Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1397: Inheritance (six)

"Gu Ruoyun!"

In the disciple's disciple's disciple, Gu Ruoyun is practicing, but at this moment, a voice came in from the door. Just as she opened her eyes, the door was suddenly pushed open, even if she saw a clouded Yunyan panic. Come in.

Gu Ruoyun looked at the flustered Yun Yan and picked up his eyebrows. He said nothing.

However, this is an action that makes Yun Yan's body stagnate, and some tangled words shouted: "Boss..."

God knows, this is how reluctant to call him, but he has no other way, who let himself lose to this woman in the test, and made such a commitment?

The person who is in the hidden door has always kept his promise, even if he is more arrogant, and if he goes out, he can’t repent.

"Is there something?" Gu Ruoyun’s gaze swept through Yun Yan’s flustered face, and the voice faintly said.

"Oh, that's it," Yun Yan slowed down and said, "Boss, I am afraid that your inheritance is dangerous. I am here to inform you of this matter."

Wen Yan, Gu Ruoyun’s heart slammed a little, frowning and asked: “What happened to the hidden door? Is it difficult to continue to challenge me?”

"It's more difficult than letting you accept the challenge," Yun Yan cautiously glanced at Gu Ruoyun. "Boss, I just heard that the patriarch has issued an order to re-elect the heirs."

Gu Ruoyun’s heart instantly sinks into the bottom of the valley, and the frowning brows can’t be loosened. A beautiful face is full of indifference and a touch of faintness: “It seems that your hidden door is so like it.”

This sentence makes Yun Yan’s proud face appear awkward: "I don't know what happened. It is said that this time, who can tame the saints in the family, who will be the inheritor of this inheritance, although I I don't know the truth of the matter, but I understand that the hidden door has always spoken and counted. The patriarch has given this order, and it must be something happening inside the hidden door."

Gu Ruoyun smiled faintly: "Inheritance is held by your hidden door. If you want to re-select a few times, it is your business. Of course, I will not give up this inheritance!"

Yun Yan’s eyes looked at Gu Ruoyun and wanted to say something, but did not know how to open it. He could only quietly retreat.

If it was before, maybe he would be excited about the re-election of the hidden door, but now he has been defeated by Gu Ruoyun and surrendered to her from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, he is dissatisfied with this decision of the hidden door.

However, he is only a disciple. How can he decide the idea of ​​the patriarch? Therefore, there is more dissatisfaction in my heart that can only be suppressed.


Inside the patriarch, the elders looked at the old man who closed his eyes. Some people did not quite understand and asked: "The patriarch, we are not assessing Gu Yutou? Why did you suddenly decide to re-elect the heirs?"

The patriarch smiled and she opened her eyes and shook her head helplessly: "This is not my thought, but the decision of the Holy Beast."

"The Holy Beast?" After hearing these words, the elders of the heavens suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the old face of the patriarch. "The patriarch, what did you say? Is the holy beast finally talking to you?" ?"

The patriarch lightly closed his eyes, and after a long time, he slammed open and said faintly: "I don't understand what the Holy Beast is. Last night, it communicated with me through the soul, just told me something. Well, as for what it is going to do, I am not sure! And in the hidden door, the only one who can communicate with the Holy Beast is the saint. Now the saint is not here, I am not sure what the Holy Beast wants to express. ""

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