Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1394: Inheritance (3)

"Thousands of North Nights, since you made this decision, you don't regret it!"

Hell three dragons smile coldly, and the sinister scorpion reveals the strong coldness of the body that falls on the thousand north nights: "Now you can stay, as for this human being, I will send him away later!"

Upon hearing this, Gu's body trembled fiercely and hurriedly stood up from the ground. The cold face inside the mask was filled with anxious colors.

"If you stay, what about the little girl?"

I think of the beautiful and dusty face of the woman. The scorpion of the thousand-night night flashed a sigh. For a long time, he only received his heart. He said faintly: "I will hide it in the underworld, don't let her know. Otherwise, with her character, she will definitely be desperate to kill the land, but the land is fierce, but she is still in the growth stage, I can't let her take this risk..."

After a night in Qianbei, the scorpion warmed up and told Gu Yu around him: "You told her that I got an opportunity and it will take a few years to get back and let her wait for me."


Gu Yu clenched his fists tightly, and the cold scorpion was firm: "I don't want to owe you this kind of person, and I don't want you to leave the cloud, so let's go, this thing doesn't matter."

In this life, he has owed enough to his sister, and how he is willing to make his sister lose happiness because of himself.

It is so dangerous in the earthly world, once you enter, you will never be able to leave forever.

In this case, it is better to let yourself stay, at least the strength of the thousand North Night, can guarantee her life without worry.

The sight of Qianbei Night slowly fell on Gu Yu’s body, and then he came over to the other side.

A silver hair rises under the blood-red sky, and the red dress is like blood. It blends perfectly with the sky in the underworld.

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at the thousand north nights that forced me to go, the whole nerve of Gu Yu was tightened, and he looked alertly at the peerless man with silver hair.

"Go back and tell Yuner, I will go to see her in a few years, but I don't let her know about the things in the underworld. I don't want her to take this risk for me."


Gu Yu looked at the man in front of him. When he just said a word, he had a powerful force on him. He hadn’t reacted yet. He was shot by the man and he was like a detachment. The arrow of the string rushed out and turned into a light spot under the **** sky until it disappeared.

After seeing Gu Yu leave, Qian Beiyue turned slowly, and the blood-thirsty red dragonfly swept the three dragons behind him. A cold smile appeared on his peerless face.

"You want me to enter the underworld, don't you fear that I will cause a storm in the underworld?"

Hell three dragons smile coldly: "If you were a former person, you really have this ability, but now you are not at the peak of you, there are countless strong people in the underworld, I don't know if you can live successfully and leave. Here."

There is no more to say in the thousand north nights, but that a pair of bloodthirsty scorpions have been dyed with a hint of red light, which is not very obvious under the **** sky.

"However," Hell’s three heads stunned and taunted the man’s peerless face. “I didn’t expect to be as strong as you, but I would also pay such a deep affection to a woman, and I would not hesitate to save her brother’s life.” This life can be treated like this in this world. If I am the woman, I must feel it in my heart, but I really want to guess who the woman is. Can it be her?"

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