Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort

Chapter 1517: Su Lin’s change (1)

Three days later, in the back garden, when many geniuses came to the palace, they talked about it.

As the protagonist of their center of discussion, it is Gu Ruoyun and Su Lin.

"You guess, who will win today's matchup Gu Ruoyun and Su Lin?"

"Is that still used to say, it must be Su Lin, although Gu Ruoyun is in the late stage, and Su Lin is only in the middle, but you should not forget the identity of Su Lin! The county palace has the existence of the middle-level spirit, as long as Su Lin takes Out of this spirit, Gu Ruoyun is not her opponent at all."

"I see too."

Suddenly, the voices of the people were involuntarily caught, and everyone’s eyes were gathered on the Tsing Yi women who stepped forward.

This woman is in Tsing Yi, holding a soft and cute little beast in her arms. The cold face seems to be shrouded in a layer of light in the morning light, but calm and calm, as if she is a green bamboo in the world, cold and lonely. It is completely out of place with the noisy surroundings.

It seems that no matter how much noise in the world, it can't affect her light heart.

"Gu girl, it seems that Su Lin has not come yet."

Dong Fang saw Gu Ruoyun at a glance and walked quickly. He immediately looked around and said something strange. "No, under normal circumstances, that Su Lin came more than anyone else, and she saw her. I will be more humiliated, why is she still not here now? Is it difficult for her to escape?"

"Impossible, Su Lin's character can not escape, not to mention, she is so hostile to the girl, how can she not come to participate in this last test?"

It is the most calm Mu Ying, but he does not understand why Su Lin has not appeared yet.

Does she have any conspiracy?

"Gu girl, does Zuo Gongzi come?" Lu Yun’s sight was not on Su Lin. She saw that Zuo Shangchen, who had been behind Gu Ruoyun, did not come here this time. It was a bit strange, slightly frowning and asked.

In her view, the people of the Hades today will inevitably make trouble to the girl, why is the enchanting of Zu Shangchen not there?

Dong Fang did not know the real thoughts in Lu Yun's heart. He only saw that his beloved woman was asking other men's news, and couldn't help but feel sour. However, his fists beside his legs were involuntarily clenched.

Of course, Dong Fang does not hate Zo Shangchen, but secretly swears that in any case, he must make himself stronger.

Because Lu Yun, she likes a powerful man! If he has the ability to protect her, maybe she will look at him more...

"Zuo Shangchen, he came, but it didn't appear."

Gu Ruoyun shook his head.

The guy worried that the Hades would secretly help Su Lin, so he also hid himself and planned to observe the situation in the dark! Therefore, it did not appear in the eyes of others.

"I said, how can he be assured that the girl stayed here alone?"

Lu Yun laughed and said, "When he protects Gu girl in secret, then we can rest assured. Otherwise, with those people's personality, it is really possible to secretly make it worse. It is completely preventable!"

Dong Fang looked at Lu Yun with some strangeness. He always thought that Lu Yun still liked Zuo Shangchen. He could hear what she said now, but it seems that it is not the case...


Suddenly, Gu Ruoyun’s light converges and whispers.

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