Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1388: Challenge (six)

"Are you running out of tricks?"

Gu Ruoyun squinted at Yunyan, who was full of face, and said faintly: "That's my turn now."

Yun Yan stunned, and while he was in the middle of his hair, Gu Ruoyun had already approached him with a broken sword. A faint blue flame filled the palm of her hand and gathered toward the sword. I don’t know why, I saw that The soft blue flame of the sword body, Yun Yan felt a sense of uneasiness.

This kind of uneasiness is something he has never had before!

"You said before, if I lost, let me warm the bed for you?" Gu Ruoyun’s gaze condensed on Yun Yan’s body, a faint smile. “If you can say this before, it must be accepted. Preparation for failure!"


After Gu Ruoyun’s words fell, the broken sword with a faint blue flame suddenly went to Yunyan. At this moment, Yunyan was shocked and stunned. He raised his sword in his hand and blocked it. He felt the power of his heart.


A crisp sound, I saw that the broken sword that seemed to be broken was very sharp, and suddenly cut the broken sword in the hands of Yun Yan into two pieces. Then, Yun Yan noticed that her neck was cold and a cold. The broken sword has already reached his throat, revealing the temperature that made him cry.

Yun Yan's face is gray, and he does not seem to know that Gu Ruoyun defeated him by what.

In the presence of the scene, it is estimated that only the elders of the heavens understand that Gu Ruoyun is able to use the power of the nine secluded fires to subdue the supreme Yun Yan through this broken sword! If it is not the fire of the nine secluded, even if she has a broken sword, she can not play such a powerful Ade power.

Thinking of this, the elders of the heavens sighed and said with helpless smile: "I really don't know what the **** has gone, and even the fire of the nine secluded is accepted by her. Now even her level is only extraordinary. In the later stage, you can fully compete with a supreme fire with the fire of nine secluded!"

This is the power of the nine secluded fire!

Unfortunately, the strength of Gu Ruoyun today is not strong enough to play the real power of the nine secluded fire!

"Gu Ruoyun, I unfortunately lost to you, I am willing to abide by the promise, so to kill you to follow you!" Yun Yan closed his eyes, a look of death.

After all, Gu Ruoyun said that if Yun Yan lost, he would give her life!

So, don't you want to kill him?

Gu Ruoyun put away the broken sword in his hand, and the cold scorpion swept away from Yun Yan’s body. He said faintly: “Yes, your life has indeed been owned by me. Therefore, from now on, you must obey me. command!"

Yun Yan stunned. He opened his eyes and looked at Gu Ruoyun unbelievably: "You don't kill me?"

"Why should I kill you?" Gu Ruoyun looked at Yunyan and asked.

This time it was Yun Yan’s turn, and some murmured replied: “Did you not let me give you life before? I thought you wanted to kill me...”

Is it difficult for him to understand the mistake?

Thinking of this, Yun Yan’s face suddenly appeared a mess.

He used to understand Gu Ruoyun’s words in order to kill him, so he would tell her to warm her bed.

But now he suddenly found out that he had misunderstood her...

At this moment, Gu Ruoyun also suddenly realized that, from the beginning, Yun Yan misunderstood the bet she said.

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