are you not very strong, but what about it? This inheritance must belong to me!" Wenya's eyes flashed through a sly, no longer before the gentle elegance, the voice is gloomy, "No one After offending my gentleness, I can still live in peace! After I successfully accept the inheritance, don't say it is you, I am afraid that even the hidden door ladies must give me a few thin faces!"

Maybe the entire hidden door will be her kind of thing.

It seems that I already know the gentle personality. Wen Ying has no reaction when she sees her such fierce side.

He has been her confidant for so many years, how can he not know the character of his own lady? Her behavior is not bad, we must know, but whoever violates her interests, even her own brother and sister will not let go!

"Wen Ying, let's go out."

Wen Ya slowed down her mind and said faintly: "In addition, observe Gu Ruoyun's every move! I can't take her back to accept the inheritance."

"Follow, Miss."

Wen Ying arched his fist and led his life back.

After Weng Ying left, Wen Ya’s body was only soft and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, her face was pale, and the sweat on her forehead slowly overflowed, filling the entire forehead.

"Now I haven't designed to hurt Gu Ruoyun, but I still feel the pain. Is it so powerful that the poison is so powerful? I can't even say anything about her? But why is this poison so powerful? I can control my one. Say a line!"

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